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1. 复习重点句型和单词。回顾你在备考中积累的常用句型和单词,重点复习那些易错或者高频的词汇和句型。

2. 阅读范文。如果你还有时间,可以再看一些高质量的范文,了解优秀作文的结构、语言、思路等方面,并可以借鉴其中的优秀表达方式和词汇。

3. 练习写作。如果你还有时间,可以练习写作,选择一些常见的写作类型,例如议论文、说明文、图表作文等进行写作练习。

4. 放松身心。高考前一天,心态十分重要。适当放松身心,保持良好的心态,有助于在考试时发挥自己的水平。

5. 睡眠充足。高考前一晚一定要保证充足的睡眠,早点休息,避免熬夜,保证状态最佳。


1. 说明文写作练习


提示:1. 减少使用塑料袋、一次性餐具等不可降解的物品。

2. 提倡低碳生活,骑自行车、步行、乘坐公共交通工具。

3. 少开车,少用空调,少用电器,尽量手洗衣物。

4. 多种树、种花,多种草,多种绿化植物。

5. 垃圾分类,垃圾减量,垃圾资源化。

2. 议论文写作练习


提示:1. 网络游戏的盛行对青少年的身心健康带来威胁。

2. 青少年在沉迷于网络游戏中,会忽视学习,影响学业。

3. 一些网络游戏带有暴力和色情内容,会对青少年的道德观产生负面影响。

4. 家长和学校应该加强对青少年的引导和监管,让他们形成健康的生活方式。

3. 图表作文写作练习


提示:1. 介绍图表中的数据,如旅游人数、旅游收入等。

2. 分析数据的变化趋势和原因。

3. 总结中国旅游业的发展现状,并提出建议和展望。


1. 说明文范文

How to Protect the Environment

The environment is an essential part of our life. However, with the development of society, we have been damaging the environment more and more. To protect the environment, we should take actions and do our best.

Firstly, we need to reduce the use of non-degradable items such as plastic bags and disposable tableware. Secondly, we should promote low-carbon living and reduce carbon emissions by riding bicycles, walking, or taking public transportation instead of driving. Thirdly, we should use less air conditioning, electric appliances, and wash clothes by hand if possible. Fourthly, we should plant more trees, flowers, grass, and other green plants. Finally, we should sort and reduce garbage and recycle waste materials.

In conclusion, protecting the environment is a shared responsibility. As individuals, we should take actions and make efforts to protect the environment, and as a society, we should work together to create a sustainable and healthy environment for ourselves and future generations.

2. 议论文范文

The Impact of Online Games on Teenagers

Online games have become increasingly popular among teenagers, but they have also raised concerns about their impact on teenagers' physical and mental health. In my opinion, the negative effects of online games on teenagers outweigh the positive ones.

Firstly, teenagers who spend too much time playing online games are more likely to neglect their studies and academic performance may suffer. Secondly, some online games contain violent or pornographic content, which may have a negative impact on teenagers' moral values. Thirdly, excessive online gaming can lead to physical health problems such as obesity, poor eyesight, and poor posture.

To address this issue, parents and schools should take responsibility for guiding teenagers' gaming behavior. They should encourage teenagers to participate in more healthy and positive activities, such as sports, music, or reading. In addition, parents and schools should monitor teenagers' online activities and set reasonable limits on their gaming time.

In conclusion, while online games can be entertaining and enjoyable, we should be aware of their potential negative effects on teenagers. It is important for parents and schools to guide teenagers' gaming behavior and promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

3. 图表作文范文

The Development of China's Tourism Industry

As the Chinese economy continues to grow, the tourism industry has also seen rapid development. According to the data from the chart, the number of domestic and international tourists has increased steadily over the past decade, and the tourism revenue has also increased significantly.

From 2000 to 2010, the number of domestic tourists increased from 870 million to 2.1 billion, while the number of international tourists increased from 10 million to 56 million. In terms of tourism revenue, it increased from 559.6 billion yuan in 2000 to 2.6 trillion yuan in 2010.

The growth of China's tourism industry can be attributed to several factors, such as the improvement of people's living standards, the development of transportation infrastructure, and the promotion of tourism by the government. With the rapid development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people have the ability and willingness to travel. The government has also invested heavily in the construction of transportation infrastructure, such as airports, high-speed railways, and expressways, which has greatly facilitated travel. In addition, the government has also actively promoted tourism and cultural activities, attracting more tourists from home and abroad.

In the future, China's tourism industry is expected to continue its rapid growth, but it also faces some challenges such as environmental degradation and overcrowding in popular tourist destinations. To maintain sustainable development, the government and the tourism industry should pay more attention to environmental protection, cultural preservation, and the regulation of tourism activities.


1. 说明文范文重点句子:

- "To protect the environment, we should take actions and do our best."

- "Firstly, we need to reduce the use of non-degradable items such as plastic bags and disposable tableware."

- "In conclusion, protecting the environment is a shared responsibility."

2. 议论文范文重点句子:

- "Online games have become increasingly popular among teenagers, but they have also raised concerns about their impact on teenagers' physical and mental health."

- "In my opinion, the negative effects of online games on teenagers outweigh the positive ones."

- "To address this issue, parents and schools should take responsibility for guiding teenagers' gaming behavior."

3. 图表作文范文重点句子:

- "As the Chinese economy continues to grow, the tourism industry has also seen rapid development."

- "The growth of China's tourism industry can be attributed to several factors, such as the improvement of people's living standards, the development of transportation infrastructure, and the promotion of tourism by the government."

- "In the future, China's tourism industry is expected to continue its rapid growth, but it also faces some challenges such as environmental degradation and overcrowding in popular tourist destinations."

