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  • 关于散步的英语词汇及短语:

    1. Take a walk - 散步 2. Go for a stroll - 去散步 3. Go for a walk - 去散步 4. Stroll - 悠闲地散步 5. Promenade - 在海滨或公园等地方散步 6. Walk off - 散步以消除(如头痛) 7. Walkies - 遛狗 8. Ramble - 在乡村或户外长时间散步 9. Constitutional - 为了健康而进行的散步 10. Hike - 徒步旅行,通常指在户外有较长距离的步行  


    In the tranquility of the evening, I often find solace in taking a leisurely walk through the neighborhood park. The sun, with its golden hues, casts a warm glow on the landscape, and the gentle rustling of leaves whispers a soothing melody. As I stroll, I am reminded of the simple pleasures in life, like the fragrance of blooming flowers and the sight of children playing with abandon. Walking serves not only as a form of exercise but also as a time for reflection and connection with nature. It's during these walks that I feel most at peace, embracing the quiet moments that life has to offer.   在宁静的傍晚,我常常在社区公园里悠闲地散步,找到心灵的慰藉。夕阳的金色光辉洒在风景上,轻轻摇曳的树叶低语着舒缓的旋律。当我漫步时,我想起了生活中的简单乐趣,比如盛开的花朵的香气和孩子们无忧无虑玩耍的景象。散步不仅是锻炼的一种方式,也是反思和与自然连接的时刻。正是在这些散步中,我感到最为平静,拥抱着生活所提供的宁静时刻。  


    Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of the countryside, there lived an elderly man named Mr. Thompson. Every morning, he would take a walk along the winding path that led to the village's edge. His routine was simple: a cup of tea, a moment of quiet reflection, and then the walk. He would greet the villagers, admire the dew on the grass, and listen to the birds' songs. One day, a young boy from the village joined him on his walk, curious about the old man's daily ritual. As they walked, Mr. Thompson shared stories of his youth, the wisdom he had gained, and the beauty he found in the simple act of walking. The boy learned that sometimes, the most profound lessons come from the quietest moments, and from the simple act of taking a walk.   从前,在一个坐落在乡村中心的小村庄里,住着一位名叫汤普森先生的老人。每天早晨,他都会沿着蜿蜒的小路走到村庄的边缘。他的日常很简单:一杯茶,片刻的沉思,然后就是散步。他会向村民们打招呼,欣赏草地上的露水,聆听鸟儿的歌声。有一天,一个村里的小男孩加入了他的散步,对这个老人的日常仪式感到好奇。当他们一起走时,汤普森先生分享了他年轻时的故事,他所获得的智慧,以及他在散步这个简单行为中发现的美。小男孩学到了,有时候,最深刻的教训来自于最安静的时刻,以及散步这个简单行为。