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  • Loratadine - 氯雷他定

  • Antihistamine - 抗组胺药

  • Allergy - 过敏

  • Allergic rhinitis - 过敏性鼻炎

  • Non-sedating - 非镇静性

  • Itching - 瘙痒

  • Sneezing - 打喷嚏

  • Histamine H1 receptor - 组胺H1受体

  • Side effect - 副作用

  • Blood-brain barrier - 血脑屏障


Loratadine is a popular second-generation antihistamine used to relieve the symptoms of allergies. It is often prescribed for allergic rhinitis and hay fever, as it effectively reduces itching, sneezing, and runny nose without causing drowsiness. Loratadine works by blocking the action of histamine, a chemical released by the body during an allergic reaction. It is available over the counter in many countries and is considered a safe and effective treatment for allergies.


Clinical trials have shown that loratadine is well-tolerated by most patients and has a low incidence of side effects. It is considered suitable for long-term use and is often the antihistamine of choice for people who need relief from daily allergy symptoms. Loratadine is available in tablet form, as well as in syrup for those who have difficulty swallowing pills. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare provider if symptoms persist or worsen.



Loratadine, an antihistamine medication, is widely used to alleviate the symptoms of allergies such as sneezing, runny nose, itching, and watery eyes. While it offers quick relief from these discomforts, the question of its long-term use is a subject of debate.

In the short term, loratadine is effective and generally safe for most individuals. However, long-term use can lead to side effects such as drowsiness, dry eyes, and weight gain. Additionally, there is a potential risk of developing a tolerance to the medication, which may diminish its effectiveness over time.

It is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before considering the long-term use of loratadine or any medication. They can assess an individual's health status, the severity of the allergies, and the potential benefits and risks associated with continuous use.

Alternative therapies, such as immunotherapy or other antihistamines with different mechanisms of action, may be suggested for those seeking long-term relief from allergy symptoms. These alternatives may have different side effect profiles and may be more suitable for extended use.

In conclusion, while loratadine provides effective short-term relief from allergy symptoms, its long-term use should be carefully considered and discussed with a medical professional. Each individual's situation is unique, and the decision to use loratadine long-term should be made with full knowledge of the potential benefits and risks.






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