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Food - 食物

Cuisine - 美食

Dish - 菜肴

Restaurant - 餐厅

Menu - 菜单

Taste - 口味

Preference - 偏好

Diet - 饮食

Culinary - 烹饪的

Recommendation - 推荐

Flavor - 味道

Appetite - 食欲

Culinary experience - 美食体验

Dining out - 外出就餐

Foodie - 美食家


"What are you in the mood for tonight? Chinese or Italian?" 


"I'm craving some spicy food. How about we try that new Szechuan restaurant downtown?" 


"Do you have any dietary restrictions? I want to make sure everyone can enjoy the meal." 


"I heard that the seafood buffet at the beach resort is amazing. Shall we check it out tomorrow?" 


"Let's order a variety of dishes so we can all taste a bit of everything." 



Discussing what to eat is one of the common topics in our daily lives. Whether among family, friends, or colleagues, people often engage in discussions about what to eat. Sometimes, choosing a restaurant or a menu can take quite some time because everyone has their own tastes and preferences. Some people like to try new cuisines, while others prefer to go to familiar restaurants for their favorite dishes. During discussions about what to eat, we are not just deciding on a meal for today, but also sharing and exchanging our culinary cultures and habits. Through such discussions, we not only satisfy our taste buds but also deepen our understanding and communication with each other, making dining more enjoyable.



❶ 晚饭吃什么?What's for supper?

同类表达 What do you want for supper? 你晚饭想吃什么?

❷ 晚饭什么时候准备好?When will supper be ready?

同类表达 When can we have supper? 咱们什么时候能吃晚饭啊?

When do we eat? 什么时候吃饭啊?

❸ 我们在家吃还是出去吃?Shall we eat at home or dine out?

对话 A: Shall we eat at home or dine out? 我们在家吃还是出去吃?

B: Let's dine out today. 今天出去吃吧。

❹ 我很饿。I am very hungry.

同类表达 I can eat a cow.

I'm ravenous.

❺ 我想随便吃点儿。I want to grab something to eat.

对话 A: It's so late. Let's grab something to eat outside. 太晚了,咱们出去随便吃点儿吧。

B: It's too early to eat outside. It's just six o'clock. 去外面吃饭太早了,现在才六点。

❻ 我给你烤了香肠。I grilled sausages for you.

对话 A: I grilled sausages for you. Come to have a taste. 我给你烤了香肠,来尝尝。

B: I'm coming! 这就来了!

❼ 我不想吃牛排。I don't feel like eating steak.

同类表达 I don't care for eating salad now. 我现在不想吃沙拉。

My stomach hates me. So I don't feel like eating steak now. 我胃不舒服,所以不想吃牛排。

❽ 我想我们没有食物了。I think we are out of food.

对话 A: What do we eat tonight? 我们晚上吃什么?

B: I think we are out of food. 我想我们没有食物了。

A: Let's buy some. 咱们去买些吧。

❾ 又吃面条啊。Noodles again.

对话 A: Noodles again. 又吃面条啊。

B: You can do yourself or eat them. 你可以自己做,要么就吃这个。

❿ 我完全不知道吃什么。I don't have any idea about what to eat.

对话 A: What shall we eat? 我们吃什么?

B: I don't have any idea about what to eat. 我完全不知道吃什么。

上一篇:初中英语看图作文:Never Do It Again! 以后再也不这样做了!