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  • Dolls have been a part of human culture for thousands of years, serving as toys, art objects, and symbols of beauty and innocence. They come in various forms, from simple wooden figures to intricately designed porcelain dolls, and are often used for play, decoration, and even as collectibles.   洋娃娃作为人类文化的一部分已有数千年的历史,它们既是玩具、艺术品,也是美丽和纯真的象征。洋娃娃有多种形式,从简单的木制人偶到精心设计的瓷娃娃,通常用于玩耍、装饰,甚至作为收藏品。  


      - Doll: 洋娃娃 - Toy: 玩具 - Porcelain doll: 瓷娃娃 - Dollhouse: 娃娃屋 - Doll clothes: 娃娃衣服 - Play with dolls: 玩洋娃娃 - Collectible doll: 收藏洋娃娃 - Doll carriage: 娃娃车 - Dollhouse furniture: 娃娃屋家具 - Doll accessory: 洋娃娃配件  


      The Magic of Dolls   Dolls have a special place in the hearts of many children. They are more than just inanimate objects; they are companions that can spark imagination and creativity. A child's room, filled with dolls, becomes a world of endless possibilities.   洋娃娃在许多孩子心中占有特殊的位置。它们不仅仅是无生命的物体;它们是能激发想象力和创造力的伙伴。一个孩子的房间,充满了洋娃娃,变成了一个充满无尽可能性的世界。   Through play, children can explore different roles and scenarios, from being a doctor to a princess, or even a superhero. Dolls can teach empathy, as children learn to care for their dolls, just as they would care for a real friend or family member.   通过玩耍,孩子们可以探索不同的角色和场景,从医生到公主,甚至是超级英雄。洋娃娃可以教授同情心,因为孩子们学会照顾他们的洋娃娃,就像照顾一个真正的朋友或家庭成员一样。   In many cultures, dolls are also seen as symbols of good luck and protection. They are often given as gifts during special occasions, bringing joy and a sense of security to the recipient.   在许多文化中,洋娃娃也被视为好运和保护的象征。它们通常在特殊场合作为礼物赠送,给接收者带来快乐和安全感。  


      The Doll's Journey   Once upon a time, in a small toy shop, there was a beautiful porcelain doll named Isabella. She had been waiting for a child to take her home for a long time. One day, a little girl named Lucy came into the shop and fell in love with Isabella at first sight.   从前,在一个小巧的玩具店里,有一个美丽的瓷娃娃名叫伊莎贝拉。她已经等待了很久,希望有个孩子能把她带回家。有一天,一个名叫露西的小女孩走进了店里,一眼就爱上了伊莎贝拉。   Lucy's parents saw her joy and decided to buy Isabella for her. From that day on, Isabella became Lucy's best friend, accompanying her on countless adventures and bedtime stories. They were inseparable, and Isabella brought happiness to Lucy's life.   露西的父母看到她的喜悦,决定为她买下伊莎贝拉。从那天起,伊莎贝拉成为了露西最好的朋友,陪伴她经历了无数的冒险和睡前故事。她们形影不离,伊莎贝拉给露西的生活带来了快乐。   As Lucy grew older, she still cherished Isabella, but she began to spend more time with her friends. One day, she decided to pass on Isabella to a younger sister, ensuring that the doll's journey of love and companionship would continue.   随着露西长大,她仍然珍惜伊莎贝拉,但她开始花更多时间与朋友们在一起。有一天,她决定把伊莎贝拉传给一个更小的妹妹,确保这个洋娃娃的爱和陪伴之旅能够继续。