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1. 准备供品:准备水果、糕点、花香等供品,以表示虔诚和敬意。
2. 洁净心灵:在供奉之前,要先洗手洗脸,以示清洁。
3. 摆放佛像:将佛像摆放在高处,可以使用小桌子或供桌。
4. 点香烛:点燃香烛,表示虔诚的心意。
5. 祈祷念诵:可以念诵佛经、诵经,或者默默地祈祷,表达对佛祖的敬意和祝福。
6. 献供:将准备好的供品摆放在佛像前,表示对佛祖的供养和敬意。
7. 虔诚礼拜:合十礼拜,表示虔诚恭敬之心。



The first month of the lunar year when 15 consecrate figure of Buddha, you can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Plan offerings: Preparative fruit, cake, flower is sweet wait for offerings, mix in order to express piously devoir.
2.Clean heart: Before consecrate, should wash his hands first wash a face, in order to show cleanness.
3.Put figure of Buddha: Put figure of Buddha pinnacled, can use small table or altar.
4.Dot joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, show devotional regard.
5.Pray recite: Can recite classics of sutra, Song, pray silently, convey the devoir to Budda and blessing.
6.Display for: Put ready offerings before figure of Buddha, those who express pair of Budda make offerings to and devoir.
7.Religious religious service: Chapel of put the palms together, represent the heart of devotional respect.

After overfulfil measure, you are OK in the first month of the lunar year 15 piously consecrate figure of Buddha.
