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  • 茄子在英语中通常被称为 "eggplant",这个词源于其形状和颜色与鸡蛋相似。在一些地区,尤其是英国,茄子也被称为 "aubergine",这个词源自法语。在印度英语中,茄子有时被称为 "brinjal",这个词来源于印度语。  


    - Eggplant: 茄子 - Aubergine: 茄子(英国英语) - Brinjal: 茄子(印度英语) - Purple eggplant: 紫茄子 - Green eggplant: 绿茄子 - Baby eggplant: 小茄子 - Grilled eggplant: 烤茄子 - Stuffed eggplant: 酿茄子 - Eggplant parmesan: 帕尔马干酪烤茄子 - Ratatouille: 普罗旺斯炖菜(一种包含茄子的法国菜肴) - Eggplant dip: 茄子酱  


      Eggplant: A Versatile Vegetable   Eggplants, also known as aubergines, are a versatile vegetable that can be found in cuisines around the world. They come in various colors, including purple, white, and even green, and are often used in both sweet and savory dishes.   茄子:一种多用途的蔬菜   茄子,也被称为茄子,是一种在世界各地的菜肴中都能找到的多用途蔬菜。它们有各种颜色,包括紫色、白色,甚至绿色,常用于甜菜和咸菜中。   These glossy, oval-shaped fruits are rich in nutrients and have a unique texture that absorbs flavors well, making them a favorite in many recipes. They can be grilled, baked, stuffed, or even pickled, and are often paired with ingredients like tomatoes, garlic, and olives.   这些光滑的椭圆形果实富含营养,并且具有独特的质地,能很好地吸收风味,使它们成为许多食谱中的首选。它们可以烤、烤、填馅,甚至腌制,并且常与番茄、大蒜和橄榄等食材搭配。   In Chinese cuisine, eggplant is a staple ingredient in dishes like "Yu Xiang Qie Zi" (Fish-Flavored Eggplant) and "Mapo Tofu" (a spicy tofu dish). In Italian cuisine, "Parmigiana di Melanzane" is a classic dish featuring layers of eggplant, tomato sauce, and cheese.   在中国菜中,茄子是“鱼香茄子”和“麻婆豆腐”等菜肴的基本食材。在意大利菜中,“帕尔马干酪烤茄子”是一道经典的菜肴,特点是茄子、番茄酱和奶酪的层层叠加。   Whether enjoyed as a side dish or as the main component of a meal, eggplants offer a delightful culinary experience that is both satisfying and healthful.   无论是作为配菜还是作为一餐的主要组成部分,茄子都提供了一种既令人满意又健康的美味体验。