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Dear Jim,

I'm glad to hear that you're planning a club event with the theme of "Green Beijing". I'd love to help with some suggestions.

For the event form, I recommend organizing a walking tour around the city's lush parks and green spaces. Participants can be divided into teams and compete to see who can identify the most types of plants and trees. This will not only be fun but also educational, as it will raise awareness of the importance of preserving Beijing's natural resources.

As for the event content, you could invite experts in environmental science and urban planning to give talks on sustainable development in the city. You could also organize group discussions on ways to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment. In addition to these activities, you could hold a charity auction of artwork created by local artists, with the proceeds going towards environmental causes.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Let me know if you need any further assistance. I'm looking forward to hearing about the success of your event!

Best regards,

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I was glad to receive your email about the club activity you are planning with the theme of "Green Beijing". I think it's a great idea to raise awareness of environmental protection. Here are my suggestions on the format and content of the activity:

1. Format: I would suggest organizing an outdoor activity that showcases the natural beauty of Beijing, such as a hiking trip to the mountains or a visit to the city's parks and gardens. Alternatively, you could consider organizing a community service activity, such as a clean-up event in a park or a riverbank. This would provide an opportunity for participants to learn about the local environment and to contribute to the community.

2. Content: To make the activity more educational and engaging, you could include some lectures or presentations on environmental issues facing Beijing and the measures that individuals and communities can take to promote sustainability. You could also organize some interactive games or workshops on topics like recycling, composting, and energy conservation.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can do to support your activity.

Best regards,

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I'm glad to hear that you're planning a club activity with the theme of "Green Beijing". I think it's a great idea to raise awareness of environmental protection. Here are my suggestions on the format and content of the activity:

1. Format: I suggest organizing a group of students to visit some of the parks, nature reserves, or other green spaces in and around Beijing. This could be a fun and educational way to learn about the local environment and appreciate the beauty of nature. Alternatively, you could consider organizing a clean-up activity in a park or other public area to show the importance of keeping our environment clean.

2. Content: I think it would be great to provide some educational content during the activity, such as a short lecture or presentation on the environmental issues facing Beijing and what individuals can do to help. You could also organize some games or activities related to environmental protection, such as sorting trash into different categories or planting trees.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything else I can do to support your activity.

Best regards,

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

Great to hear that you're planning a society event with the theme "Green Beijing"! Here are my suggestions for the event format and content:

1. Event Format

To raise awareness about environmental protection, you can organize a "Green Beijing" walk or bike tour. Participants can explore the city's green spaces and learn about the ongoing efforts to preserve them. Alternatively, you could hold a community clean-up event, where participants can help beautify a local park or public space.

2. Event Content

To educate participants about environmentally-friendly practices, you could invite guest speakers to talk about sustainable living and green technology. You can also organize interactive workshops on topics such as composting, recycling, and energy conservation. Additionally, you can showcase green products and services by inviting local vendors to set up booths at the event.

I hope these suggestions are helpful! Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Best regards,

Li Hua
