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1. **淡色系:** 浅灰色、淡蓝色、淡绿色等都被认为有助于提升宁静感和放松感,有利于良好的睡眠质量。

2. **温暖色调:** 柔和的粉色、米色、淡黄色等温暖色调可以营造温馨、舒适的氛围,有助于促进亲密关系和情感交流。

3. **自然色彩:** 大自然中的色彩,如浅棕色、淡绿色、淡黄色等,能够带来平静和安宁的感觉,有利于心灵的放松。

4. **白色:** 纯白色被认为是最具纯净和清洁感的颜色,可以为卧室带来清新的氛围,有助于提升空间的明亮度和通透感。



Geomantic in learning, the color choice of the bedroom depends on normally the front of the individual's preference and room and layout. However, generally speaking, the following color is thought to have favorable geomantic effect in the bedroom:

1.** is palely: ** is grayish, baby blue, virescent wait to be thought to conduce to promotion halcyon feeling and loosen feeling, be helpful for good Morpheus quality.

2.** warmth is tonal: Attune of the pink with downy ** , cream-colored, flaxen isothermal warm color can build sweet, comfortable atmosphere, conduce to stimulative affinity and affection communication.

3.** natural colour: The colour in ** nature, be like shallow brown, virescent, flaxen etc, can bring calm and quiet sense, be helpful for interior relaxation.

4.** white: ** pure white is considered as provide most pure the color that feels with cleanness, can bring pure and fresh atmosphere for the bedroom, the bright brightness that conduces to promotion space and feel fully.

When the color that chooses a bedroom, the most important is the be fond of that considers an individual and feeling, because intimacy and cheerful feeling are right,Morpheus quality and life character are having main effect.
