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校长 艾宏德






















One, has the network taught university of northeast finance and economics to take an examination of?

What education of network of university of northeast finance and economics executes is an institute own recruit students. Own proposition, organize an exam by oneself. Because be own proposition, the teacher before the exam also can be offerred for the student review outline, student should review an exam seriously only, basically can pass, too won't difficult.

2, does network of university of northeast finance and economics teach easy finish school?

Network education is not to need his to attend those who press an exam, need not worry about exam difficulty so, percent of pass, the problem that can graduate, are you to want what to major sign up for?

3, is diploma of education of network of university of northeast finance and economics useful?

University of northeast finance and economics is Ministry of Education approved 68 colleges and universities to begin contemporary and long-range education pilot one of, achieve to what these 68 colleges foster this, the network that specialized subject graduation asks teachs a student, issue letter of higher education record of formal schooling about the regulation according to the country by the school, after electron of certificate of record of formal schooling is registered, the country gives admit.

4, is network of university of northeast finance and economics taught who is the president 2009?

Network of university of northeast finance and economics is taught 2009

President Ai Hongde

5, is university of northeast finance and economics northeastern which area?

University of northeast finance and economics is located in Liaoning to visit Dalian town, it is the Ministry of finance, Ministry of Education and government of Liaoning province people build a college in all, also be Liaoning saves top-ranking university key to build a college.

The school is built the earliest at 952 years, original name is institute of northeast finance and economics, put under Ministry of finance managed 1979, 2000, delimit turn to Liaoning province, became the Ministry of finance, Ministry of Education, Liaoning to save people government to build a college in all 2012.

6, is university of northeast finance and economics belonged to?

The school only then built 1952, original name is institute of northeast finance and economics, by northeast finance special school, northeast plans special school, northeast bank statistical courtyard and department of credit of finance of northeast people university, accountant statistic department is amalgamative establish, the location of a school is in Shenyang.

Ever since, northeast business schools, northeast collaboration schools, accounting of the industrial statistic of the industrial economy major of northeast people university and schools of statistic of northeast industry accounting, industry is specialized in twice division, merge into institute of northeast finance and economics. 1958, schools of Russian of institute of northeast finance and economics and institute of Shenyang normal school, Shenyang is amalgamative, establish Liaoning university. 1959, former northeast finance and economics learns the main body of the courtyard, namely plan all department and finance are, and the one part teacher of sectional economy major goes out from Liaoning university change, as amalgamative as the Liaoning business school that is located in Dalian, establish institute of Liaoning finance and economics. Institute of Liaoning finance and economics is the throughout the country is exclusive and whole during Culture Revolution the finance and economics of reservation kind undergraduate course college. Put under Ministry of finance managed 1979; 1985 more the name is university of northeast finance and economics; 2000, delimit turn to Liaoning province, execute in the center of build in all with the place, the administrative system that gives priority to with the place; Became the Ministry of finance, Ministry of Education, Liaoning to save people government to build a college in all 2012.

7, code name of university of northeast finance and economics?

The school code of university of northeast finance and economics is 10173.

8, is university of northeast finance and economics in?

University of finance and economics is located in Chinese Liaoning to visit Dalian town

9, fame of university of northeast finance and economics?

College " reputation size

Academy of big data of state religion Yo is released in " fame index studied Chinese common institution of higher learing 2015 report " , university of college of northeast university, Dalian grain industry, northeast finance and economics before pop chart of fame of body of ascend of college of 3 places distant 100, discharge the 39th respectively, the 49th mixes the 100th.

Before Tsinghua university, Beijing University, Fudan University ranks 3, no matter be spent in attention, approbate degree, beautiful still praise degree, 3 person have better performance, achieve taller exponential result.

Integrated kind, school of engineering course, normal school held the great majority seat in TOP100, among them integrated kind the school holds 39 seats, next engineering course kind the school also is paid close attention to become reconciled to judge by the netizen's height, hold 29 seats, and normal school kind the school holds 13 seats.

Advanced 100 in, beijing held 27 seats, liaoning 3.

10, postcode of university of northeast finance and economics?

The postcode of university of northeast finance and economics is 116012 addresses are located in

Street of pointed hill of area of sanded bayou of city of Liaoning province Dalian 217

The school only then built 1952, original name is institute of northeast finance and economics, the location of a school is in Shenyang. 1958, schools of Russian of institute of northeast finance and economics and institute of Shenyang normal school, Shenyang is amalgamative, establish Liaoning university. 1959, the main body of institute of former northeast finance and economics and the Liaoning business school that are located in Dalian are amalgamative, establish institute of Liaoning finance and economics, the location of a school is in surely Dalian.
