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顾客只点两杯水 竟给女服务员留下1万美元的小费(英语双语阅读)


顾客只点两杯水 竟给女服务员留下1万美元的小费(英语双语阅读)

A server at a restaurant in North Carolina was given a $10,000 cash tip by a patron who ordered two waters. 近日,北卡罗来纳州一家餐馆的服务员从一位只点了两杯水的顾客那得到了1万美元的现金小费。 Alaina Custer, an employee of Sup Dogs in Greenville and student of nearby East Carolina University, was shocked when she discovered the stack of bills left on the table. 阿莱娜·库斯特是格林维尔Sup Dogs餐馆的员工,也是附近东卡罗莱纳大学的学生。当发现留在桌上的一叠钞票时,她感到很震惊。 "I literally didn't think it was real. I picked it up and it was a giant stack of hundreds, I was shaking and just kept asking, 'What is this?' I thought someone was playing a joke on me," she told The News & Observer. 她向《新闻观察家》透露:“我实在不敢相信这是真的。我把钱捡起来,很厚一摞,有几百张,我颤抖着,不停地问:‘这是什么?’我以为有人在跟我开玩笑。” The large tip was left with a note that said "thanks for the delicious water," according to Sup Dogs owner Brett Oliverio. Sup Dogs的老板布雷特·奥利维奥表示,对方在这笔小费上留了一个纸条,上面写着“感谢这美味的水”。

When Custer found the tip, there were two men at a nearby table filming her reaction because the person who left the money is a YouTube personality known as Mr. Beast. 当库斯特发现这笔小费时,旁边的桌子的两名男子正在拍摄她的反应,因为留下钱的人是YouTube上一个名叫比斯特的名人。 "They just told me about their YouTube channel and how they were going around blessing servers' days," Custer said. 库斯特表示:“他们只是告诉我他们的YouTube频道,以及他们会如何宣传此事。” Custer said most of the people who work at Sup Dogs are "broke college kids" so she decided to share the tip with her coworkers. 库斯特称,大多数在Sup Dogs餐厅工作的人都是“经济困难的大学生”,所以她决定和同事们一起分享小费。 "I was so blessed to have that money. We got to all split it up, which will help a lot of people," she said. 她说:“我很幸运得到那么多钱。我们要把这比钱分了,这会帮到很多人。”

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