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葡萄的别 称:蒲陶、草龙珠、赐紫樱桃、菩提子、山葫芦 葡萄(学名:Vitis vinifera L.)为葡萄科葡萄属木质藤本植物,小枝圆柱形,有纵棱纹,无毛或被稀疏柔毛,叶卵圆形,圆锥花序密集或疏散,基部分枝发达,果实球形或椭圆形,花期4-5月,果期8-9月。葡萄为著名水果,生食或制葡萄干,并酿酒,酿酒后的酒脚可提酒食酸,根和藤药用能止呕、安胎。 葡萄的分布范围 葡萄原产亚洲西部,世界各地均有栽培, 世界各地的葡萄约95%集中分布在北半球,中国主要产区有安徽的萧县,新疆的吐鲁番、和田,山东的烟台,河北的张家口、宣化、昌黎,辽宁的大连、熊岳、沈阳及河南的芦庙乡、民权、仪封等地。




















One, does pet dog remove name bully to enrage foreign flavour?

(yuan bully)

Yuan bully it is the fierce on the history Li Yuan bully and the name that come, element has fierce will say, it is Sui Tang 18 fierce will head, such the celebrity name of bully gas, add Labuladuo the name has imposing manner quite, be Orphean and the name of bully gas.

(chase after wind)

Chasing after wind is the name with a bully martial gas, meaning if name namely angle wind direction, compare the look with very quick speed. Labuladuo is hound dog to plant formerly, the rank is on aggressiveness and speed before leaning, chase after wind to regard Labuladuo as canine name relatively joint.

(the emperor)

The emperor is homophonic " yellow " and an extraction Labuladuo is fair dog dog name, because pull cloth to tug much dog,general hair color is yellow, if want collocation the name of a bully gas, so the emperor is most appropriate, not only bully energy of life is quite individual also.

2, have a name to intermediary?

Happy New Year! !

The home and all things are promoted!

3, have a name to the grape?

Grapy another namer: Pu Tao, careless Long Zhu, grant violet cherry, bodhi child, hill calabash grape (formal name: Vitis Vinifera L. ) belong to woodiness liana for grape division grape, rod is cylindrical, have Zong Lengwen, do not have wool or by few and far between fluff, foliaceous egg circle, concentrated or panicle is scattered, base partial branch develops, globose or fructification is elliptic, florescence 4-5 month, month of fruit period 8-9. The grape is famous fruit, be born to feed or make currant, and brew, the wine foot after brew can promote sick at heart of food and drink, root and cane are officinal can stop vomit, install an embryo. Grape of grapy distributinging limits produces an Asia formerly western, world each district all has help advance somebody's career, the grape of world each district makes an appointment with 95% concentration to distributing in the Northern Hemisphere, china basically produces an area to have the desolate county of Anhui, of Xinjiang spit rash time, with cropland, the Yantai of Shandong, mouth, announce turns Home Zhang of Heibei, Chang Li, the reed temple countryside of the Dalian of Liaoning, Xiong Yue, Shenyang and Henan, civil rights, appearance seals and other places.

4, the name since sword giving devil?

The pupil of dark night (listening to a name to be able to feel this sword has intelligence, and still contain the flavor that contains Azrael)

5, have a name to the program?

Wind dance short for the Yihe River. Give the implied meaning from personal Confucius, very literate lasting appeal one: The flower on road leaves 2: The Xinjiang that confuse condition 3: Fry of dance of showing tremendous enthusiasm

6, have a name to outpatient service?

If scale is not large, with your name. . Clinic is OK, the proposal adds a pair of couplet later: I wish the person on the world does not have disease, aux would rather frame on medicine gives birth to bug. The clinic that wishs you at an early date practice!

7, have a name to the tortoise?

Of the mother can make a dream, cocoa, graceful, bud, li Li, how, heart, jade-like stone, clever, fair can call grand, handsome, force, bright, health, handsome, chinese ink, skin, strange.

8, have a name to pearl?

Thailand girl also has a lot of to call pearl, the implied meaning of pearl is pure, clean, beautiful. Bad because,be only this name now and then be used by the girl of wind month place, so not quite good. Nevertheless this kind of thing is indifferent to the pet name at all, the pet name of Thai with be being given priority to briefly, convenient cry, care far from so much.

9, have a name to gallery?

Achieve art gallery. If 3 words are OK,I feel, call prism gallery more Orphean, the client's look is just like sunshine, gallery is just like prism, sunshine can radiate through prism piece colourful, the client's look also can make gallery business thriving likewise.

10, the name since room giving musical instrument?

The boy

Get together open - Tian Zhi - ticket acute hearing - Fang Jiang - Wei Heng - more treasure - pen mark - believe a room - Xia Gui - favour day - sincere manage - hold brilliant - auspicious sincere - Jiang Gui - Chen Xiang - Xiang Li

The girl

Wu beautifuls - plinth coulds there be - battalion clouds - Kuang Man - fine jade be filled with - Jin is greeted - girl aing jade-like stone - Xin fawn on - expensive Yo - Xue Yao - Ao Zhi - couplet is graceful - Chang Xue - Sai Na - Hunan as man of virtual and ability - billows you - boat

Had better be the character 8 according to him, the five elements, 3 abilities configuration and happy event are taken with the god, such name just suits [search my group name] all problems are solved for you

下一篇:佛山市数码相机维修? 佛山哪里有数码相机专门店?英文双语对照