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1. **抽象艺术**:抽象画作能够为客厅增添现代感和艺术气息,同时也具有一定的观赏性和装饰性。

2. **风景画**:选择一幅美丽的自然风景画,如山水、海景或田园风光,能够给客厅带来一种宁静和放松的氛围。

3. **家庭照片墙**:挂上家庭成员或者重要时刻的照片墙,既可以增加家庭氛围,也具有情感共鸣。

4. **植物主题**:选择一幅关于植物的画作,如花朵、树木等,能够为客厅增添生机和活力。

5. **动物题材**:如果你喜爱动物,可以选择一幅有关动物的画作,如鸟类、猫、狗等,增添一份可爱和温馨。



The sitting room is the main activity area in the home, hang can the absorbing eyeball, picture that adds atmosphere is made is a right choice. It is a few kinds of pictures that fit a sitting room make below:

1.** of ** abstract art: Abstract painting is made can add contemporary feeling and artistic flavor for the sitting room, it is certain to also be had at the same time view and admire gender and adornment sex.

2.** landscape ** : Choose a beautiful natural landscape, be like landscape, seascape or rurality, can bring a kind to the sitting room halcyon with relaxation atmosphere.

3.** of wall of ** family photograph: It is important perhaps to hang domestic member the photograph wall of hour, can add domestic atmosphere already, also possess affection resonance.

4.** plant owner inscribes ** : The choice is drawn about floral, wait like flower, tree, can add opportunity of survival and vigor for the sitting room.

5.** of ** animal subject matter: If you love an animal, the picture that can choose a concerned animal is made, wait like avian, cat, dog, add lovely with warmth.

No matter choose which kinds of picture to make, important is to should consider to draw the harmonious sex that decorates a style with sitting room whole, and whether do the measure that paints and colour suit with photograph of sitting room space.
