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东西方文化差异名言? 东西方文化差异的原因?英文双语对照


东西方文化差异名言? 东西方文化差异的原因?英文双语对照


1. 文化就是“了解世界上人们说过的最好的思想”。——〔英〕阿诺德

2. 知识是智慧的结晶,文化是宝石放出的光泽。——〔印〕泰戈尔

3. 由于人类力量的无尽扩展,智慧和美感的无尽增长,人类精神发现了它的理想,从而为自身提供了无尽的补给。为达到此理想,文化是必不可少的资助,而文化的真正价值正在于此。——〔英〕马·阿诺德:《文化与混乱》

4. 我们需要文化,就像需要空气一样。——〔苏〕加里宁:《论共产主义教育》










这种文化差异可分为五个维度:权力距离(Power DIstance),不确定性避免(Uncertainty Avoidance Index),个人主义与集体主义(InDiVidualism versus collectivism),男性度与女性度(MASculinity versus femininity),长期取向与短期取向(Long-Term Orientation versus short-term orientation)。














3 后来由于贸易发展和封建经济独有的弊端,两者为文化走向了更为不同的方向。





中东 兵家必争之地 有丰富的石油资源 文化的差异主要是用于民族宗教的不同导致的 民族:阿拉伯人,犹太人 宗教:伊斯兰教、犹太...中国与中东的差异是很大的。



One, logion of difference of thing square culture?

1.Culture is " the best idea that the people on understanding world has said " . -- Arnaud of 〔 flower 〕

2.Knowledge is the crystallization of wisdom, culture is the burnish that gem gives off. -- 〔 imprints Er of 〕 peaceful dagger

3.As a result of human force endless and patulous, the endless growth of wisdom and aesthetic feeling, human spirit discovered its ideal, provided endless supply for oneself thereby. To attain this ideal, culture is indispensable aid financially, and the real value of culture is depending on this. -- Arnaud of · of horse of 〔 flower 〕 : " culture and disorder "

4.We need culture, resemble needing air same. -- 〔 revive 〕 adds li of peace: " teach by communism "

2, the reason of difference of thing square culture?

If the genetic landlord because of the west originates the place at much islands, resemble Aegean, annulus sea, because of the west located district and China's located district differs, the west basically is with ocean culture is given priority to, the land that land unlike China of the west can cultivate so concentration, get the limitation of local climate reason, the agriculture that so agriculture did not resemble China so develop, below the premise that did not accord with agricultural development relatively, hesperian must turn to expand business, so this is one of prime cause of difference of square culture of Chinese and Western.

3, difference of culture of ministry of Inner Mongolia thing?

1. western feature of the nation that cheat Tibet is grumous, the eastpart part is hazy.

Tibetan area draws near western, with outside unconscious contact is intimate, cang Chuanwen changes Buddhist culture influence to highlight. Of Mongolia language character apply more extensive, and northeast of drawing near of the eastpart part and Beijing area, the Monggol nationality and Tibetian population place hold proportion lesser, population of the Han nationality is in the majority, chinese is applied wider, compulsory education popularity rate is higher.

4, the culture difference concept of culture difference?

Culture difference is to because of,point to namely area similarities and differences, various places the culture similarities and differences with people peculiar place and the difference of generation.

Does Huofusitante think: ?

The each other of this kind of program of different group, area or country has difference.

Can be difference of this kind of culture divided spend: for 5 dimension?   ah?Power DIstance) , uncertainty avoids (Uncertainty Avoidance Index) , individualistic with collectivistic (InDiVidualism Versus Collectivism) , the male is spent spend with the female (MASculinity Versus Femininity) , long-term orientaton and short-term orientaton (Long-Term Orientation Versus Short-term Orientation) .

5, difference of thing Rome Caesarean culture?

East Luo Yougeng is multivariate prosperous economy, luo Nong course of study has died on the west dish about the same, what is more,the rather that east Luo Hai has better business and handicraft industry requirement. Each respect of Jun Bao the Rome at that time mixes excel Lawenna. Earlier equipment the military reform with earlier also stirrup, cavalry replaced dogface of a few outdated gradually, below Adila's assault national power is not able to suffer too big loss.

East collect political pattern is steadier also. Overall for, the state that Luo Fa extends east and latent capacity are far good Yuxiluo, mix plus Christian firm, municipal reform, more effective fruit the pretty with control more powerful force a group of things with common features policy and Caesarean focus change early to wait for a reason to the eastpart part, destroy that on the west collect historical accident still was driven on certain level east collect development.

6, difference of culture of thing square tea and same point?

Oriental tea service is ceramic more, western tea service is silver more.

Oriental stresses tea line, hesperian drinks tea to also have a courtesy, if want to use filter tea implement, pour tea to want to come in the cup 3/4 full.

Chinese tea is to taste its the most sterling tea is sweet, any dressing won't be added in tea. Western-style tea criterion amid adds grandma, candy, lemon piece wait with honey, want to pour tea to add other dressing again first, order cannot put upside down.

Oriental drinks tea and not particular demand should have refreshments, but Hesperian drinks tea to often be accompanied have refreshments, the commonnest have sponge cake of Scotland cream cookies, Victoria, muffin.

7, what does difference of thing square culture say to understand?

The difference of thing square culture, explained environment of thing square culture is different, so such meetings produce different culture to savour, located environment is different, formed different political economy so, so ability culture also can produce different difference, with respect to the culture e.g. east, it has its bright characteristic and characteristic, can leave more deep impression to the person, and western nature also has their distinctive characteristic.

8, the cause that creates difference of culture of thing square campus?

1. is district reason above all, as a result of Chinese and Western square located different to the environment. China culture fountainhead is great river civilization, farming agrarian civilization, because land is even and fecund, vast,be wait for natural ingredient; And western culture birthplace is in Aegean, annulus sea, much islands, land is not centered and climate limitation, agriculture develops not quite, make must expand business. Because of these two civilization differs from germ.

2, moreover feudal level is different. Our country ancient time is centralized China home, the country can undertake technical culture studies centrally, the effect of culture product technology that thinks crown serves so is apparent; Western religious authority overrides at crown, national authority is not centered, cannot undertake large-scale concentration technical research and development and improved, and the effect that because agriculture is underdeveloped,cannot have to support culture to develop in feudal society initial stage.

3 develop as a result of commerce later and the malpractice with feudal particular economy, both moved toward more different way for culture.

9, difference of sri lanka culture?

Sri lanka and other country have very big culture difference, be changed from the Yalianwen of Indian subcontinent and amount to derive of culture of collect adjoin a bitter edible plant to come out, get their influence, but be different from Indian culture again, have oneself bright feature.

Sri lanka is ancient weigh Ceylon, chinese ancient time ever call his lion country, Shi Ziguo and Seng Ga collect. In language of Seng Ga collect, "Sri lanka " meaning for " Elysian " or " the land of bright rich and popular " .

10, difference of middle east culture?

The difference that middle east military strategist in ancient China needs the ground that contend for has culture of rich oil natural resources basically is those who use at ethical religion is different religious nation: Arab, jewish religion: Mohammedan, Judaic. . . The difference of China and middle east is very big.

Racial distinction: Chinese ethnic group attributes Mongolia profit inferior racial. And middle east belongs to Ouluoba's racial mediterranean inferior model. The difference on culture becomes a of middle east unrest main factor.
