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Obesity refers to having excess body fat which poses a serious health risk. It has reached epidemic proportions globally with more than 10% of the world's adult population now classified as obese. Both developed and developing countries are seeing significant increases in obesity rates. While obesity is caused by an energy imbalance where caloric intake exceeds energy expenditure, several other factors contribute to the problem including sedentary lifestyles, excessive junk food consumption and environmental factors. Left untreated, obesity increases the risk of deadly illnesses such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and strokes.


Obesity poses a grave threat to public health, economic development and quality of life. Governments, health organizations and individuals need to take action to combat the obesity epidemic. Effective interventions include health education campaigns aimed at improving nutrition and promoting physical activity. Policy changes such as sugar taxes and restrictions on junk food advertising may also help. Most importantly, individuals need to make healthy lifestyle choices  to maintain a balanced diet and get adequate exercise.



• 论点明确:短文清晰地阐述了肥胖的定义、主要原因和严重性。

• 实例具体:使用"Type 2 diabetes,high blood pressure and strokes"等具体例子说明肥胖的健康风险。

• 结构完整:文章分为两个部分,首先描述肥胖的原因和危害,然后就解决方案提出政府、组织和个人层面各自应采取的措施。

• 语言准确:使用相关的专业术语,如"excess body fat","energy imbalance"等。

• 词汇丰富:全文中使用多种有效的表述,如"poses a grave threat","interventions", "healthy lifestyles choices"等。

• 表达活泼:运用"left untreated"等短句对危害进行强调。


• Obesity - 肥胖  

• Overweight - 超重 

• Excess body fat - 多余体脂肪

• Unhealthy diet - 不健康饮食

• Sedentary lifestyle - 坐立不动的生活方式

• Physical inactivity - 肢体不活跃 

• Risk factor - 风险因素

• Noncommunicable disease - 非传染性疾病


• Obesity has reached epidemic proportions. 肥胖已达流行病地步。

• Excess body weight poses a serious threat to one's health. 超重给身体健康带来严重威胁。

• Growing rates of obesity are a major public health concern. 不断上升的肥胖率已成为重大的公共卫生问题。  

• Sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet are major contributing factors to obesity. 坐立不动的生活方式和不健康的饮食习惯是肥胖的主要原因。

• Obese people are more likely to develop noncommunicable diseases. 肥胖者更易患上非传染性疾病。   

• effective weight loss requires both dietary changes and increased physical activity. 有效地减肥需要改变饮食习惯和增加身体活动。

•Obesity in childhood often persists into adulthood. 成年早期的肥胖往往会延续到成年时期。

• Governments must take action to address obesity through public health campaigns and policy interventions. 政府必须通过公共卫生宣传和政策干预来解决肥胖问题。

• Individuals need to make lifestyle changes to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. 个人需要改变生活方式来达到和保持健康体重。
