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大自然的规律? 大自然食物链的生存方法?英文双语对照


大自然的规律? 大自然食物链的生存方法?英文双语对照





























1. 热力学第二定律:热量不会从低温物体自发地流向高温物体,而是相反的。

2. 牛顿万有引力定律:任何两个物体之间都会存在引力,这个引力与它们之间的质量和距离有关。

3. 达尔文进化论:生物种类的多样性是通过自然选择和适应环境而形成的。

4. 光合作用:植物通过光合作用将阳光、水和二氧化碳转化为食物和氧气。




























大自然的周期循环,分为春、夏、秋、冬。规律是指自然形成的规矩。自然规律就是遵循进化过程中的顺序,也是一种平衡。 而且这两个阶段是分开并且交错的。



One, the rule of nature?

The order of nature is some of corporeal sports firm, essence, stable connection, expression acts well namely to want corresponding external condition to have this one law only and have fixity, conversely this one rule is met namely invalidation, noninterference of each other of of all kinds rule, its are not move with the person's volition, social rule also is like this.

The human understanding to the order of nature is as the development of science development, to this kind in ancient time understanding contains intuitionistic sex, in latter-day have mechanistic feature. Be in contemporary, the mankind overcame ancient time and latter-day one-sided sex not only to the understanding of the order of nature, isolated sex, and got expand and be deepeninged.

The connection of the rule of nature and thing:

1, substaintial connection

Any rules are the underlying basis of the thing and substaintial connection. For example: The the law of gravity announced the substaintial connection between the thing, elemental cycle law announced the substaintial connection between elemental chemistry and atomic number, relations of production and the rule that productivity state gets used to announced the content of corporeal production means reachs his to be contacted constitutionally.

2, inevitable connection

Any rules are a thing the sure and such, trend that does not move certainly. For example: Human society develops to advanced society configuration by elementary society configuration necessarily, temporary labyrinthian retrogression, the general trend with unalterable ongoing history.

3, stable connection

Any rules are the general character of congener phenomenon backside, the sex of the phenomenal backside that is rich and colorful stabilizes connection. Regular stability namely its opposite repeatability. Want a condition to have only, some kind of rule can repeat effective.

2, of nature food chain live method?

Nature living things is varied, no matter plant or animal live on the earth jointly, form the ecosystem with much colorful appearance. Depend on each other of each life species each other are put, use each other, formed complex food chain concern. Concern besides symbiosis, one kind may say to compare cruelty but actual however ravin concerns. Eagle is in the top of some food chain, it seems that natural have a few lay the dominant position that reduces power be under one's control. . .

Eagle held an unfortunate dove, two magpie hesitate to move forward by all the time try in vain to divide a cup of a thick soup. Dove reduces the fish and meat of others already unfortunately

Making what person expect is less than is, magpie circles eagle backside to try to atttack eagle unexpectedly, so that drive away eagle to enjoy cate alone

Eagle controls dove all the time, magpie still is in covet aside

Dove abandoned existent hope right now, the ruler that stand high above the masses and be covetous on are on the side person

Eagle drove away the be covetous on on the side to wear, began to take food

Food chain concerns occasionally special cruelty, but this is natural rule, existent path

3, food chain 4 rules?

Food chain is to prey catenary, also be battalion Zuo catenary. Does it have certain regular: ? Knock of  of thick raw meat or fish of boil in water for a while of garden of  of Lu of  of artful  of Kang of Zhuang Wan canister ancients name for a water catltrop H of  of comfortable eggplant of Liu of thick form of handsome " Zou uses, energy is one-way flow, chase class to decrease successively. ③ food Zuo is one-way cannot changeover. Actual food chain often meets ④ nature weave food web to exist.

4, the regular example of nature?

All the year round go round and round, chun Xiaqiu winter, ordinal replace. Winter of Chun Nuanxia hot cool autumn days is cold the example that etc is nature law.

5, rule of food chain pyramid?

Food pyramid is to concern the analogy at food chain actually.

According to Lin Deman 10% law, 10% of class of on the energy not better than that the biology institute of any nutrition class absorbs one nutrition, it is so in a food chain, assume the energy of class of the first nutrition is 100% , so the energy of class of the 2nd nutrition is 10% , class of the 3rd nutrition is 1% , with this analogize, so it resembles a ▲ same, represent the live thing of class of the first nutrition at nethermost, namely the greenery that we say, at uppermost the biology that highest nutrition class lies in this food chain namely, e.g. the large meat animal of eagle and so on.

Here, grease kind those who belong to pyramid is the most topmost, do not exceed 25 grams everyday. And the 2nd, it is the world of milk products, bean products and egg of piscine birds flesh. Among them, milk products needs 100 grams everyday, bean products needs 50 grams everyday, egg of piscine birds flesh should eat about everyday 125, 200 grams. In the three-layer of pyramid, what what we need is water fruit and greengrocery. Here, greengrocery wants everyday 400, 500 overcome and water fruit wants everyday 100, 200 grams. Finally, this five corn, belong to pyramid the 4th, also be the bottommest, want about everyday 300, 500 grams, it is we are the most indispensable.

6, does nature have those laws?

Nature has a lot of laws, wh some of which is:

1.Thermodynamic the 2nd law: Quantity of heat won't flow to high temperature object initiatively from microtherm object, however contrary.

2.Newtonian the law of gravity: Gravitation can exist between two any objects, the quality between this gravitation and them and distance are concerned.

3.Darwinian Darwinism: The diversity of biology sort is formed through natural choice and acclimatization.

4.Photosynthesis: The plant mixes sunshine, water through photosynthesis food of carbon dioxide translate into and oxygen.

7, what law does nature have?

The rule of nature has: Autumnal fallen leaves, frog winter sleep, round, earthly rotation a week 24 hours, revolution a week 1 year.

Sun Dong Shengxi falls, the earth turns eastwards on the west oneself; Chun Xiaqiu winter, view of the four seasons is different.

Survival of the fittest, pick of content contest season, the law of jungle, join comes through food chain and food web in community, kind group in can struggle through living to live, mutual competition, biologic evolution selects by nature, people cannot violate Dong Shengxi of revolution of rotation of food chain and food web principle, earth, sun to fall, daytime and night, rain snow wait for natural phenomenon.

8, what does the wonderful rule of nature have?

The regular phenomenon of nature:

1, rainbow:

Little water forms rainbow in the sky, similar prism refracts little water action natural light, form all sorts of odd shade to present the look that gives colored ribbon in the sky, honest too magical! The rainbow after Dan Yu, because environment and weather are increasingly exasperate, gradually scarce.

2, meteor shower:

Every time when a few famous comet move to the orbit that is close to the earth, the earth can appear meteor shower marvellous spectacle, for instance Leo meteor shower. Above all comet is close to the sun, get high-energy radiate, evaporate vaporization, disintegrate, when be close to the earth.

Be affected again by earthly gravitation, comet fragment is dropped to the earth, when passing aerosphere, as a result of high speed and air attrition glow is calorific, see from the ground countless comet fragments drop " meteor shower " picture. But extremely most meteor shower burns in aerosphere.

3, lightning:

Storm cloud generates charge normally, ground floor is electronegative, top layer is electropositive, and still produce electropositive carry on one's shoulder in the ground, ground of very closely associated with each other follows cloud shift. Each other suck electropositive carry on one's shoulder and shade charge, but air is not good however conduct body, electropositive the top that approachs Xiang Shumu, hill, tall building even over human body, attempt and contain electronegative cloud layer to encounter, the antenna of shape of branch of electronegative carry on one's shoulder is down extend, extend more adjacent downward more the ground. Charge of final yin and yang overcomes airy block barrier eventually and on join. Tremendous electric current conducts spirit way to go from ground straight Xiang Yunchong along, generation gives a bright and dazzing glitter. The length of a lightning may count kilometre only, but the longest can amount to hundreds kilometre.

4, " holiday " phenomenon:

4 suns appear at the same time in the sky. The landscape that 4 suns appear at the same time in the sky is normal, this is one kind cries " holiday " physical phenomenon.

5, cheating mystery and the Chinese Shen Nong Jia of gauze:

Shen Nong Jia is located in Chinese the Yangtse River and the region of have a common boundary of plain another name for Hubei province between Chinese water, have " China in fastigium " say. Area 3250 square kilometer, forest land occupies 85 % above. Average height above sea level 1700 meters, top part amounts to 3105 meters, have a variety of climate kinds.

Relative to at the social appearance that causes by the mankind character, as a result of,natural phenomenon shows nature is medium of nature run the rule initiative some kind of formation state, its do not suffer element of factitious subjective activity completely to affect.

9, the rule that the person wants to comply with nature?

Why must the person comply with nature?

Someone says to emphasize complying with nature blindly, whether to decide the person's dynamic role?

Worldly everything is opposite, every thing has good one side, also have bad one side, had had impossibly only, do not have bad, if we interfere nature artificially,can give an issue.

We know spadger has unhusked rice, have unhusked rice to do not let spadger, somebody thought a way, the feel uncertain that strike gong frightens spadger not dare refuse to come down.

Spadger flew tiredly to die later, everybody is very glad, feel OK to receive a lot of food more. This has fallen, be troubled by locust the 2nd year.

Why? Spadger is more than have unhusked rice, also eat small bug, it eats small bug bigger than taking the credit of millet.

This is factitious methodological interpose nature, although was obtained,win temporarily, but what be in an unfavorable situation finally still is him.

10, what is the circular rule of nature?

The cycle of nature circulates, cent is spring, summer, autumn, winter. The rule is the custom that shows nature is formed. The order of nature follows the order in developmental process namely, also be a kind of balance. And these two phase are part and stagger.

It is development phase of spring above all, it is the decline level of summer then, coming again is development phase of the autumn, finally is the decline level of the winter. Just form to lay the circular rule that lays not to cease so, this namely the rule of nature, main component is rule of true very wonderful loop two phase: One is development phase, another is decline level. These two phase are having bright contrast.

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