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1. “美”在不同人群中的意义:美对每个人的定义可能都不同,对于一些人而言,美是一种审美感受,是艺术品,是情感表达;对于另一些人而言,美是一种品德,是美德,是行为举止,是内心热情。

2. “美”在不同文化中的体现:不同文化中的美有所不同,比如中国人喜欢红色,认为红色代表喜庆和幸福,而在西方,它代表危险和紧急性。因此,我们需要尊重和理解每个文化的美。

3. “美”对于我们的影响:美可以给我们带来正能量,让我们更加积极向上;美可以激发我们的灵感,创造出更多的艺术品和科技创新;美也可以让我们更好地与他人相处,拓展我们的社交圈子。

4. 怎样才能欣赏“美”:欣赏美是一种需要培养的能力,可以通过阅读、观看影视作品和参观博物馆等方式来提高。同时,我们还需要尽可能学习不同文化和艺术领域的知识,以扩大我们的视野和提升感性认知。此外,积极而开放的态度也是欣赏美的重要条件。

高中英语作文:最美的日出 The Most Beautiful Sunrise

Last week, my friends made a big plan. They decided to camp outside, so as to see the sunrise. I felt so excited and asked for my parents' permission. Luckily, they agreed. We picked up some stuffs and set fire at night, then we played some games and talked a lot of gossips. One of my friends could play guitar. So we were singing together when he was playing. We couldn't wait to see sunrise for the first time. When it was about five o'clock, I heard the voice. My friends woke up. It was a little cold. We sat together and waited for the sun to come up. Then after a while, we saw the red color light up the sky gradually. The sun was raising. It was such an amazing scenery. The beauty of nature impressed me at that moment. 


高中英语作文:最美的语言 The Most Beautiful Language

For Chinese people, the most beautiful language of course is Chinese. As the world gets globalized, more and more foreigners learn Chinese. But it is known to all that French is believed to be the most beautiful language in the world. On the one hand, French is very precise, the meaning of every word has only one meaning. Unlike English, most words have several meaning, which sometimes may be misread by people. So for the papers used in the offical occasions, they are usually written in French. Such as the papers used in the United Nations, every word has the very precise meaning. On the other hand, french people are very romantic, the French kiss is famous around the world. It is said that the couples are always seen to kissing in the public occasions in France and it is accepted. All of these make French the most beautiful language. 


高中英语作文:最美学生The Most Beautiful Students

In 2014, when June comes, it means the college entrance exam comes, too. It is the most important moment for the high school students, they have worked for three years, they are ready to go to further study. This year, on that day, some accidents happened, some gangsters cut people, two brave high school students stood out, both of them fought for the gangster, and stopped the tragedy happening. The brave students got hurt, they missed the important exam. They are the real heroes, they never thought a second to stopping the gangster, other students chose to be quiet. In my eyes, they are the most beautiful students, their spirit inspires the young generation, they are the new Lei Feng. The public is touched by their behavior, some colleges are willing to offer them the chance to go to college. I am so happy for them, because they deserve the chances.


高中英语作文|Beautiful Park 美丽的公园

In xiamen there is a park. It's a big and beautiful park.


It has two gates. They are the north gate and the west gate.


Many people park their bikes in front of the gates. There is a shop at the north gate.


When you go into the park through the north gate, you will find a large square on your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around you.


In the west of the park, there is a playground.Sometimes some children fly kites on itand some people sit on the grass and chat.


In the middle of the park, there is a lake. there are many boats on it.


There is a hill in the east of the park. The park is very beautiful.


I love it very much. Will you come to visit it some day?



what is beautiful


what is beautiful, people like to wear beautiful clothes,if we print some colorful pads of some words on them.the clothes will become more attractive.But the meaning of the words on them must be lovely too. I am sorry to say that some people pay no attention on this.Now please look at the picture.the girl in the new jacket looks pretty indeed.but the English words on the jacket are quite different.Do you think a snake is beautiful?Do people take a pride been a personal. of course not. and on other two jackets are writing kiss me and foolish.Do you think the girl is foolish.If the girl know the meaning of words on it.she probably will not buy suchjacket. So I think everyone should know what is beautiful and what is not.


高中英语作文|真善美 The True,The Good And The Beautiful

The true, the good and the beautiful are the Chinese traditional virtue.


When I was a little child, my mother told me that the girl who has the virtue of the true, the good and the beautiful is the most beautiful girl.


She told me that the truth means I have to be sincere and do not tell lies.


The good means that I need to have a kind-heart to everything.


The beautiful means that I should have a good mind.


She requires me to be that kind of people.


And I also go for that goal all the time.


高中英语作文·在你心中,什么是美? What is beauty in your mind?


以“ What is beauty in your mind? ”为主题,发表自己的观点,题目自拟。要求:

1. 行文流畅,观点鲜明,论证充分;

2. 内容丰富,层次分明,逻辑性强;

3. 词数 150 左右。

范文一:Beauty will buy no beef

Everyone admires beauty. Everyone has his own standard about beauty.

Nowadays some people tend to think that they own beauty if they have a good looking. They are not satisfied with their appearance. They spend much money taking a kind of operation. Can beauty really be man-made? If so, everybody can get beauty. As a result, there is no beauty at all.

The appearance is given by our parents and is unique in the world. Everyone should value it. I'd rather prefer nature as the standard of beauty. Just accept yourself, accept everything the god gives to you, and create the beautiful life belong to you.

Many heroes don't have beautiful surface. However, their beautiful images often come to our minds. Their beauty comes from their contributions to the society.

Don't be eager to judge whether a person is beautiful or not without a thorough understanding of him. A beautiful person is not the one with a good looking, but with a broad and kind heart.

Good looking is pleasant while spiritual beauty is more important. As an old saying goes, “ Virtue is fairer than beauty. ” If you have a kind heart, you own real beauty.

美好青春 Being Young Is Good

Last night, I went to my friend's birthday party, I made some friends. We talked happily, one of my new friends showed us the pictures of the places he had been visited. We were so envious, all of us had the dream to go travel to many places, but none of us took the action. He told us that we were so young and had the energy to see the world. He told us to carry out the plan once we had the idea. What he told us is right, we are young and it is good to be young. In the old people's eyes, we are so free and can go where we want. But most of the young people haven't realized the right they have, they waste their youth and dare not to do what they want.



My school is located north the yang villages and small towns broad plum road, is the outward appearance not how improvement our school - yangcun center elementary school.

our campus, has the big teaching building, has the differ in thousands of ways flowers and plants trees, but also has the naive lively elementary student... ... is a beautiful place.

spring, the trees extract the new branch, is long the light green leaf. in the drill ground grass also secretly found out the head, east on the drill ground kapok tree has opened has filled the fiery red flower, likes fire which one burnt all round. the litchi chinensis, longan man shudu is a flower, brought in many honeybees, the honeybee has sent out humming sound the sound, was embellishing dramatically with the multi-colored flowers the campus.

summer, the trees are long the onion onion cage cage, the very dense branches and leaves seal solid the drill ground. the drill ground middle two old chinese scholartrees like the green fabric big umbrella which two opens. east the drill ground sun plant has opened, looked like split open the smiling face to us. the litchi chinensis, longan ye congzhong is hiding the fruit, caused the schoolmates watch daily.

autumn, the old chinese scholartree's leaf changed yellow, the banyan fig, the yellow gold leaf, the jasmine orange little did not fear the autumn wind the arrival, was that green, in the drill ground grass also exchanged the new upper and lower garments, the schoolmates has all liked the lawn playing.

winter, the northwest wind whistling has blown the treetop. but in campus trees are still full of vitality. north the drill ground long forced the cuckoo to leave the beautiful flower, had purple, powdery white, looked by far looks like the colored umbrella.

our campus throughout the year the scenery is attractive, is a beautiful garden type campus, also is the good place which we grows.
