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Acting - 演技

Performance - 表演

Actor/Actress - 演员/女演员

Skill - 技巧

Talent - 天赋

Emotion - 情感

Character - 角色

Script - 剧本

Expression - 表达

Body language - 身体语言

Improvisation - 即兴表演

Rehearsal - 排练

Method acting - 方法演技

Scene - 场景

Stage presence - 舞台魅力


"His acting in the latest movie was truly outstanding, he completely immersed himself in the character." 


"Acting isn't just about saying lines, it's about conveying emotions and connecting with the audience." 


"She has a natural talent for acting and can easily adapt to different roles." 


"The director praised his ability to improvise during rehearsals, it added a new dimension to the performance." 


"Understanding the psychology of the character is essential for delivering a convincing performance." 



Acting is one of the core abilities of an actor. It's not just about delivering lines or performing actions, but also about presenting the character to the audience through emotional expression and body language. A great actor needs to continuously learn and improve their acting skills, which requires long-term training and practice. Additionally, understanding the script and the inner world of the character is crucial for enhancing acting skills. Only by delving deep into the emotions and motivations of the character can actors evoke profound feelings in the audience. Therefore, acting is a comprehensive art that requires actors to constantly explore and progress through continuous practice.



A: "Have you seen the new play at the theater?"

B: "Yes, I went last night. The acting was incredible, especially the lead actor."

A: "I heard they spent months rehearsing for this production."

B: "It definitely paid off. The performances were so convincing, I was completely drawn into the story."


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I am honored to stand before you to discuss a topic that is not only an art form but also a profound reflection of the human experience - the art of acting.



Acting is more than just reciting lines or assuming a character's persona. It is a transformative process where actors delve deep into the psyche of their characters, embodying their thoughts, emotions, and motivations.


At its core, acting is about empathy - the ability to understand and connect with the experiences of others, even if they are vastly different from our own. It requires us to step into someone else's shoes and see the world through their eyes, feeling their joys, sorrows, hopes, and fears.


Through the craft of acting, we can explore the depths of human emotion and experience the full spectrum of what it means to be human. We can shine a light on the darkest corners of society, challenge prevailing norms, and inspire change.


But acting is not just about individual performance; it is a collaborative art form that thrives on the synergy between actors, directors, writers, and crew members. It is about creating a shared vision and bringing stories to life that resonate with audiences on a profound level.


In conclusion, acting is a celebration of humanity - its complexities, contradictions, and triumphs. It is a powerful tool for storytelling, empathy, and social change. As we continue to explore the art of acting, may we strive to harness its transformative power to create a more compassionate and understanding world.


Thank you.

