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1. 经济责任:出国担保人需要向签证机构或院校提供足够的财务担保证明,确保申请人在国外期间能够维持生活和学习所需的经济保障。如果申请人在国外期间出现经济问题,担保人需要承担相应的经济责任。

2. 行为责任:出国担保人需要对申请人在国外的行为负责,确保其遵守当地法律法规,不从事违法活动和危害社会稳定的行为。如果申请人在国外期间出现违法行为,担保人需要承担相应的行为责任。

3. 签证责任:出国担保人需要对申请人的签证申请材料进行真实性核实,确保其符合签证要求。如果申请人的签证因为提供虚假材料被拒绝,担保人需要承担相应的签证责任。

4. 安全责任:出国担保人需要确保申请人在国外期间的安全,提供必要的支持和帮助。如果申请人在国外期间出现安全问题,担保人需要承担相应的安全责任。


是的,未成年人出国需要监护人陪同。自2007年7月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》第16条规定:“父母因外出务工或者其他原因不能履行对未成年人监护职责的,应当委托有监护能力的其他成年人代为监护”。 根据《民法通则》的有关规定,未成年人的父母是未成年人的监护人。监护人应当履行监护职责,保护被监护人的人身、财产及其他合法权益。一个未成年人出国旅游需要有父母的同意和陪同,如果没有父母双方或一方的陪同,父母就应当委托他人或有关组织单位派人陪同,从法律上讲,这实际上是父母为未成年子女指定旅游期间的临时监护人,委托代为监管未成年子女。根据有些旅游目的地国家的规定,委托之前还需要办理公证手续。目前,未满18周岁的未成年人随团或跟随父母亲赴欧美等国家旅游,一般要同时办理两类公证:一是未成年人的出生公证;二是办理一份未成年人家长或监护人同意未成年人出国旅行的声明书公证。1、随学校集体出国。每当暑假来临之际,一些就读中小学的学生便纷纷报名,跟随学校老师出国进行“夏令营”活动,出访国主要是一些亚欧国家。还有的中小学生因专长某一学科,由学校老师带队到国外参加一些学科比赛,如奥林匹克数学竞赛等。  2、随团队出国参加文艺表演。全球一体化进程包括中外文化的相互交流。为此,跟随中国内地的文艺团队出国进行文艺表演,也是未成年人出国的主要类型之一。其表演形式一般有“杂技”和“舞蹈”等。  3、随亲朋好友组团出国旅游。有的家长因工作忙而无法外出,便委托亲朋好友带他们的孩子跟着旅行团出国观光旅游。  4、随父亲或母亲出国居住。未成年人的父母有的因为暂时分居或离异,一方居住在中国内地,另一方居住在国外,经协商或判决后,孩子便随父亲或者母亲一方出国居住。  5、随收养父母一起出国定居。迄今,有美国、英国、法国、加拿大、西班牙、瑞典、挪威、冰岛、丹麦、爱尔兰、比利时、芬兰、荷兰、新西兰、新加坡、澳大利亚、意大利等17个国家与中国建立了跨国收养合作关系。也就是说,这些国家的公民可以到中国内地收养中国儿童,结果很多孩子都随养父母一起出国定居了。  









出国留学是需要保证金的。 所谓出国留学保证金指的是留学生选择的一些主流的留学国家,诸如美国、英国、澳大利亚等,在办理签证时会要求客户出具与上学期间所需费用相当的保证金,其实也就是对家庭经济实力的一个考察,这种保证金一般要求在银行存半年以上,所以有出国留学需求的家长至少须提前半年将钱存入相关银行里面,以免在办理签证过程中因担保金问题而遇挫。 目前,中行、中信、光大等银行均开展有此项业务。出国保证金最主要的方式就是开立存款证明。因为大部分国家的使领馆最为认可的是银行的存款证明 保证金的存期视所去国家而定,一般情况下,美国为3个月以上,英国、加拿大为18个月以上,澳大利亚为6个月以上。而保证金的金额也依所去的国家而定,一般来说,金额从20万元到60万元不等。对于一些经济实力有限的家庭来说,一下子拿出这么多存款来,而且还要符合一定的存期要求,并不是一件很容易的事情。































Go abroad. Must want security? Perhaps assure company?

Go abroad not to need to assure commonly, the share is special personnel just needs to assure, for instance governmental clerk, diplomatic work staff, military working personnel, install all door personnel to wait to need to assure, and still need to examine and approve ability to go abroad, ordinary people goes abroad, the need when general area is signed sees your bank running water, prove him economy capacity.

Go abroad assure what responsibility should assume?

Hello, security going abroad needs to assume the following responsibility:

1.Economic responsibility: Need of security going abroad offers enough finance affairs to assure to visa orgnaization or school proof, during ensuring the applicant is in abroad can keep the pot boiling and the economic safeguard that study requires. If the applicant is in,economic problem appears during abroad, security needs to assume corresponding economic responsibility.

2.Behavior responsibility: The action that security going abroad needs to be in abroad to the applicant is responsible, ensure its abide by local law laws and regulations, do not be engaged in violating the act of activity and harm society stability. If the applicant appears during abroad,violate act, security needs to assume corresponding behavior responsibility.

3.Visa responsibility: Need of security going abroad undertakes to visa application material of the applicant authenticity is checked, ensure its accord with visa requirement. If because the applicant's visa offers false data to be rejected, security needs to assume corresponding visa responsibility.

4.Safe responsibility: Security going abroad needs the security during ensuring the applicant is in abroad, provide necessary support and help. If the applicant is in,safe problem appears during abroad, security needs to assume corresponding safe responsibility.

Should minor travel going abroad assure gold?

Yes, guardian of minor need going abroad is accompanied. Apply since July 1, 2007 " minor of People's Republic of China protects a law " the 16th regulation: "Because of going out Wu is versed in or other reason cannot fulfill parents to guard duty to minor, ought to entrust the other adult that has tutelar capacity to be guarded for you " . Basis " civil code general rule " concerned regulation, the parents of minor is the guardian of minor. Guardian ought to fulfil tutelar obligation, protect benefit of right be addinged up to by etc of the person of guardian, belongings. Travel of a minor going abroad needs to have father and mother agree and accompany, if do not have parental both sides or one party accompany, parents ought to trust another person or about the organization unit group person is accompanied, from jural tell, this is parents actually during appointing travel for minor children temporarily guardian, entrust superintend minor children for you. According to the regulation of country of some travel destination, before entrusting, still need to deal with notarial formalities. Current, the minor of 18 one full year of life follows a group or did not follow completely parental go to Euramerican wait for national travel, want to deal with two kinds of notarization at the same time commonly: The birth that is minor is notarial; 2 it is the declaration notarization that deals with parent of a minor or guardian to agree with minor journey going abroad. 1, go abroad along with school collective. Every time during summer vacation comes, a few students that read middle and primary school sign up in succession, follow school teacher goes abroad undertake " summer camp " activity, visitting a country basically is country of a few Asia-Europe. Return some middle and primary school to because of,be born course of special skill some, by school teacher belt the team plays game of a few course abroad, wait like Olympic maths contest. 2, go abroad along with the group attend literary show. Global unifinication process includes the mutual communication of culture of China and foreign countries. For this, the literary group of land of the home in following goes abroad have literary show, also be one of main types that minor goes abroad. Its perform a form to have commonly " acrobatics " and " dancing " etc. 3, form a delegation along with close friends travel going abroad. Because some parents work busy and cannot go out, the child that entrusts close friends to take them follows travel of viatic group sightseeing going abroad. 4, go abroad along with father or mother live. Because time of of short duration is resided or the parental some of minor leaves other, one party lives in Chinese inland, other one party lives in abroad, classics after talk things over or adjudicating, the child follows father or maternal one party goes abroad live. 5, go abroad together along with foster father and mother resident. Heretofore, 17 countries such as the United States, England, France, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Norwegian, Icelandic, Denmark, Ireland, Belgian, Finnish, Holand, New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, Italy and China were built cross a state foster collaboration concerns. That is to say, the citizen of these countries can adopt to Chinese inland Chinese children, as a result a lot of children go abroad together along with foster parent settled.   

Go abroad, why to want security?

Because the responsibility of security basically is,to studying abroad at one's own expenses personnel undertakes economy assures. Some moment have security even fair statute is expensive, security ought to realize clearly, once issue economic deed of security, open a deposit of individual foreign currency and certificate of foreign currency capital from the bank, to notarial place conduction notarization signs after formalities, must be in economically, mix on morality and justice jural perform duty.

Go abroad study abroad security can assure at most 3 people.

(After 1) economy security is referring economic deed of security and bank deposit proof to concerned branch, need not freeze its bank deposit. But, the economy that examining economic security about the branch assures when ability, in asking this bank deposit is in a bank, have put certainly period, normally 3 months differ to half an year; in addition, the foreign country that is in charge of examining and approve person condition visa makes, get house or orgnaization, also meet at the appointed time now and then the deposit that checks this economy security to be in a bank to the bank, in case practise fraud or a few otherer irresponsible behavior happens.

(2) economy ark protects the person's family property, be like building and enterprise is security economy actual strength is specific reflect, but, concerned branch just regards the reference that investigates economic security qualification as this, and cannot serve as main basis. Because family property change becomes cash to still have a more complex process, and family property if the building and enterprise method that can adopt loan orgnaization and bank to apply for to borrow money or pass instalment by the individual will maintain, this kind of family property belongs to economic security, but belong to security not completely again, because this economy security is direct the family property with oneself to go abroad study abroad it is not easy that personnel offers economy to assure practicable.

Do a passport to want security?

Now, say without the regulation veteran can not go abroad, resembling travel going abroad is possible, but not OK and resident foreign country, because just retired from army 3 years inside soldier of preliminary still battle, when application deals with a passport, the key is to should have security, if show reason going abroad, if be travel going abroad, travel agent assures, other words, the specific post of the place when be about to enlist in army according to you.

Go abroad study abroad should pay an insurance cost?

Go abroad studying abroad is need bail. Alleged go abroad study abroad of a few mainstreams that what bail points to is choice of student studying abroad study abroad country, such as United States, England, Australia, requirement client is met issue the earnest money that needs charge to comparative with the place between last term when conduction visa, make an on-the-spot investigation to a of domestic economy actual strength namely actually, this kind of bail asks to put above of half an year in the bank commonly, have so go abroad study abroad the parent of demand must shift to an earlier date at least half an year stocks money relevant bank inside, in lest be in,conducting visa process because assure golden question and meet defeat. Current, in travel, medium letter, light is big wait for a bank to all be begun have this business. The way with the mainest bail going abroad opens deposit to prove namely. Because the diplomatic and consular missions of major nation approbates the deposit that is a bank most,prove bail put period inspect place to go country and calm, usually, the United States is 3 months above, england, Canada is 18 months above, australia is 6 months above. And the country that the amount of bail also goes to according to place and calm, generally speaking, amount differs to 600 thousand yuan from 200 thousand yuan. For finite to actual strength of a few economy family, take out so much to deposit money at a draught, and it is certain to be accorded with even put period requirement, not be a very easy thing.

Head pay buy a car to want security?

Normally the state falls, applying for a car to borrow do not need security, because the car is borrowed,mortgage loan namely actually, be equivalent to wrapping buys car to serve as pawn, borrow Qian Fang to shift the car only after be being paid off entirely, ability has the property right of the car completely.

In applicant individual aptitude only not tall state falls, for example: Credit record is bad, reimbursement ability is weaker wait, offer car security to just can be obtained successfully only borrow, otherwise the bank won't be put borrow.

1, loan

Loan points to creditor (or put borrow a person) to debtor (or borrower) the act of a kind of banking of demise capital access.

2, normal loan

Borrower can fulfil a contract, can repay captital with interest normally all the time, nonexistent any influence loan principal and interest are seasonable the negative factor that sum repays, the bank is right borrower on time full specified amount repays loan principal and interest has hold adequately. Loan losing probability is 0.

What should travel going abroad consign?

Cutting tool edge tool or blunt implement: The passenger must not carry control cutting tool to seize the opportunity, the edge tool beyond control cutting tool or blunt implement should follow consign baggage to consign;

Individual cosmetic: Carry cosmetic its container volume must not exceed 100 milliliter, answer inside park independence bag, accept bottle to check; cubage to exceed the cosmetic of 100 milliliter, put its into consigning baggage to consign; please

Wine kind article can consign only: Content of alcohol concentration percentage by volume is less than or be equal to of 24% , content of concentration percentage by volume of unlimited; alcohol contains 70%) in 24%-70%(between, hand in carry net amount not to exceed content of concentration percentage by volume of alcohol of 5 litres of; to be more than each of 70% , do not answer to make use as baggage.

Does travel going abroad want check-up?

Travel going abroad does not need check-up.

Think travel going abroad has two kinds of ways, the first it is to follow a group, it is travel agent organization swim, this kind of save worry, need oneself to deal with a passport only, remain give it is OK that travel agent is dealt with.

The 2nd it is a person travel going abroad, go freely namely, this kind of him need deals with passport and visa, after visa has done, still need to book hotel and airline ticket ahead of schedule, do not need check-up, but now during epidemic situation, need nucleic acid proof.

Hope my solution can help you.

What should travel going abroad prepare?

Hello, the old ass that has been to 20 many countries as is friendly

I will help you answer this question!

Above all, the place that knows you to want to go first has what tourist attraction, what custom characteristic, e.g. : Cate is fastfood, custom habit, contraindication is evaded. It is the detailed strategy that begins to travel next next

1, hotel and airline ticket (train ticket) , observe those who go to place for some time ahead of schedule all sorts of fare and hotel price, shift to an earlier date return ticket of try to win sb's favor. The selection goes to be able to give you a large sum of money below the province all right when a price is likely.

2, amuse oneself strategy and time, e.g. this go on a journey a week, that is about first will everyday plan platoon is good, the tourist attraction that goes differring everyday. As far as possible time make the best use of everything, avoid to do not have necessary waste.

3, go out to must be tasted all right, before go on a journey, must list detailed account of a travel to oneself. Need what to essential thing take? For instance: The things that wash gargle, change wash medicines and chemical reagents of the dress, towel, umbrella, urgent need

Identity document. Prevent to give travel hind to forget to take a thing to bring about a few regrets again.

4, the journey records equipment, conditional tourist, can take him sheet to turn over camera of camera, small sheet, motion to wait. In go out amuse oneself while, had recorded oneself all the way scenery, also be very significant issue! Of course if do not have these equipment, we now everybody some smartphones, use completely also quite!

In addition, flourishing young is here special remind a few necessary things, if go to abroad travelling, must remember taking charger to turn contact! Follow us because of foreign voltage home is different!

Still having is cash, cash must be taken less! Basically give priority to in order to contain the credit card of Visa function, particularly convenient really!

Finally, flourishing young reminds everybody, go out the journey is a very good thing, but should notice safety, safe after all it is forever the first! The hope can help you!

(next graphs are me what pat in the journey only beautiful photograph)

上一篇:时尚和快时尚的区别? 时尚唐诗?英文双语对照