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1. **选择适当的场所**:在山林或者认为山精出没的地方进行供奉,通常选择一个清净的地方。

2. **准备供品**:常见的供品包括新鲜的水果、花朵、香烛、糖果、米饭等。供品应当是新鲜的,并且要有诚意地准备。

3. **进行祈祷**:在供奉前,默念或者大声祈祷,表达诚心和敬意。可以根据个人的信仰和习惯进行祈祷。

4. **摆放供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在指定的地点,可以摆成一个小祭坛,或者摆在地上。确保供品摆放整齐,并且有秩序。

5. **燃香点烛**:点燃香烛,表示对山精的尊敬和礼赞。香烛的烟可以传达祈祷的信息。

6. **诚心祈愿**:在供奉过程中,诚心地向山精祈愿,表达自己的愿望和心愿。可以闭目默念,或者大声祈祷。

7. **结束供奉**:供奉结束后,可以留下供品,让自然界的生灵享用,也可以将供品带走。不要忘记清理供奉现场,保持环境整洁。



The consecrate means of Thailand hill essence because of the area different, but include the following measure normally:

1.** chooses proper spatial ** : The place that perhaps thinks in mountain forest hill essence appears and disappear undertakes consecrate, choose a kosher place normally.

2.** prepares offerings ** : Common offerings includes fresh fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, candied, rice to wait. Offerings ought to be fresh, and should have sincerity ground preparation.

3.** undertakes prayer ** : Before consecrate, silent reads aloud or pray aloud, express sincere desire and respect. Can undertake prayer according to the individual's belief and habit.

4.** puts offerings ** : Put ready offerings in designation place, can place into a small altar, perhaps place on the ground. Ensure offerings is put orderly, and have order.

5.** lights the sweet ** that burn candle: Ignite joss sticks and candles, express the respect of pair of hill essence and ceremony support. The smoke of joss sticks and candles can transmit prayer information.

6.** sincere desire is invocatory ** : In consecrate process, in earnest Xiang Shan essence is invocatory, express oneself desire and cherished desire. Can shut eye silent to read aloud, perhaps pray aloud.

7.** ends consecrate ** : After consecrate ends, can leave offerings, the people that lets nature is enjoyed, also can take away offerings. Do not forget clear consecrate spot, maintain an environment neat.

As a whole, consecrate hill essence is respect of a kind of expression and the means that be thankful, want to be treated in earnest, and respect custom habit of place.
