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5 灰姑娘的婚礼化妆小游戏的背景音乐是什么?英文双语对照


5 灰姑娘的婚礼化妆小游戏的背景音乐是什么?英文双语对照

一、5 灰姑娘的婚礼化妆小游戏的背景音乐是什么?





1. 是一个著名的童话故事。2. 故事讲述了一个年轻的女孩灰姑娘,她的继母和继姐们虐待她,但是她通过自己的勇气和善良最终得到了幸福。3. 是一个充满魔法和想象力的故事,它教育我们要勇敢、善良、坚持自己的梦想,同时也告诉我们善有善报,恶有恶报的道理。这个故事也被改编成了许多不同版本的电影和舞台剧,深受大众喜爱。


















怎么会迷上你, 我在问自己 。我什么都能放弃, 居然今天难离去 。你并不美丽, 但是你可爱至极 。哎呀灰姑娘, 我的灰姑娘。 我总在伤你的心, 我总是很残忍 。我让你别当真, 因为我不敢相信 。你如此美丽, 而且你可爱至极 。哎呀灰姑娘, 我的灰姑娘 。也许你不曾想到我的心会疼 ,如果这是梦, 我愿长醉不愿醒 。我曾经忍耐, 我如此等待 。也许再等你到来, 也许再等你到来 。也许再等你到来。


郑钧,1967年11月6日出生于陕西省西安市,中国摇滚乐男歌手,现居北京,边开酒吧边排练乐队。1994年在红星生产社发行第一张专辑《赤裸裸》。后又发行《第三只眼》、《怒放》、《郑钧=zj》、《我们的生活充满阳光》、《长安 长安》等多张专辑。2004年获得第4届百事音乐风云榜年度最佳摇滚男歌手奖。2013年4月,担任湖南卫视主推的励志音乐类真人秀节目《中国最强音》的音乐导师(与罗大佑、陈奕迅、章子怡)。2013年8月5日晚,郑钧与刘芸在马尔代夫补办海岛婚礼。




  1、童话《灰姑娘》的名字就叫灰姑娘。  2、灰姑娘,《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)故事的女主角。希腊史学家斯特拉波曾在公元前1世纪记叙了一位嫁到埃及的希腊少女洛多庇斯的故事,这被认为是《灰姑娘》故事的最早版本。该故事在世界各地流传广泛,亦拥有许多不同版本,其中以1697年《鹅妈妈的故事》和1812年《格林童话》中的版本最为人熟知,经久不衰,不仅“灰姑娘”成为新词,被用来比喻“未得到应有注意的人或事”等。  3、故事梗概  从前,有一位长得很漂亮的女孩,她有一位恶毒的继母与两位心地不好的姐姐。她便经常受到继母与两位姐姐的欺负,被逼着去做粗重的工作,经常弄得全身满是灰尘,因此被戏称为“灰姑娘”。有一天,城里的王子举行舞会,邀请全城的女孩出席,但继母与两位姐姐却不让灰姑娘出席,还要她做很多工作,使她失望伤心。这时,有一位仙女出现了,帮助她摇身一变成为高贵的千金小姐,并将老鼠变成马夫,南瓜变成马车,又变了一套漂亮的衣服和一双水晶(玻璃)鞋给灰姑娘穿上。灰姑娘很开心,赶快前往皇宫参加舞会。仙女在她出发前提醒她,不可逗留至午夜十二点,十二点以后魔法会自动解除。灰姑娘答应了,她出席了舞会,王子一看到她便被她迷住了,立即邀她共舞。欢乐的时光过得很快,眼看就要午夜十二时了,灰姑娘不得已要马上离开,在仓皇间留下了一只水晶鞋。王子很伤心,于是派大臣至全国探访,找出能穿上这只水晶鞋的女孩,尽管有后母及姐姐的阻碍,大臣仍成功的找到了灰姑娘。王子很开心,便向灰姑娘求婚,灰姑娘也答应了,两人从此过著幸福快乐的生活。



昏暗  眼睁睁  高雅  哀求  孤伶伶  悲伤

漠视   折磨   筋疲力尽   浇灌  抖落

掠过天空    叽叽喳喳   得意洋洋   人过境迁  

美丽动人   老老实实   银装素裹   冬去春来   
























One, 5? Does the wedding of Cinderella make up what is the background music of little game?

Name: ス of セ of プ リ ン ? Write words of ク ル ル : Xin Chuanzong makes the same score compose: Song of assist cane balance: Plain village A of 10 thousand pear (ル of イ of ク ル セ ) , Chinese juniper Shan Xiuzhi (ィ of ラ ン デ ) , Zun Teng balance (ス of コ ー ラ ) , Ji wild musical instrument is beautiful (ス of コ ー ラ ) Zuo work: Young prince

2, Cinderella origianl work?

" Cinderella " in original fairy tale, not be princely in that way like what act in cartoon easily found a princess, however two elder sisters of Cinderella sail upstream to wear brilliant shoe, one cut his toe head, one cut his calcaneal, the ability after birdie reminds still is after prince takes away them know oneself look for a fault person, two elder sisters also are pecked by birdie later blind eye.

3, Cinderella story?

1.It is a well-known fairy tale story. 2. The story told about a young girl Cinderella, her stepmother and afterwards elder sister people mistreat her, but the courage that she passes herself and goodness got happiness finally. 3. It is a narrative that fills blackart and imagination, it teachs us to want the brave, kind-hearted, dream that holds to its, also tell us be apt to has cable of be apt to at the same time, the truth of sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. This story also was adapted a lot of differring the film of version and the living theatre, love by the masses.

4, Cinderella characteristic?

" Cinderella " characteristic:

1, the feminine lead that gets inequity to treat

2, the help of the mana

3, encounter with hero

4, heroine identifies position through something

5, leading role of male and female is united in wedlock

Cinderella is the part in story of a fairy tale, be in European folk formerly wide to circulate, later just by admire of · of Er of French writer summer the Glyn of Luo Hede country brother tries to collect write. Be in a lot of planting the language includes French, German, Italian, Swedish, even Chinese (Xie Xian) , the similar story that Si Lafu language, Kaierte has different version in language.

5, story Cinderella?

Cinderella is the person of a story in Andersen fairy tale, the main content of the story is:

Once upon a time, have a grows very beautifully girl, she has an evil-minded stepmother and two elder sisters with bad a person's mind. She often gets of stepmother and two elder sisters bully, move be forcinged goes doing the work of loud and jarring, often be being done the whole body is completely is dirt, because this is made fun of,call " Cinderella " . One day, the prince in the city holds ball.

Have a fairy occurrence help the young lady of a thousand pieces of gold that her suddenly change one's identity becomes nobility, changed a beautiful dress and a pair of crystal shoes are put on to Cinderella. Cinderella is very happy, head for palace to play ball at once. The years of ball joy passes very quickly, cinderella should leave immediately act against one's will, in in a flurry left a crystal shoe.

Princely school secretary comes countrywide seek by inquiry, locate the girl that can put on this only crystal shoe, although have hind the block up of mother and elder sister, chancellery still found Cinderella successfully. Prince is very happy, propose to Cinderella, cinderella also agreed, two people write the life of happy joy too from now on.

6, Cinderella love poem?

I am not princely, I do not have luxuriant palace, without the crystal shoe of 7 colour, but the heart that I have move and prince to love you euqally, I can accompany you in the journey in your life, caress you, cherish you.

I do not want to make the promise of next a solemn pledge of love for you, I am in silently only each early morning, carry on one cup of tepid milk for you, can be in only each wet, serve a block pluvial umbrella for you, can make you the following only the day never cries, let you each days of life sunshine is bright! Cinderella, I expect ~ lastingly

7, Cinderella libretto?

How can confuse on you, I am asking myself. My whats can abandon, leave hard today unexpectedly. You are not beautiful, but you are lovely to extremely. Alas Cinderella, my Cinderella. I always am in your heart, I always am very cruel. I let you be not taken seriously, because I dare not believe. You are so beautiful, and you are lovely to extremely. Alas Cinderella, my Cinderella. Perhaps you never think of my heart can ache, if this is a dream, I wish to grow drunk do not wish to wake. I once enduring, I await so. Perhaps wait for you to come again, perhaps wait for you to come again. Perhaps wait for you to come again.

" Cinderella " compose a poem to a given tune of ci: Zheng Jun. Music music: Zheng Jun. Song sings formerly: Zheng Jun

Zheng Jun, was born in Shaanxi to visit Xi'an town on November 6, 1967, chinese rock-and-roll male singer, reside Beijing now, the edge flies band of bar edge rehearse. In red star manufacturing company issued the first piece of special 1994 " naked " . Issue again after " the 3rd eye " , " in full bloom " , " Zheng Jun =zj " , " our life is full of sunshine " , " Chang'an Chang'an " wait for many pieces of special. Acquired year of a list of names posted up of wind and cloud of music of the 4th 100 things 2004 optimal rock and roll male singer award. In April 2013, hold the position of Hunan to defend inspect advocate the Li Zhiyin that push is happy kind of true person excellent program " China most ictus " musical teacher (with Luo Dayou, old Yi Xun, Zhang Ziyi) . Late on August 5, 2013, zheng Jun and Liu Yun fill in Maldives do island wedding.

8, Cinderella, author?

" Cinderella " the author is Germany case forest brother Yakebu Glyn and Williams · Glyn, work is collected at " case forest fairy tale " in. Case forest brother is Germany the historian with 19 distinguished centuries, linguist, folktale and old and fabulous collect person. Because two people experience likeness, interest close, cooperative philologize, collect and arrange civilian fairy tale and fokelore.

9, fairy tale " Cinderella " what does Cinderella call the name?

1, fairy tale " Cinderella " the name calls Cinderella. 2, Cinderella, " Cinderella " (Cinderella) the heroine of the story. Greek historian Sitela wave ever was in BC 1 century narrate marry the Greek girl of Egypt the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces shelters more this story, this is considered as " Cinderella " the earliest version of the story. This story circulates in world each district extensive, also have a lot of different version, among them with 1697 " the story of goose mom " and 1812 " case forest fairy tale " medium version most the person is hep, last long, not only " Cinderella " make new statement, be used to analogy " did not get due watchful person or thing " etc. 3, story outline once upon a time, have a grows very beautifully girl, she has an evil-minded stepmother and two elder sisters with bad a person's mind. She often gets of stepmother and two elder sisters bully, move be forcinged goes doing the work of loud and jarring, often be being done the whole body is completely is dirt, because this is made fun of,call " Cinderella " . One day, the prince in the city holds ball, the girl that invites whole town is attended, but stepmother and two elder sisters do not let Cinderella attend however, even she does a lot of works, make her disappointed and sad. At this moment, a fairy appeared, help her suddenly change one's identity become young lady of high a thousand pieces of gold, turn mice into Ma Fu, pumpkin becomes carriage, changed again a beautiful dress and a pair of crystal (glass) the shoe is put on to Cinderella. Cinderella is very happy, head for palace to play ball at once. Fairy reminds her before she sets out, cannot linger to midnight at 12 o'clock, blackart will be automatic after 12 o'clock remove. Cinderella agreed, she attended ball, prince sees she was enchanted by her, invite her instantly in all dance. Happy days passes very quickly, be about soon midnight 12 when, cinderella should leave immediately act against one's will, in in a flurry left a crystal shoe. Prince is very sad, then school secretary comes countrywide seek by inquiry, locate the girl that can put on this only crystal shoe, although have hind the block up of mother and elder sister, chancellery still found Cinderella successfully. Prince is very happy, propose to Cinderella, cinderella also agreed, two people write the life of happy joy too from now on.

10, is Cinderella good word good sentence?

Good word

Dim helplessly sadness of actress of actor of decorous suppliance Gu

Dog-tired   of ignore torment   irrigates shake off

Pass by a sky change of pass through the territory of a country of person of chirping   cock-a-hoop  

Winter of silver-coated   of conscientiously   of beautiful and moving   goes spring come  

Good sentence good paragraph

The girl is devotional and kind-hearted girl, she cries everyday to the front of the grave of her mother.

Came in the winter, heavy snow was the graveyard lid of her mother to go up white blanket. Spring breeze is blown, the sun discharge

Those who went going up graveyard is silver-coated. The winter goes spring come, change of person pass through the territory of a country, his father married another wife again.

This comes was stained with on her body cindery, dirty, ugly, as a result of this reason they call her Cinderella.

On the road, when he crosses a thick short woods, a hazel branch was touching him,

Should sweep his cap almost came down, so he folds this branch come down to be taken.

She is taking branch to come to the front of maternal grave, fell it graveyard limit. She should cry 3 times to the side of grave everyday,

When crying sadly every time, tear is met ceaselessly drippy go up in branch, irrigating it, make branch very

Fast blossommed a beautiful large tree.

What fly first is two pigeons that come in from kitchen window, following those who fly is two culver, catch a sky

All birdie are patted chirp in moving wing, fly to grey caboodle.

Small pigeon is low the head begins to be picked up in grey caboodle, one a ground is chosen, keep choosing!

The bird of other also begins to choose, a ground is chosen, keep choosing!

That birdie came, it brought to cover more beautiful formal attire then than what she wears before today.

When she comes to ball hall, her beauty makes all people open-eyed unceasingly.

When parents enters a room, cinderella has worn dingy dress to lie on grey caboodle edge,

Lie over to be like the ground all the time like her, dim small oil lamp is shaking in the wall hole on chimney column.

Her kind-hearted friend brought the dance shoe of a more more beautiful than be being covered then the following day formal attire and work out of a pair of bullion again.

When she drives ball to the spot, everybody was given to be stupefied by the beauty that she cannot convey with the language then.



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