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  • Soccer, also known as football, is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. The objective is to score by moving the ball into the opposing team's goal. It is the world's most popular sport, with an estimated 4 billion fans.   足球,也称为足球,是一项由两支队伍各11名球员使用球形球进行的运动。目标是通过将球移动到对方队伍的球门中得分。它是全球最受欢迎的运动,估计有40亿粉丝。  


      - Soccer: 足球 - Football: 足球(在美国通常指美式足球) - Goal: 进球 - Penalty: 点球 - Offside: 越位 - Corner kick: 角球 - Free kick: 任意球 - Goalkeeper: 守门员 - Striker: 前锋 - Midfielder: 中场球员 - Defender: 后卫 - Pass: 传球 - Shoot: 射门 - Header: 头球 - Offside trap: 越位陷阱 - Hat-trick: 帽子戏法(一名球员在一场比赛中进三球)  


      The Passion of Soccer   Soccer is more than just a game; it's a global phenomenon that unites people across cultures and languages. The excitement of a match, the roar of the crowd, and the thrill of victory are shared experiences that transcend borders.   足球不仅仅是一项游戏;它是一个全球现象,将不同文化和语言的人们团结在一起。比赛的激情、观众的欢呼以及胜利的激动是超越国界的共同体验。   From the local park to the World Cup, soccer has the power to bring communities together. It teaches teamwork, resilience, and the value of fair play. The sport's simplicity – a ball and a field – belies its complexity and strategic depth.   从本地公园到世界杯,足球有能力将社区团结在一起。它教授团队合作、韧性和公平竞争的价值。这项运动的简单性——一个球和一个场地——掩盖了它的复杂性和战略深度。   The beauty of soccer lies in its accessibility and inclusivity. It's a sport that can be played and enjoyed by anyone, anywhere. It's a celebration of human connection and the universal language of play.   足球之美在于它的可接近性和包容性。它是一项任何人都可以在任何地方玩耍和享受的运动。它是人类联系的庆典和游戏的通用语言。  


      The Soccer Dream   In a small town, there was a young boy named Alex who dreamed of becoming a professional soccer player. Every day after school, he would practice his dribbling, shooting, and passing skills in the local park.   在一个小镇上,有一个名叫Alex的小男孩,他梦想成为一名职业足球运动员。每天放学后,他都会在当地公园练习他的运球、射门和传球技巧。   Despite the challenges and the long hours of practice, Alex never gave up. His dedication and passion for the game were evident to everyone who watched him play.   尽管面临挑战和长时间的训练,Alex从未放弃。他对比赛的奉献和热情对每一个观看他比赛的人都显而易见。   One day, a talent scout spotted Alex's exceptional skills and offered him a chance to join a prestigious soccer academy. With hard work and determination, Alex eventually made his dream come true and played for his country's national team.   有一天,一位球探注意到了Alex的非凡技能,并提供了一个加入著名足球学院的机会。凭借努力和决心,Alex最终实现了他的梦想,并为国家队效力。   Alex's story serves as an inspiration to all young players who dream of achieving greatness in soccer. It reminds us that with perseverance and love for the game, anything is possible.   Alex的故事激励着所有梦想在足球领域取得伟大成就的年轻球员。它提醒我们,只要有毅力和对比赛的热爱,一切皆有可能。