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  • Temples are sacred places of worship that can be found in various cultures around the world, each with its unique architectural style and religious significance. In Buddhism, temples are known as "vihara" or "stupa," while in Hinduism, they are referred to as "mandir." These structures often serve as centers for spiritual practice, meditation, and community gatherings. They are typically adorned with intricate carvings, murals, and sculptures that reflect the teachings and beliefs of the religion they represent.   寺庙是世界各地各种文化中的神圣礼拜场所,每种文化都有其独特的建筑风格和宗教意义。在佛教中,寺庙被称为“vihara”或“stupa”,而在印度教中则被称为“mandir”。这些建筑通常作为精神实践、冥想和社区聚会的中心。它们通常装饰着反映其所代表宗教教义和信仰的复杂雕刻、壁画和雕塑。  


    - Temple: 寺庙 - Shrine: 神龛 - Pagoda: 塔(特指亚洲的多层塔状建筑) - Monastery: 修道院 - Zen Garden: 禅园 - Incense: 香 - Meditation: 冥想 - Pilgrimage: 朝圣 - Ritual: 仪式 - Altar: 祭坛 - Lotus: 莲花(佛教象征) - Mandala: 曼陀罗(佛教和印度教中的宇宙图)  


    The Serenity of Temples 寺庙的宁静   Temples, as places of spiritual refuge, offer a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of modern life. They are not just architectural marvels but also repositories of cultural heritage and religious wisdom. Walking through the hallowed halls of a temple, one can feel a sense of peace and tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere.   寺庙作为精神避难所,为人们提供了一个逃离现代生活喧嚣的庇护所。它们不仅是建筑奇迹,也是文化遗产和宗教智慧的宝库。漫步在寺庙神圣的殿堂中,人们可以感受到在其他地方难以找到的宁静与平和。   The design of temples often reflects the harmony between humans and nature, with elements such as water features, gardens, and open spaces that invite reflection and contemplation. The serene atmosphere is further enhanced by the soft sounds of chanting and the gentle scent of incense that permeates the air.   寺庙的设计往往体现了人与自然的和谐,水景、花园和开放空间等元素邀请人们进行反思和沉思。宁静的氛围被诵经的柔和声音和空气中弥漫的香火气息进一步增强。   Visiting a temple can be a transformative experience, providing an opportunity to connect with one's inner self and the divine. It is a place where people from all walks of life can come together in a shared pursuit of spiritual growth and enlightenment.   参观寺庙可以是一种变革性的体验,提供了一个与内在自我和神圣连接的机会。这是一个来自各行各业的人们可以共同追求精神成长和启迪的地方。   In conclusion, temples serve as beacons of hope and tranquility in a world that is often chaotic and stressful. They remind us of the importance of inner peace and the pursuit of a higher purpose.   总之,寺庙在常常混乱和压力重重的世界中,充当着希望和宁静的灯塔。它们提醒我们内心平和和追求更高目标的重要性。