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1. 准备一个供桌或供台,最好选择一个高于眼睛的位置,以示尊重。
2. 在供桌上铺上洁净的桌布或布料。
3. 将佛像置于供桌中央,佛像应该面向房间的正中,不能被背对门。
4. 在佛像前摆放供品,如水果、鲜花、香烛等。供品应该是新鲜的,并且每天都要更换。
5. 点燃香烛,向佛像敬献三鞠躬,表示虔诚的敬意。
6. 可以诵经或默念心经、般若心经等经文,以表达心诚意真的敬意和祈福。



When consecrate figure of Buddha, want to choose a kosher place above all, undertake according to the following measure next:

1.Prepare an altar or offer a desk, had better choose the place of eye of a prep above, in order to show respect.
2.In the clean antependium on altar upper berth or cloth.
3.altar of park of figure of Buddha in the center of, figure of Buddha should face a room in the middle of, cannot be carried on the back face each other.
4.Offerings is put before figure of Buddha, wait like fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles. Offerings should be fresh, and want everyday change.
5.Ignite joss sticks and candles, to figure of Buddha Jing Xiansan bows, show devotional respect.
6.Can Song classics or silent read aloud heart classics, kind the lection such as the classics that be like a heart, in order to convey the devoir with heart true sincerity and pray blessing.

Consecrate figure of Buddha is a kind of religious ceremony, need intention and devoir are treated.
