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平价数码相机推荐? 法国平价运动品牌?英文双语对照


平价数码相机推荐? 法国平价运动品牌?英文双语对照


1. 推荐佳能PowerShot SX620 HS平价数码相机。2. 这款相机价格适中,性能表现出色,拥有20.2万像素的高画质传感器,具备25倍光学变焦功能,能够拍摄清晰细腻的照片。此外,它还具备Wi-Fi和NFC功能,方便与手机或电脑进行无线传输和分享照片。3. 如果你对摄影有一定的要求,但预算有限,佳能PowerShot SX620 HS是一个不错的选择。它不仅价格平价,还具备一些高端相机的功能,能够满足大部分日常拍摄需求。同时,它的便携性也很好,方便携带出门旅行或拍摄风景。


   法国平价运动品牌 Isabel Marant,该品牌是同名设计师Isabel Marant于1994年成立的时装品牌,最初仅仅推出运动衫和针织衫,如今却以漂亮舒适的鞋子闻名于世。

Isabel Marant在全球设有11家商店,分别坐落在巴黎、罗马、纽约、东京、香港、首尔、洛杉矶、北京、马德里、贝鲁特、伦敦,并在35个以上的国家和地区设有零售商。




















Massimo Dutti:

Massimo Dutti和ZARA一样,同属于西班牙Inditex集团。Massimo Dutti是Inditex集团下走高端路线的品牌,价格会比ZARA偏高一些。

而它们价格上的差距,主要体现在衣服用料上。Massimo Dutti的西装面料绝大多数都是100%纯棉的,在品质和用料上远远好于ZARA,而它的价位在同等级品牌中却又是属于较低的。

要注意的一点是,在西装的版型上,Massimo Dutti比起ZARA更加传统,款式会偏大,袖子偏长,下摆也偏长。毕竟版型不是为亚洲人所设计的,所以不能只看款式就直接购买,务必要上身试穿一下看看实际效果。

参考价位:¥ 600-1900

Hart Schaffner Marx:

这个品牌可能大家很少听说过,但是如果提起一个人,大家肯定会知道。他就是美国前总统——奥巴马。作为西装不离身的奥巴马来说,Hart Schaffner Marx是他经常穿着的西装品牌之一。














Wet n Wild:美国平价化妆品牌,遮瑕、修容产品有多款,性价比高,眼影、腮红、底妆一类也非常受欢迎。















- ALT:新成立的品牌,颜色偏性冷淡,设计简约大气,价格亲民,衣服比较百搭;

- 波贼:有艺术家氛围,潮流中带点童趣,设计点有意思,服装设计院校的学院风,版型宽松,新奇小众;

- C&A:价格亲民,质量不错;

- Bersbka:美式休闲风,版型宽大,穿着舒适,设计路线较宽,能满足日常休闲场合穿着需求;

- G2000:风格简约利落,价格亲民,适合商务场合穿着,免烫衬衫价格不贵且耐穿,可以机洗。


One, is par number camera recommended?

1.Recommend fine can camera of number of par of PowerShot SX620 HS. 2. Moderate of this camera price, function shows scene, have 202 thousand qualitative like the Gao Hua of element sensor, have function of 25 times optical scorch, can film clear and exquisite photograph. In addition, it still has Wi-Fi and NFC function, go to the lavatory to undertake with mobile phone or computer wireless transmit and share a photograph. 3. If you have particular demand to photography, but the budget is limited, beautiful can PowerShot SX620 HS is a right choice. It not only price par, still have the function of camera of a few high end, can satisfy much to film daily demand. In the meantime, its portable sex is very good also, square portable belt goes out to travel or film scenery.

2, brand of French par motion?

 Isabel Marant of brand of French par motion, this brand is the fashionable dress brand that homonymic stylist Isabel Marant established 1994, roll out jersey and sweater merely at first, nowadays however with beautiful and comfortable shoe famed at the world.

Isabel Marant sets 11 shops in the whole world, be located in Paris, Rome, new York, Tokyo, Hong Kong respectively, head Er, los angeles, Beijing, Madrid, Beirut, London, set shopkeeper in the country of 35 above and area.

3, does your pit trademark recommend par?

1. one who treats sb to a meal your kiln

These two cups, can leave piece, it is very pretty good that your kiln returns one who treats sb to a meal, price of sex of cup of pottery and porcelain is compared very tall also, but 2 people are used, in the home or a when the dormitory can use.

2. green Dan

Cup of this your kiln also is very pretty good, the feel of this cup is first-rate, the mail that return report is gilt-edged, still be a very pretty good teacup, the teacup of falbala looks very fashionable very beautiful also.

3. elegant porcelain

Cup of this one your kiln, office can be used, can leave piece, fire of this cup high temperature, tea is being drunk inside the office still is very good use, have the ceremonial feeling of the life quite, those who like to drink tea is OK choose this one.

4, brand of world par business suit?


The quadrature in the compasses in saying G2000 is comes on design, edition clipping suits Asian figure quite, belong to cultivate one's morality model, suit a figure to slant especially poor person.

The element that decides suit value has a lot of, besides clipping, brand, still have a fabrics that uses namely. On the business suit fabrics of G2000 for, what the dress of the majority uses is polyester fiber, this also is why can sell so one of reasons of low. Of course, fish and bear's paw cannot hold concurrently, since be the business suit that wants parity, using must want to accept or reject somewhat on makings.

Of course, g2000 classics regular meeting has store inside dozen fold an activity, if can proceed with arrives dozen of business suit after folding, that is best choice of course.

Referenced price: ¥ 900


For very finite to the budget student party, actor garment library is absolutely not two anthology. The black that average person needs and gray money are in actor garment library some selling, because its take the fixed position of strategy of brand of quick pass the time in a leisurely way that is small profits but quick turnover, make the goods that it can sell oneself with relatively inferior value. The material of the dress also is to win out far character the other product of coequal price.

Referenced price: ¥ 700-900


If general black or gray cannot satisfy your need, so you must consider the business suit of ZARA. Compared with the business suit of actor garment library, the design of ZARA meets many a little bit, and also can be compared on the design actor or actress garment warehouse is a bit strong. The edition of ZARA business suit slant generally slender, suit to slant quite tight person dress.

Referenced price: ¥ 300-800

Massimo Dutti:

Massimo Dutti and ZARA are same, belong to Spanish Inditex group together. Massimo Dutti is the brand that high-end course takes below Inditex group, the price can compare ZARA on the high side a few.

And the difference on their price, main body is taken in the garment now on makings. The great majority of business suit fabrics of Massimo Dutti is 100% pure cotton, mix in character with expect it is far good to go up at ZARA, and its price is in coequal class brand is to belong to however inferior.

Want an attention is, the edition in business suit go up, massimo Dutti compared with ZARA more traditional, design can slant big, arm slants long, lap also slants long. After all edition do not design for Asian place, cannot see design be bought directly only so, wu necessary the upper part of the body is tried on see practical effect.

Referenced price: ¥ 600-1900

Hart Schaffner Marx:

This brand is likely everybody has heard of rarely, but if mention a person, everybody can know for certain. He is the president before the United States -- Aobama. For the Aobama that does not leave a body as business suit, hart Schaffner Marx is one of business suit trademarks that he often is wearing.

Although be one of brands that the president loves to wear, but it is not costly international high-quality goods, however American native land brand of near 150 years. Still can consider to play take as the point of departure according to him economy capacity so.

Referenced price: ¥ 700-2000

5, brand of foreign par motion?

Abroad evaluates athletic brand, mattress treasure.

Mattress treasure (UMBRO) it is to have 96 years (1924, 2020) historical international is famous brand, the football dress that is based on England produces business, 1924 by British can rich benefit person brother founds.

It is with the person this, go after eminent to jump over the brand that is mattress treasure to manage a concept, its competition concept is winning definition not be to beat a competitor, reach fixed target to reach however surmount, post action comes from objective information, fact to excel Demosthenic.

The technology is masterly, quality is superior, the service is the development target of mattress treasure first-rate.

6, par colour makeup what does the brand have?

Par colour makeup the brand is numerous, it is a few well-known trademarks below:

Perfect diary: Advocate make Euramerican fashionable variety makeup, sexual price is compared very tall, the product is overall, include shadow of 9 kinds of eyes, eyelash to cream wait with powdery bottom fluid, amount to what support of the people stars to love by United States makeup.

Flower on the west child: Homebred colour makeup brand, the product value such as shadow of its lipstick, eye is substantial, the design is elegant, like by young woman.

Yue Shifeng chant: Korea brand, advocate dozen protect skin to taste, dan Jicai makeup the product also has name quite, accuse oil to come loose especially pink, suit oily skin, integral colour makeup the level is worth to recommend.

Mistine: The par countryman of Thailand colour makeup brand, the product is waterproof prevent sweat, no matter be look line, eyebrow pencil or powdery bottom, cheek shadow of red, eye is first-rate with, sexual price is compared tall.

Wet N Wild: American par cosmetic card, the block defect, product that repair a look has much money, sexual price is compared tall, eye shadow, cheek red, bottom makeup a kind very welcome also.

Besides afore-mentioned brands, still be like evil spirit but, Europe of Lai aing jade-like stone, beautiful Bao Lian, elegant fragrant etc also is par the right choice of colour makeup. These brands not only the value is relative civilian, and character is reliable, suit the consumer of all sorts of budgets and demand.

Ask an attention, the skin of everybody differs with be fond of character, the proposal before buying undertakes the skin checks, buy in official website or shop, in order to ensure the authenticity of the product and applicability.

7, does Barbour par replace a brand?

The Mo Xin daughter that is Guangzhou holds a brand. This brand) the professional group that has experience of operation of ten years of hypostatic chain by right of, make the new retail brand that give meticulously through expending lustrum, consume a crowd in order to seek the vogue, modern city woman that has deep love for the life as the target, offer for broad client " fashionable and do not break classical, contracted and do not break costly " high grade, classical, fashionable dress,

8, encyclopedia of par briefs brand?

City beauty, antarctic person, 7 wolves, ormosia.

9, does minor numerous brand recommend par shoe?

For instance double star, wind force and person this.

Double star is Chinese history one of brands of shoe of most long nation, held water 1921, what the face mentions in front of is same, a lot of 8090 hind likelihood the first pair of shoes basically are double star, answer force to perhaps leap, the likelihood is now the choice became much, the advertisement of double star also does slant little, because if it were not for is accidental go Ao Lai is purchased, likelihood this brand has been forgotten. Nevertheless the word says, the shoe of this brand still is wicked Ba Kuo.

Line of business of the shoe that return power is founded 1927, be apart from the history that already had 92 years today. "Return power " brand is registered 1935, was maintained to be Shanghai 1997 famous label; Was maintained to be Chinese well-known logo 1999.

This shoe line of business establishs Zhejiang person more than 30 years to come domain of shoe of cloth of dedicated all the time Yu Fan, aspire becomes Chinese canvas shoes to get army brand. May 2012 Zhejiang person this shoe line of business limited company shoe kind the product brand of the enterprise, obtain a country to be versed in commercial firm politics manages well-known logo of total bureau China to maintain fair show.

10, what does brand of par men's clothing have?

It is brand of men's clothing of a few par below:


- ALT: New the brand that hold water, color slants frigidity, design contracted air, the value is relative civilian, the dress compares joker;

- wave thief: Have artist atmosphere, the belt in tide nods Tong Qu, design drop is significant, dress designs the academic wind of the school, edition comfortable, novelty is small numerous;

- C&A: The value is relative civilian, quality is good;

- Bersbka: Beautiful type is recreational wind, edition bounty, dress is comfortable, design line is broader, can contented daily and recreational circumstance is wearing demand;

- G2000: The style is contracted and agile, the value is relative civilian, suit dress of business affairs circumstance, avoid hot shirt price not expensive and durable, can machine wash.

上一篇:时尚和快时尚的区别? 时尚谐音?英文双语对照