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新文化运动的中心和五四运动的策源地是北京大学。北京大学是新文化运动的中心和五四运动的策源地,最早在中国传播马克思主义和科学、民主思想,是创建中国共产党的重要基地之一。 五四精神体现了中国人民和中华民族近代以来追求的先进价值观。爱国、进步、民主、科学,都是我们今天依然应该坚守和践行的核心价值,不仅需要广大青年要坚守和践行,全社会都要坚守和践行。


五四运动与新文化运动的关系:新文化运动为五四运动做了思想和文化上的准备,五四运动以新文化运动做了行动上的基础,促进新文化运动发展与继续。 五四运动是中国人民彻底的反对帝国主义、封建主义的爱国运动。五四运动是中国新民主主义革命的开端,是中国革命史上划时代的事件,是中国旧民主主义革命到新民主主义革命的转折点。 新文化运动的起止时间是1915年~1923年。前期是从1915到1919年,后期是从1919年开始,大概于20年代结束,通常没有明确的结束时间。

















五四运动前的新文化运动指导思想:民主与科学 (德先生、赛先生)。















  五四运动是1919年5月4日发生在北京的一场以青年学生为主,广大群众、市民、工商人士等中下阶层共同参与的,通过示威游行、请愿、罢工、暴力对抗政府等多种形式的爱国运动。是中国人民彻底的反对帝国主义、封建主义的爱国运动。  新文化运动是1919年五四运动爆发前后由胡适、陈独秀、鲁迅、钱玄同、李大钊等一些受过西方教育(当时称为新式教育)的人发起的一次“反传统、反孔教、反文言”的思想文化革新、文学革命运动。1915年,陈独秀在其主编的《新青年》(原名《青年杂志》)刊载文章,提倡民主与科学(旧称“德先生”与“赛先生”)。这次运动沉重打击了统治中国2000多年的传统礼教,启发了人们的民主觉悟,推动了现代科学在中国的发展,为马克思主义在中国的传播和五四爱国运动的爆发奠定了思想基础。





























欧战期间,西方列强暂时放松了对中国的经济侵略,但日本乘机提出“廿一条”,西方列强在战后也有卷土重来之势,国人希望改变此等情势,于是抵制洋货的运动不断发生 。






One, where is the original place of the center that new culture moves and May 4th movement of 1919?

The original place of the center that new culture moves and May 4th movement of 1919 is Beijing University. Beijing University is the original place of the center that new culture moves and May 4th movement of 1919, marxism and scientific, democratic thought travel the earliest in China, it is one of main base that establish a Chinese Communist. 54 spirit reflected the advanced viewpoint of value that pursues since Chinese people and the Chinese nation are latter-day. Patriotic, progress, democratic, scientific, it is the core value that we still should stand fast to go with carry out today, need broad youth to want to stand fast to go with carry out not only, whole society should stand fast and carry out goes.

2, what is the meaning that new culture moves before May 4th movement of 1919?

May 4th movement of 1919 concerns with what new culture moves: New culture campaign made the preparation on thought and culture for May 4th movement of 1919, may 4th movement of 1919 became the basis on the action with new culture campaign, promote new culture athletic development and continue. May 4th movement of 1919 is the Chinese people's complete patriotic motion that rejects imperialism, feudalism. May 4th movement of 1919 is revolution of Chinese New Democracy is germinant, it is China the epoch-making incident on revolutionary history, it is China old democratically revolution arrives the turning point of New Democracy revolution. New culture moves case stop time was 1915 ~1923 year. Early days is from 1915 to 1919, later period is begin from 1919, end at 20 time probably, do not have specific end time normally.

The transmission that the reason of the end is the Marxism after May 4th movement of 1919 makes new idea trend, the capitalist thought that new culture campaign publicizes is already moss-grown.

3, what force does campaign of May 4th movement of 1919, new culture have?


Campaign of Chinese new culture is having far-reaching historical sense. Above all, it is our country history last time all-time thought have a bowel movement puts motion; The 2nd, it is inspiring people to go after democracy and science, exploration saves the nation save civilian the truth, the transmission that is in China for the Marxism created a condition. But, there also is the erroneous tendency that square to the thing culture affirms absolutely or denies absolutely in new culture campaign, this are affected all the time later


(1) shook the regnant position of feudal thought. Before new culture moves, bourgeois reform (improved) clique and revolutionary clique, when publicizing respective political viewpoint, do not have thoroughly critically and feudal thought. Move through new culture, feudal thought suffers unprecedented concussion critically, the thought of people gets be emancipatoried all-timely.

(2) democracy and scientific thinking get promoting. Chinese intellectual is in new culture campaign, get the ablution of western democracy and scientific thinking. This transmits open up with respect to what be new ideological trend road, also promoted the development of Chinese science career.

(3) be May 4th movement of 1919 erupted thought preparation. New culture campaign inspired the people democratically awareness, to action of the member that 54 patriotic motion had announce drive.

(4) the socialistic thought that later period transmits, inspired China's advanced intellectual, make they choose to mix accepted a Marxism, save a country as save, transform society and the thought weapon that push revolution. This is the gain with new culture the most significant movement.

(5) be helpful for culture gain ground and flourish. New culture campaign advocates colloquial article, can make language and character more close together land interconnected system comes along, accept for numerous people place, be helpful for culture thereby gain ground with prosperity.

4, what concern do new culture campaign and May 4th movement of 1919 have?

New culture campaign is the literacy campaign that publicizes western thought, what it publicizes is science and democratic thought, this motion changed numerous intellectual. The leader that new culture moves is Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao. And the initiator that Li Dazhao also is May 4th movement of 1919, may 4th movement of 1919 is the patriotic motion of anti-imperialist anti-feudal. Campaign of May 4th movement of 1919 and new culture is fundamental reform two on Chinese mordern history, they affected the trend of Chinese history on certain level. So, what concern is had twice this between motion, have same place?

Close relationship exists between campaign of May 4th movement of 1919 and new culture. They are by same place initiates a leader. Can say, new culture campaign is the foundation of May 4th movement of 1919, below the action that moves in new culture namely, ability can have so many youth to begin to go after democracy and science, the intellectual that has so much begins to care national destiny, meeting somebody shares talent go among May 4th movement of 1919. Because this can say new culture,motion laid thought foundation for May 4th movement of 1919. Open of new culture campaign the road of latter-day democracy of China, and May 4th movement of 1919 plants this democratic thought melt into acts.

There also is the place of a lot of likenesses between campaign of May 4th movement of 1919 and new culture. May 4th movement of 1919 is sanguinary revolution, and new culture campaign is thought crusade, they happen when the country lives or die, their purpose is to save the nation.

Blow of new culture campaign the prelude of May 4th movement of 1919, and May 4th movement of 1919 criterion sublimate new culture moves, the democratic thought belt that new culture athletic place publicizes entered China, these two motion is China's recent democratic movement.

5, before new culture moves (before May 4th movement of 1919) what are guiding ideology and main content?

The guiding ideology of new culture campaign before May 4th movement of 1919: Democracy and science (heart gentleman, contest gentleman) .

Main content: Promote democracy, object absolute; Encourage science, object unwisdom; Advocate new morality, object old morality; Advocate new literature, object old literature.

6, did May 4th movement of 1919 drive new culture to move further?

Yes, may 4th movement of 1919 is continuity of new culture campaign and development. Chen Duxiu established 1915 " young magazine " , changed second year say " new young person " , raise " democratic " and " science " two sides banner, old culture of violent assail feudalism, promote new culture. Subsequently, still advocate colloquial article to replace classical Chinese language, be in " literary revolution " below catchword, advocate new literature. The victory of revolution of socialism of Russian 1917 October, tremendous effect produced in Chinese people. Advanced element of China begins to regard observation as the tool of national destiny with proletarian world view. Li Dazhao published in November 1918 " the victory of common people " , " the victory of creed of Boer assorted dimension " wait civil, represented the new arousal of Chinese advanced element. New culture campaign made a thought prepare for 54 patriotic motion not only, move as this at the same time and more thorough development, make socialistic thoughts replaces bourgeois thoughts gradually and the main trend that makes motion, went up to build preparation with what the Chinese Communist is on the cadre in the thought.

7, the origin of May 4th movement of 1919 and process?

1, the origin of May 4th movement of 1919

The failure that the abroad in going up made Parisian peace conference 1919, caused great May 4th movement of 1919.

One when happened in Beijing on May 4, 1919 is given priority to with young student, the estate such as broad masses, citizen, industrial and commercial personage participates in jointly, the patriotic campaign that has through a variety of forms such as government of demonstration, petitionary, strike, violent antagonism, it is the Chinese people's complete patriotic motion that rejects imperialism, feudalism, say again " 54 tempest " .

2, the process of May 4th movement of 1919

On May 1, 1919, the peace conference of Paris of know of a few students of Beijing University rejects the message that China asks. On May 4, 1919, the 13 school such as university of Beijing advanced training school and Beijing University, China are represented, law politics is special the school attends a meeting resolution holds assembly and processional hold a demonstration before Tian An Men afternoon.

On June 3, 1919, beijing the student of thousands of emerges to street, begin large-scale propaganda, be arrested by the soldiers and police 170 much people. On June 4, 1919, arrest a student 800 more than person, caused here new round mass protest activity.

On June 5, 1919, shanghai worker begins massive strike, in order to answer a student. On June 6, 1919, federation of Shanghai all circles holds water, antagonize begin school, reopen after a cessation of business, and combine other area, signal Shanghai strike view.

On June 11, 1919, the person such as Chen Duxiu sends out to the downtown outside Beijing front door " Beijing citizen is enunciative " , be arrested accordingly. Group of each district student and society know a personage to protest this one violence of the government in succession. Face pressure of powerful society public opinion, cao, land, chapter in succession by depose, presidential Xu Shichang offers resignation.

After June 12, 1919, worker in succession go back to work, the student stops to go on strike. On June 28, 1919, chinese representing did not sign on peace treaty.

8, who launchs campaign of May 4th movement of 1919 and new culture respectively? What is its differentia?

May 4th movement of 1919 is one when happened in Beijing on May 4, 1919 is given priority to with young student, broad masses, citizen, industrial and commercial personage waits in next estate participate in jointly, the patriotic motion that waits for a variety of forms through government of demonstration, petitionary, strike, violent antagonism. It is the Chinese people's complete patriotic motion that rejects imperialism, feudalism. New culture campaign was 1919 May 4th movement of 1919 erupts around is the same as by Hu Kuo, Chen Duxiu, Lu Xun, Qian Xuan, Li Dazhao a few had gotten western education (call new-style education at that time) when the person initiates " turn over a tradition, turn over Kong Jiao. 1915, chen Duxiu is in of its chief editor " new young person " (original name " young magazine " ) publish an article, encourage democracy and science (old say " heart gentleman " with " contest gentleman " ) . This motion heavy retype attacked regnant China 2000 old traditional the Confucian or feudal ethical code, inspired the democratic consciousness of people, promoted the development that modern science is in China, the transmission that is in China for the Marxism and the outbreak of 54 patriotic motion laid thought foundation.

9, the characteristic of May 4th movement of 1919 and action?

May 4th movement of 1919 behaved the complete sex of anti-imperialist anti-feudal. May 4th movement of 1919 is right mass movement. May 4th movement of 1919 promoted the transmission that the Marxism is in China and the tie of its and Chinese labour movement.

The historical characteristic of May 4th movement of 1919 and meaning

The historical characteristic of 1 May 4th movement of 1919

(May 4th movement of 1919 behaved 1) the complete sex of anti-imperialist anti-feudal. Put forward in May 4th movement of 1919 " transform grab the world, do not identify secret diplomacy, execute self-determining " and " start all over again, organize new government " such catchword. This makes clear, the fight of anti-feudal of Chinese people anti-imperialist promotes new horizontal on.

(2) May 4th movement of 1919 is right mass movement. Itself of May 4th movement of 1919 is the revolutionary motion of an of a mass character. Masses of Chinese the working class, student and burgeoning ethical the capitalist class join campaign in.

(May 4th movement of 1919 promoted 3) the transmission that the Marxism is in China and the union of its and Chinese labour movement.

(4) May 4th movement of 1919 is initiate first by the student, the determined anti-imperialist that expands by the worker moves, it is the New Democracy revolution that the proletariat leads.

(5) May 4th movement of 1919 is phase of New Democracy revolution is germinant.

The meaning of 2 May 4th movement of 1919

(Advanced intellectual of facilitating China of May 4th movement of 1919 walks along 1) the integration of theory with practice, revolution way that ties with workers and peasants, indicate Chinese youth movement and the right way that the intellectual develops.

(May 4th movement of 1919 is 2) of the Chinese Communist hold water made force of thought theory, class and cadre preparation, the political party that urged Chinese the working class -- of the Chinese Communist hold water.

(May 4th movement of 1919 causes 3) structure of Chinese class force produces major change, drive the working class to replace bourgeois to make the leader class of Chinese revolution.

(4) May 4th movement of 1919 introduces the experience of revolution of Marxism, scientific socialism, October China, drove the transmission that Marxism and scientific socialism are in China.

(May 4th movement of 1919 causes 5) Chinese mordern history produces major change, pulled open New Democracy revolution prelusive, came true new old democratically great transition of revolution, result cannot do not have.

10, the meaning of May 4th movement of 1919 and setting?

May 4th movement of 1919 is with the youth the student is given priority to, the estate such as broad masses citizen, industrial and commercial personage participates in jointly, the patriotic campaign that has through a variety of forms such as government of demonstration, violent antagonism, it is the Chinese people's complete patriotic motion that rejects imperialism, feudalism.

The meaning of May 4th movement of 1919 and setting

The meaning of 1 May 4th movement of 1919

1, facilitating China advanced intellectual takes the integration of theory with practice, revolution way that ties with workers and peasants, indicate Chinese youth movement and the right way that the intellectual develops.

2, be a Chinese Communist hold water made force of thought theory, class and cadre preparation, the political party that urged Chinese the working class -- of the Chinese Communist hold water.

3, cause structure of Chinese class force to produce major change, drive the working class to replace bourgeois to make the leader class of Chinese revolution.

4, the experience revolution of Marxism, scientific socialism, October introduces China, drove the transmission that Marxism and scientific socialism are in China.

5, May 4th movement of 1919 causes Chinese mordern history to produce major change, pulled open New Democracy revolution prelusive, came true new old democratically great transition of revolution, result cannot do not have. May 4th movement of 1919 brings about the transmission that the Marxism is in China directly, bring about Chinese the working class to be on political arena, those who bring about a Chinese Communist hold water, brought about Chinese people to choose October revolution -- socialistic road.

The setting of 2 May 4th movement of 1919

1, political respect

The achievement of revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches falls into the hand of the Northern Warlords. Civilian first, yuan Shikai, Duan Qirui is in power in succession, dictatorship of solid march thing is regnant, destroy democratic republican, suppress revolution betray one's country begs flourish, political situation of as a result is turbulent, compatriots is right the retroact of the Northern Warlords, very indignant.

2, socioeconomy respect

During Ou Zhan, western big powers loosened the economic aggression to China temporarily, but Japan seizes the opportunity to put forward " 21 " , western big powers is in afterwar the power that also has stage a come back, compatriots hopes to change the situation such as this, the movement that boycotts foreign goods then occurs ceaselessly.

3, diplomatic respect

Civilian first, national rights and interests is lost in great quantities, especially 21 when Yuan Shikai government accepts " , include Japan to be able to accede the rights and interests that Germany is in Shandong, ever since Duan Qirui government expresses to agree willingly again, formed " Shandong problem " , compatriots expresses dissatisfaction greatly to the abasement diplomacy of government of the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning. .

4, culture respect

Civilian first, each other of new old idea wants to pound, government of the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning advertises honour aperture to restore ancient ways, and the intellectual member that is a representing with Chen Duxiu advocates new culture to move, put forward democracy and scientific catchword, new culture campaign is a center with Beijing University flourishingly and case, to young student rise have tremendous stimulative effect.

上一篇:绝世唐门绝学 和昊天宗绝学介绍?英文双语对照