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怀柔为什么叫怀柔? 怀柔民俗?英文双语对照


怀柔为什么叫怀柔? 怀柔民俗?英文双语对照












以前是怀柔县,现在是怀柔区怀柔县是北京市的郊区县,地处燕山南麓,北京东北部。东临密云县,南与顺义、昌平相连,西与延庆县搭界,北与河北省赤城县、丰宁县、滦平县接壤。怀柔有“京郊明珠”之誉。 怀柔县地域面积2128.7平方公里,山区占88.7%地形南北狭长,呈哑铃状,南北长128公里,东西最窄11公里。地势北高南低,以著名的万里长城为界,北依群山,南偎平原,层次鲜明地分为深山、浅山、平原类同地区。境内最高点海拔1705米,最低点海拔仅34米。县城位于南部平原。
























One, conciliatory why to cry conciliatory?

Conciliatory place name originates ancient time passes narrate. Conciliatory occurrence only then Yu Tangchao, when fokelore has a fisher to fish in Tan Zheshan at that time, scooped up an immortal, he tells after the immortal helped him, the place that he is in now is the place that the immortal stays in, this place calls Zhe Yu hill, want to had protected this place, the people that lets here lives and work in peace and contentment, because this fisher is resident,was in below hill of three-bristle cudrania Yu, name this place for " conciliatory " , the benefaction that the implied meaning is yearning immortal and the peace that should hold this place is quiet. Accordingly, conciliatory one circulates up to now come down.

2, conciliatory folk-custom?

Rich and colorful. Because conciliatory it is a history the place with solid inside information of long, culture, among them folk-custom culture is particularly rich. Conciliatory traditional folk-custom activity has: Hill of hold a memorial ceremony for of Spring Festival temple fair, Summer Solstice, mid-autumn kitchen of month of hold a memorial ceremony for, solstitial hold a memorial ceremony for, these activities are old and interesting, can thorough popular feeling. In addition, conciliatory still have a lot of traditions related to agriculture consuetudinary, like the traditional Chinese calendar the of 2 dragon at the beginning of Feburary looks up, of dragon boat festival over- 5, the quarry crab July, these activities are the distinctive custom with old inheritance of local common people, showed the aesthetic appeal of local and life attitude. Because this can say, conciliatory folk-custom culture is had already view and admire gender and amusement, also be a kind of precious culture bequest at the same time, be worth everybody to understand seriously and pass accept insurance to protect.

3, conciliatory and fastfood?

1, sciuroid yellow croaker: It is one of Beijing dish cookbook, decide to make with caraway makings, the cooking skill of sciuroid yellow croaker explodes with oil give priority to, taste belongs to sour sweet taste. Have color sauce soft flesh of smooth and yellow, sleek, skin is tender, sweet the characteristic of acerbity mellow delicacy.

2, fry liver: Beijing characteristic gust is fastfood. Have soup juice sleek sauce red, liverwurst fertilizer, flavour is thick not be bored with, rare and not the characteristic of .

3, Qing Dynasty fries eel: Qing Dynasty fries eel silk to add caraway end, do not have local color than fish of other like the scales of a fish. Soft abdomen adds pink, the department cuts into shreds with gigantic eel white abdomen,

4, flesh of oily chestnut braise in soy sauce: Conciliatory the countryside that is famous Chinese chestnut, the chestnut here is sweet glutinous is sweet soft, and good decorticate. Flesh of oily chestnut braise in soy sauce, oily chestnut and steaky pork are united in wedlock each other, absorb each other, whole taste is a little small also sweet.

5, bittern cooks a round mass of food: It is Beijing semifluid fastfood. Give priority to with miscellaneous bean flour more, deserve to make a round mass of food with vermicelli made from bean starch, dressing, with soup bittern is appeared after deepfry, add condiments to mix divide evenly heat is fed. Bittern boils the characteristic of a round mass of food: Puce of colour and lustre, a round mass of food is soft sodden, salty little sick at heart is hot.

4, conciliatory landform?

Before is conciliatory county, now is conciliatory area the suburb county that conciliatory county is Beijing, be located in the foot of mountain austral Yan Shan, beijing. Close cloud county is faced east, south with suitable justice, Chang Ping is linked together, with Yan Qing the county joins a group on the west, north and county of city of Heibei province bare, abundant peaceful county, Luan makes the same score prefectural border on. Conciliatory have " Beijing outskirt bright phearl " praise. Area of conciliatory county district 2128.7 square kilometer, a mountainous area take north and south of 88.7 % landform long and narrow, submit dumbbell form, north and south grows 128 kilometers, the thing is the narrowest 11 kilometers. Relief north Gao Na is low, it is a bound with famous Great Wall, north depends on group of hill, south Campagna of lean close to, cent is administrative levels brightly remote mountains, shallow hill, Campagna kind with the area. Churchyard apogee altitude 1705 meters, nadir altitude only 34 meters. The county is located in southern Campagna.

5, conciliatory characteristic?

Jujube of Ga of bridge catalpa Ga

Bridge catalpa presses down the green hill green water of 112 square kilometer to stretch enthusiastic bosom, the welcome comes from the guest of all directions. Area of field of hill of bridge catalpa town is vast, the natural condition such as climate, soil is very appropriate big jujube grows, beijing periphery is on the history most teem with a jujube kind ground of a geomantic treasure. Ga Ga jujube is jujube of Beijing this locality, ever appeared inside palace courtyard as articles of tribute when Ming Dynasty. But did not pass how long, ga Ga jujube is rapid reduction of output, be close to eradicating for a time. Since 2004, bridge catalpa presses down basis oneself advantage, carry forward fruit of this one characteristic, make common masses OK also eat fresh big jujube. Through in last few years develop, breed of the jujube inside the town includes Ga Ga jujube to have the 10 many variety such as wintry jujube, gold-rimmed jujube inside, be known as " Beijing outskirt big jujube the first town " . It is when this is dry,crisp air of autumn, to the bridge catalpa town goes, you can be experienced " peak of overlook of look as far as one can is in absolutely, see jujube forest does not see hill only " jujube country landscape.

6, conciliatory special local product?

One of conciliatory special local product -- Chinese chestnut, as inseparable as Great Wall defence.

Till now, in the ground grave mountain range of along the line of conciliatory Great Wall, still growing numerous tree of bright generation Chinese chestnut, they span the alternate of dynasty, record and narrate is worn the vicissitudes of life of years, live tenaciously today. The 9 towns that cross a river north of water valley village is mixed on the west the Bohai Sea presses down Sha Yucun on the west, saved two part in good conditionly still garden of bright generation Chinese chestnut.

alleged " forefathers grows tree later generations to enjoy the cool " , conciliatory Chinese chestnut has made the special local product of level of here calling card, the cate related to Chinese chestnut is without number more, fry chestnut besides candy sweet and goluptious, conciliatory Chinese chestnut and chicken, flesh is stewed together boil, more flavour is absolutely beautiful, derive collect neat cold dish, hot food and staple food even " Chinese chestnut banquet " .

7, cate of characteristic of Xi'an of Shanghai characteristic cate?

The crude fry in shallow oil of Shanghai is wrapped, the bag giving birth to decoct that once appeared countless times in drama of movie and TV has had history of hundreds of years, basically be fresh pork and leather aspic do stuffing at first, develop as the times, chicken and shelled fresh shrimps also abounded the content of crude fry in shallow oil. It is the white behead chicken that must raise next, in the idea of Shanghai native, what white behead chicken or small carry on promote is best, it is with 3 yellow chicken feed capable person, after been do cortical and golden, the flesh is qualitative white tender, tasting is unusual fat more, it is deadbeat of a lot of other places what taste surely is delicate. Small basket bag also is one of cate that make a person unforgettable, thin juice of small dragon wrapping is much, should go down glibly stays sweet.

Bag giving birth to decoct, white injection and small basket bag is 3 Shanghai's most famous cate.

The cate of Xi'an cannot be short of formula of 3 the Qin Dynasty: Cool skin, the flesh adds steamed bun, put peak soda water on the ice, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, steamed bun of bubble of flesh of flocks and herds, fried dumpling,

8, conciliatory cate?

1: Sciuroid yellow croaker, it is one of Beijing dish cookbook, decide to make with caraway makings, the cooking skill of sciuroid yellow croaker explodes with oil give priority to, taste belongs to sour sweet taste, have color sauce to fizzle out, smooth and sleek, leather soft flesh is tender, sweet the characteristic of acerbity mellow delicacy.

2: Fry liver, beijing characteristic gust is fastfood, have soup juice sleek sauce is red, liverwurst fertilizer, flavour is thick not be bored with, rare and not the characteristic of .

3: Qing Dynasty fries eel, qing Dynasty fries eel silk to add caraway not, do not have local color than fish of other like the scales of a fish. Soft abdomen adds pink, the department cuts into shreds with gigantic eel white abdomen,

9, conciliatory where to belong to?

Conciliatory the outer suburbs that belongs to Beijing, be located in the foot of mountain austral Yan Shan, beijing with north. Close cloud county is received east, receive south arrange justice area, Chang Ping area, yan Qing county is received on the west, north receives Heibei to save bare city county, Feng Ning county, Luan to make the same score a county. Conciliatory gross area 2128.7 square kilometer, total 2002 population 270 thousand.

10, conciliatory name origin?

Conciliatory name out " stride when · of eulogy of week of · of The Book of Songs " medium " conciliatory 100 gods " , means draws on conciliation.

1, conciliatory area is Beijing city area under administration, be located in the foot of mountain austral Yan Shan, be located in Beijing. Close cloud area is faced east, south with arrange justice area, Chang Ping area to be linked together, with Yan Qing the area joins a group on the west, north and county of city of Heibei province bare, abundant peaceful county, Luan makes the same score prefectural border on. The city zone is apart from Beijing east straight door 50 kilometers, whole area gross area 2123 square kilometer. APEC conference was held in lake of dwell of conciliatory area wild goose 2014. National sanitation city (area) .

2, there is river of 4 classes above inside the area 17, big medium or small reservoir 16. Upper the main fountainhead ground that 5 villages and towns are close cloud reservoir.

3, up to 2013, whole area often lives population 382 thousand, often live in census register in population town population 262 thousand, occupy often live the proportion of population is 68.6% .

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