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1. 福州市科技馆游玩攻略首先第一步计划您的时间:福州市科技馆是一个大型的科普教育场所,内部有许多展览区和互动项目。在游玩前,您可以提前查看官方网站或咨询工作人员,了解展览内容和活动安排,合理规划您的时间,以确保能充分体验和参观。

2. 关注特色展览:福州市科技馆经常举办临时展览或特殊主题展览,这些展览可能会提供一些新颖和独特的体验。在您前往之前,可以了解是否有特色展览正在进行,并优先安排参观。

3. 参与互动项目:福州市科技馆内有许多互动项目和实验区,您可以亲自参与其中的实验和活动。这是一个更加有趣和互动的方式来学习科学知识,尽量参与其中,体验与科学相关的实践操作。

4. 学习和观看科技展示:科技馆内有各种科技展示和科学实验,您可以观看科技展示、听取解说员的讲解,了解各种科学原理和技术应用。

5. 注意参观顺序:根据科技馆的布局,您可以按照规定的参观路线游览,以确保您能够有序地参观各个展区。遵守规定的参观顺序,可以更好地理解展览内容并避免拥堵。

6. 注意安全和秩序:在参观过程中,请注意自身安全和周围的秩序。遵守参观规定,注意不要触摸或破坏展品,保持馆内整洁和安静。

















 5月5日(周四)— 5月7日(周六)闭馆维护;


10月1日(周六)-- 10月7日(周五)开馆;10月8日(周六)-- 10月11日(周二)闭馆,10月12日(周三)起开馆并恢复日常开放时间。开馆时间:9:00-17:00,中午不闭馆,16:45停止入场。
















One, strategy of amuse oneself of house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City?

1.Strategy of amuse oneself of house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City above all the time that the first pace plans you: House of science and technology of the Fuzhou City is a room of large popular science education, interior has a lot of exhibition areas and interactive project. Before amuse oneself, you can examine official website ahead of schedule or consult a staff member, understanding exhibits content and mobile arrangement, sound program your time, look around in order to ensure can sufficient experience is mixed.

2.Pay close attention to characteristic exhibition: House of science and technology often holds the Fuzhou City to be exhibited temporarily or special theme is exhibited, these exhibitions may be offerred a few novel with unique experience. Before you are headed for, can understand whether characteristic exhibition is undertaking, preferential arrangement looks around.

3.Participate in interactive project: The Fuzhou City has a lot of interactive projects and experimental area inside house of science and technology, you can participate in among them experiment and activity personally. This is more interesting will learn scientific knowledge with interactive means, in participating in its as far as possible, experience and scientific and relevant practice are operated.

4.Learn and watch science and technology to reveal: There are all sorts of science and technologies to reveal inside house of science and technology with scientific test, you can watch science and technology to reveal, of the member that listen to explanation explain, understand all sorts of scientific principles and technical application.

5.The attention sees order: According to the layout of house of science and technology, you can be visited according to visiting course of the regulation, exhibit an area in order to ensure you can look around in order individually. Abide by visiting order of the regulation, understanding shows content and can avoid to embrace better.

6.Note safety and order: In visiting process, note oneself safety and the order all round please. Abide by visiting regulation, the attention is not felt or destroy item on display, hold a house inside neat and quiet.

2, how does house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City make an appointment?

1, pay close attention to " house of Fujian Province science and technology " date of small letter public

2, into in a subtle way letter public date is clicked " member passageway "

3, click " the activity signs up " , if be to sign up first mobile word, information of need complement individual is rear can sign up

4, can examine here make an appointment share showing number (yellow is known specified number, gray is) of unknown specified number, the activity that the choice wants to attend is clicked " surplus quota of people "

5, click " sign up " can sign up successfully activity, obtain enter 2 dimension code

6, after reaching mobile spot, can click " individual center " hind open " electronic ticket " , hand in the activity can enter after sweeping a test and verify by the staff member

3, does house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City open time?

Every week 3 to weekday 9:00, 17:00 (16:30 stop to enter the arena) , every week one, 2 close a shop. The festival shuts house time to inform separately, if encounter natural disaster weather,by the government relevant provision closes a shop.

The communal popular science that exhibition hall of standing of house of science and technology offers is exhibited teach a project, include office of science and technology (boreal house) , natural hall (in house) item on display of each popular science, time demonstrate a service.

Popular science lecture, forum, make one's rounds is exhibited wait for basic popular science to serve an item.

The minor servicing area such as article check, visiting guideline, wholesome establishment reachs device.

Popular science farm is executed look around freely, grow the activity needs to land website of house of science and technology to sign up, await platoon period announcement

4, house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City 51 open?

House of Fuzhou science and technology opens time to be as follows during 51 labor day:

 On April 30 (Saturday) , on May 4 (Zhou San) open a shop (9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 open, 12:00-14:0The 0 disappear that close a shop are killed) ;

 On May 5 (Zhou Si) , on May 7 (Saturday) shut a house to safeguard;

5, does National Day of house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City open time?

On October 1 (Saturday)- - on October 7 (Zhou Wu) open house;10 month 8 days (Saturday)- - on October 11 (Zhou Er) close a shop, on October 12 (Zhou San) step aside house restores to open time daily. Time opening a shop: 9: 00-17:00, do not close a shop midday, 16:45 stop to enter.

6, does Spring Festival of house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City open time?

House of Fuzhou science and technology came on Feburary 8 on Feburary 13 (first 2) close a shop, on Feburary 14 (first 3) to on Feburary 17 (first 6) 9: 00-12: 00, 14: 00-17: 00 open a shop normally. Closed a shop on Feburary 18, restored to be opened daily on Feburary 19.

7, does Spring Festival of house of science and technology of 2023 the Fuzhou City open time?

Open time is 14: 00-18: 00. The requirement of superintendency branch of basis of house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City the Spring Festival adjusted open time 2023, because the Spring Festival is domestic overall situation, employee also needs to celebrate a festival, because this opens time,be arrived at 2 o'clock afternoon at 6 o'clock.

8, is dragon boat festival of house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City open?

The exhibition hall opens time to be as follows during dragon boat festival of house of Fuzhou science and technology:

On June 22, 2023 (Zhou Si) to on June 25 (weekday) open to the outside world normally;

On June 26, 2023 (Zhou Yi) to on June 27 (Zhou Er) close a shop;

On June 28, 2023 (Zhou San) step aside house restores to open time daily.

9, reach house of science and technology of the Fuzhou City from the station austral Fuzhou train optimal course?

The subway is taken in the station austral Fuzhou a line is exported to tea-booth station C, stand to company of public transportation group on foot, take station of 41 orangery continent to get off

10, tree of the Fuzhou City?


In Fuzhou, chain of mountains is continuous run quickly dash forward, forest subsequently eagerly, have " banyan city " say, the city of banyan also. Rambling Fuzhou, it is rambling banyan falls, faultlessly confluence is together.
