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1. **常绿植物**:像吊兰、虎皮兰、君子兰等常绿植物适合客厅环境,它们对光线和空气湿度要求不高,比较容易养护。

2. **多肉植物**:多肉植物如仙人掌、多肉花卉等也是不错的选择,它们耐旱耐热,适合放在阳光充足的客厅角落。

3. **龟背竹**:龟背竹是一种观赏性强的植物,叶片形态独特,可以点缀客厅,而且对光线要求不是很高。

4. **吊篮植物**:像吊篮蕨类植物、吊篮绿萝等悬挂式植物也很适合客厅,可以利用空间,营造出舒适的氛围。

5. **绿萝**:绿萝是比较常见的室内植物,它们能够吸收甲醛等有害物质,是很好的空气净化植物之一,适合放在客厅中。

6. **芦荟**:芦荟除了具有观赏价值外,还有很多保健功效,可以放在客厅的明亮位置,每天都能受到一定的阳光照射。



A few plants that fit indoor environment are put to be able to add opportunity of survival and aesthetic feeling in the sitting room, also can purify air at the same time. It is below a few put in the sitting room most the plant of flourishing home:

1.** evergreen ** : Fit sitting room environment like the evergreen such as bracketplant, Hu Pilan, gentleman orchid, they are not tall to the light and air humidity requirement, compare easy conserve.

2.** of ** meaty plant: Meaty plant is like cactus, meaty flowers to wait also is right choice, they are able to bear or endure drought heat-resisting, suit to be put in sunny sitting room corner.

3.** of bamboo of ** curvature of the spinal column: Bamboo of curvature of the spinal column is one kind views and admire the plant with strong sex, blade configuration is distinctive, can adorn a sitting room, and to the light the demand is not very high.

4.** of ** nacelle plant: The overhead suspension plant such as green like nacelle fern, nacelle trailing plants also suits a sitting room very much, can use a space, build a comfortable atmosphere.

5.** of ** green trailing plants: Green trailing plants is commonner houseplant, they can assimilate the harmful substance such as formaldehyde, it is very good air purifies one of plants, suit to be put in the sitting room.

6.** of ** Lu Hui: Aloe besides have outside viewing and admire value, still have effect of a lot of health care, can put in the bright position of the sitting room, can be shot everyday by certain in relief illumination.

The light that the sitting room should consider when selecting a plant, ventilated circumstance and oneself conserve ability, choose suitable plant to undertake putting.
