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理光r8使用方法? 理光数码相机的质量怎么样?英文双语对照


理光r8使用方法? 理光数码相机的质量怎么样?英文双语对照


关于这个问题,1. 开机:按下电源键,等待相机启动。

2. 拍摄模式:选择自己想要的拍摄模式(如自动、手动、照片、视频等)。

3. 对焦:按下快门半按键,等待相机对焦完成。

4. 拍照/录像:按下快门键拍照或开始录像。

5. 查看照片/视频:按下播放键,可以查看刚才拍摄的照片或视频。

6. 调整相机设置:通过菜单键进入相机设置,可以调整曝光、ISO、白平衡等参数。

7. 连接电脑:通过USB接口将相机连接到电脑上,可以将照片或视频传输到电脑上。

8. 存储照片/视频:将存储卡插入相机,可以将照片或视频存储到存储卡中。

9. 电池充电:将电池插入相机,连接充电器,可以给电池充电。

10. 关机:按下电源键,等待相机关机。






GRD4在4000以内,X10就可能略超4000。规格上看X10强一些:2/3CMOS高感度比1/1.7CCD应该略好;f/2-2.8 28-112mm镜头成像未必比得上f/1.9 28mm定焦,但4X光变还是很好用的。GRD向来比较极端,延续了GR的特点。它不是普通人用的,甚至不是一般摄影爱好者用的,是新闻记者的抓拍利器。在胶片机的年代新闻记者最爱用GR作为备机,原因在于捕捉精彩瞬间的能力强。新闻摄影最强调的就是“拍得到”,GR就是专门为此设计的。简化一切操作,大概对着被摄目标在“决定性的瞬间”按下快门就可以抓到别人可遇不可求的照片。


日本牌子。数码相机不错,图像处理技术本来就是理光的强项。品牌介绍: 1936年,理光在日本东京成立。时至今日,理光已在全球150个国家和地区拥有分支机构,共有员工约75000人,年营业额超过170亿美元。作为全球的数字办公设备解决方案领导者,理光一直致力于世界各地的业务发展。 ·在日本市场,理光复印机和传真机拥有超过20年的市场领先地位。·作为最早探索数字图像输出技术的厂家之一,理光在美国,欧洲和日本处于市场领先地位。在成立至今的70年里,理光一直致力于帮助客户提高生产力。通过高质量的产品和优良的服务,理光协助客户公司实行有序、有效的运转。理光当前拥有的产品涵盖了复印机、打印机、传真机、光盘驱动、数码相机和电子设备等。自1994年以来,理光集团实现了净利润的稳步增长,回报了全球投资者一直以来的衷心支持。与此同时,理光将循环利用资源和努力保护环境作为公司的一项基本原则,不仅提高了公司的效率,同时也为公司赢得了声誉。2002年,基于公司在可持续发展上取得的成就,理光成为获得WEC金奖的第一家亚洲公司。网站:




















One, does manage smooth R8 use a method?

About this problem, 1. Switch on the mobile phone: Press power source bolts, await camera to start.

2.Film mode: Choose what oneself want to film mode (if automatic, hand is moved, photograph, video) .

3.Right anxious: Press shutter half key-press, await camera to be opposite anxious finish.

4.Take a picture / kinescope: Press shutter key takes a picture or begin kinescope.

5.Examine a photograph / video: Press playing key, can examine the photograph that a moment ago filmed or video.

6.Adjust camera setting: Enter camera to install through dish single bond, can adjust the parameter such as exposure, ISO, Bai Pingheng.

7.Join computer: Receive watch for a chance computer to go up repeatedly through USB interface, can transmit photograph or video computer to go up.

8.Memory photograph / video: memory card inserts camera, in can storing photograph or video memory gets stuck.

9.Batteries charges: Insert batteries camera, join charger, can charge to batteries.

10.Close machine: Press power source bolts, await photograph mechanism opportunity.

2, the quality of camera of manage smooth number how?

The quality of camera of manage smooth number is very good, the optical foundation with manage long light gives manage smooth number video with solid support. In light of the camera lens that produces digital product from manage light, material is qualitative admirable, into resemble keen the one big character that is it. In addition, it is manage light digital camera rate uses wide-angle lens in preexistence oneself product, because this is video practical want far good at other trademark.

3, is camera of manage smooth R8 OK kinescope?

Can, but with chickening ribs namely for present video requirement. Manage smooth R8 is typical card number camera, though have short video to film function, but support 640*480 resolution only, differ with contemporary high-definition video very far.

4, I want to buy a professional and portable number camera, camera of number of manage smooth GRD how?

GRD4 is in 4000 less than, x10 exceeds 4000 possibly slightly. X10 looks on norms a few stronger: 2/3CMOS tall feeling is spent than 1/1.7CCD should slightly good; F/2-2.8 28-112mm camera lens is focussed into comparable like may not F/1.9 28mm, but 4X light becomes very good still to use. GRD all along compares an extreme, continued the characteristic of GR. Everyman does not use it, even general photography lover is not used, be journalist catch take sharp weapon. Love to serve as equipment aircraft with GR most in the time journalist of film machine, the capability that the reason depends on taking wonderful moment is strong. What news photography emphasizes most is " pat get " , GR is this design technically namely. Simplify all operations, be in to the target that be photographed probably " critical moment " press shutter can catch others to be able to receive the photograph that cannot beg.

5, where produces camera of manage smooth number?

Japanese brand. Digital watch for a chance is good, image processing technology is the strong point of manage light originally. Brand introduction: 1936, manage light holds water in Japanese Tokyo. At this late hour, manage light already was in 150 countries and area have the whole world branch, mutual employee makes an appointment with 75000 people, year turnover exceeds 17 billion dollar. Regard global number as leader of office equipment solution, manage light devotes oneself to the business development of world each district all the time. · is in Japan the market, manage smooth copycat and electrograph have market lead position of more than 20 years. · outputs one of technical manufacturer as image of number of the earliest exploration, manage light is in the United States, europe and Japan are in the market lead position. In hold water up to now in 70 years, manage light devotes oneself to to help a client improve productivity all the time. Pass the product of high quality and good service, manage light assists client company to execute orderly, significant movement. The product that manage light has currently covered camera of drive of copycat, printer, electrograph, CD, number and electronic equipment to wait. Since 1994, logic smooth group realized net profit grow steadily, redound global investor all the time the cordial support since. Meanwhile, manage light uses the circulation resource and a when protect an environment to serve as a company hard basic principle, improved the efficiency of the company not only, also gained reputation for the company at the same time. 2002, be based on a company to be accomplished in what can obtain on development continuously, manage light becomes the company of the first Asia that acquires WEC gold prize. Website:


6, is truth bare 5200 how?

Truth is bare 5200 very pretty good.

The LCD of 5200 maintained manage light the configuration of the mainstream, 2.5 inches size nods composition like element by 230 thousand, indication effect is relatively exquisite, color is reductive also be worth to trust. Additional of this LCD can inspect angle bigger, can amount to 180 degrees almost, the find a view that copes with different point of view usually can be dealt with easily.

Truth is bare the key-press of 5200 is bigger, cause not easily touch by accident, but feel is better, the easy that reduced an operation thereby is measurable. Truth is bare 5200 those who be different from common DC is, SCENE setting pushbutton replaced mode dial, make airframe rear vacated many spaces. The lower part of advertent scorch pushbutton, 3 discharge what be big toe into the micelle of vertical setting of types to grasp hold brought pretty good damp, make camera more fall off not easily from inside the hand.

Truth is bare the shutter of 5200 is a form design, feel of this shutter operation is good.

7, manage smooth pay how?

Treatment is good, 5 danger one gold, company New year holidays, cease the country is legal holiday, award of full attendence of the end of the year, end of the year the welfare pay such as award.

Limited company of Yunnan grain optical science and technology held water on June 21, 2021, register a position to save Kunming city Pan Long district to manage domestic run street manages domestic run couplet discharges villa at Yunnan 144, the legal representative is Zhao Cuiling. Scope of operations includes the development of computer soft hardware and application; The sale of equipment of whole set of equipment of equipment of things of equipment of mechanical equipment, hardware product and electronic product, Electromechanical, office, housing materials, refrigeration, high low pressure, water treatment, power facilities.

8, is Dongguan truth bare how?

Limited company of products of smooth hardware of Dongguan city manage is 2017-09-19 registers the finite liability company that establish in Guangdong province (the natural person invests or accuse a) , register an address to be located in door of Dongguan city tiger the bar austral community of the bar austral the town 2 areas are too sanded 9 alley 3 first floor.

The code of unified society credence of limited company of products of smooth hardware of Dongguan city manage / registering name is 91441900MA4X4WWU2T, legal entity Li Wei, at present the enterprise is in practice condition.

The scope of operations of limited company of products of smooth hardware of Dongguan city manage is: Treatment, produce and sale: Component of tool of hardware products, current mechanical equipment, hardware, pneumatic, electron component; Goods imports and exports, technology imports and exports. (Need the item of classics approval lawfully, sectional approval is rear related classics can begin management activity) . Inside this province limits, the enrollment of current business capital is belonged to general.

9, blessing Tian Liguang how?

Manage light is pretty good still, either pay is low, if inside Shanghaiguan is taller than outside Shanghaiguan salary 500 the left and right sides, still be inferior to outside Shanghaiguan, shenzhen unites base salary now, manage to be sure in pay respect competition involves company of foreign enterprise estate nevertheless solely so

10, is truth bare 7503 how?

Truth is bare 7503 qualitative, , on the safe side.

Truth is bare (Ricoh) , it is Japan's famous office equipment and optical machine manufacturer, 500 strong companies of world. City village Qing Dynasty established manage chemistry institute 1936, the institute basically studies manage grinds positive picture sensitive paper, formal 1963 easy name is manage light, establish Hong Kong branch in of the same age. The main product that shows reasonable light includes the Wen Yi equipment such as photocopier, electrograph, printer, documentation solution, and light model digital camera.
