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  • 感冒药在英语中被称为 "cold medicine" 或 "antivirus medicine"。当你感冒时,可能会服用喉糖(throat lozenge)来缓解喉咙不适,止咳润喉含片(cough lozenge)来帮助止咳。止咳药在英语中通常被称为 "cough medicine"。   在英语中,吃药的正确表达方式是 "take medicine" 而不是 "eat medicine"。例如,如果你感冒了,你可以说 "I need to take some cold medicine"(我需要服用一些感冒药)。   感冒药的英文表达还包括 "over-the-counter cold remedies"(非处方感冒药)、"flu medicine"(流感药)、"cold and flu medicine"(感冒和流感药)等。这些词汇可以帮助你更准确地描述感冒相关的药物。


    - Cold medicine: 感冒药 - Throat lozenge: 喉糖 - Cough lozenge: 止咳润喉含片 - Cough medicine: 止咳药 - Over-the-counter: 非处方 - Prescription: 处方药 - Take medicine: 服药 - Have a cold: 感冒 - Catch a cold: 着凉 - Flu: 流感 - Fever: 发烧 - Body aches: 身体疼痛 - Headache: 头痛 - Stuffy nose: 鼻塞 - Sore throat: 喉咙痛  


    Dealing with a Common Cold 应对普通感冒   When I woke up this morning, I felt a tickle in my throat and a slight fever. I knew I had caught a cold. I decided to take some cold medicine to alleviate the symptoms. I reached for the over-the-counter cold remedies in our medicine cabinet, which included a variety of options like cough medicine, fever reducers, and decongestants.   今天早上醒来时,我感觉喉咙有点痒,还有点发烧。我知道我感冒了。我决定服用一些感冒药来缓解症状。我伸手去拿药柜里的非处方感冒药,里面包括了止咳药、退烧药和解充血药等各种选择。   I took the recommended dosage of each medicine, making sure to follow the instructions on the labels. I also made sure to drink plenty of fluids and rest as much as possible. By the evening, I felt a bit better, although my nose was still running and I had a mild headache.   我按照标签上的说明,服用了每种药物的推荐剂量。我还确保喝足够的水,尽可能多休息。到了晚上,我感觉好多了,尽管我的鼻子还在流,还有点轻微的头痛。   I understand that it's important to let my body fight off the cold naturally, but sometimes a little help from cold medicine can make the process more bearable. I'll continue to monitor my symptoms and take medicine as needed until I'm fully recovered.   我知道让身体自然对抗感冒很重要,但有时候,感冒药的一点帮助可以让这个过程更易忍受。我会继续观察我的症状,并在需要时继续服药,直到我完全康复。