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关于码头的英语词汇 码头用英语怎么说


关于码头的英语词汇 码头用英语怎么说



  • Dock - 码头

  • Pier - 码头,尤其是突出水面的长码头

  • Wharf - 码头,通常指与陆地平行的供船只装卸货物的长码头

  • Harbor - 港口,指较大的水域,内有码头和其他船舶设施

  • Port - 港口,与Harbor类似,但更多指商业和行政上的港口

  • Berth - 泊位,指船只停靠的具体位置

  • Quay - 码头,与Wharf类似,通常指城市或小镇的码头

  • Marina - 游艇码头,专供小型船只和游艇停靠


  • The ship is docked at the pier.(船停靠在码头。)

  • The cargo is being unloaded at the wharf.(货物正在码头卸载中。)

  • The port is bustling with activity.(港口活动繁忙。)

  • The cruise liner is berthed at the marina.(邮轮停靠在游艇码头。)

  • Passengers are disembarking at the quay.(乘客正在码头下船。)


A harbor is a sheltered body of water where boats and ships can be docked. It is a place where cargo can be loaded and unloaded, and where passengers can embark and disembark. Harbors often have piers and wharves, which are structures built along the shoreline to facilitate the movement of people and goods between the land and the boats. In addition to commercial activities, harbors can also be recreational areas, with marinas for pleasure boats and yachts.



A: “Excuse me, where can I find the passenger pier?” 

B: “It's just down the road. You can't miss it.” 

A: “How long does it take to walk there?” 

B: “About 10 minutes, depending on your pace.” 

A: “Is there a marina nearby for small boats?” 

B: “Yes, there's a marina right next to the pier. You can rent boats there, too.” 

A: “That's great, thank you for the information.” 

B: “You're welcome. Enjoy your time here!”

A: “打扰一下,我在哪里可以找到客运码头?” 

B: “就在这条路下面。你不会错过的。” 

A: “走到那里需要多长时间?” 

B: “大约10分钟,取决于你的步伐。” 

A: “附近有小船的游艇码头吗?” 

B: “是的,码头旁边就有一个游艇码头。你可以在那里租船。” 

A: “太好了,谢谢你的信息。” 

B: “不客气。在这里玩得开心!”
