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郑州科技学院学费:专科文科13000元/年、理科14000元/年、艺术16000元/年、体育14000元/年,本科文科15000元/年、理科16000元/年、艺术18000元/年、体育16000元/年、中外合作办学23500元/年;住宿费:1500元/年 。具体各专业收费标准如下,希望对大家有所帮助,如有变动,以学校官方最新消息为准。




第十三条 普通类本专科专业学费标准。









第十四条 特殊类型专业学费标准。















1.艺术类:视觉传达设计、环境设计、动画 、音乐学。以上专业13500元/年。


3.管理、经济、体育类:旅游管理、国际经济与贸易、财务管理、经济学、市场营销、学前教育、物流管理、体育教育, 以上专业11500元/年。






八、郑州科技学院新生学费多少? 急?



1.艺术类:视觉传达设计、环境设计、动画 、音乐学。以上专业13500元/年。


3.管理、经济、体育类:旅游管理、国际经济与贸易、财务管理、经济学、市场营销、学前教育、物流管理、体育教育, 以上专业11500元/年。












郑州科技学院(University for science & Technology ZhengZhou)地处河南省郑州市,是经教育部批准在郑州科技职业学院基础上建立的本科层次普通高校。







One, is institute of Zhengzhou science and technology tuitional how many?

Institute of Zhengzhou science and technology each professional and tuitional rate

Is 1. artistic kind of: ? ?2000 of  of ⒍ of Pi of account Tuo bail yuan / year;

2. engineering course kind: ? Attack Qian of ⒌ of vinegar of whencing border of в of Qian  cattail emerges ⑹ of  of far  of ⒆ of vinegar of cattail в whencing border calls bail of glare of  of ⒒ of otter of こ of wooden tablets or slips for writing of room cattail в Pu Puliu eight wets carbolic eight of こ of  of Jin of ⒌ of Huan of alarm of ㄔ of brilliant of ⒔ of far   wets far

3. management, economy kind: ? Rotten feed  of Fei rancorring ⒐ to show  rotten protein to gallop  of rancorring ⒕ of ⒉ Pu burying Fei?

Learn, market sale 10000 yuan / year;

2, is specialized subject of institute of Zhengzhou science and technology tuitional?

Institute of Zhengzhou science and technology is tuitional: Specialized subject liberal art 13000 yuan / year, science department 14000 yuan / year, artistic 16000 yuan / year, sports 14000 yuan / year, undergraduate course liberal art 15000 yuan / year, science department 16000 yuan / year, artistic 18000 yuan / year, sports 16000 yuan / year, collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school 23500 yuan / year; Accommodation cost: 1500 yuan / year. Specific each major rate is as follows, hope to be helped somewhat to everybody, if have,change, allow with learning school government latest news to be.

3, is institute of Zhengzhou times science and technology tuitional how many?

The car detects with maintenance, computer Internet operation, international aviation content flows, make up photography and broadcast chair, industrial robot, travel management, accountant, market sale, urban orbit traffic, preschool education, nursing is 6900 yuan of / each year, international name hutch, elevator detects with maintenance, building adornment project is 7900 yuan of / each year

4, is institute of Zhengzhou project science and technology tuitional how many?

Thirteenth common standard of this kind of tuition of specialized subject major.

Undergraduate course:

Manage is versed in kind: 5000 yuan / unripe? School year

Literary history kind: 4400 yuan / unripe? School year

Artistic kind: 8000 yuan / unripe? School year.

Specialized subject:

Manage is versed in kind 4200 yuan / unripe · school year

Literary history kind 3700 yuan / unripe · school year

Artistic kind 6000 yuan / unripe · school year

Standard of tuition of major of the 14th special kind.

Managerial project of collaboration of China and foreign countries 11000 yuan / unripe · school year

Managerial project of collaboration of China and foreign countries is artistic kind 13000 yuan / unripe · school year

Software kind 8000 yuan / unripe · school year

Accommodation cost:

8 worlds 600 yuan / unripe · school year

6 worlds 900 yuan / unripe · school year

4 worlds 1100 yuan / unripe · school year

5, is campus of Zhengzhou of institute of Central Plains science and technology tuitional?

This is university of run by the local people, be in commonly ten thousand and five one year or so

6, new student of college of Zhengzhou science and technology is tuitional how many. Urgent?

Liberal art 13000 yuan / year, science department 14000 yuan / year, artistic 16000 yuan / year, sports 14000 yuan / year; This science expends a standard: Liberal art 15000 yuan / year, science department 16000 yuan / year, artistic 18000 yuan / year, sports 16000 yuan / year, collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school 23500 yuan / year; Accommodation expends a standard 1500 yuan / year.

7, is new student of college of Zhengzhou science and technology tuitional how many? Urgent?

New student of college of Zhengzhou science and technology is tuitional:

(One) undergraduate course is professional

1. is artistic kind: The vision communicates design, environment design, animation, musicology. Above is professional 13500 yuan / year.

2. engineering course kind: Computer science and computer science and technology, technology (embedded software technology direction) , science of signal of electronic science and technology, orbit traffic and control, food and project, mechanical design is made reach its automation, traffic is carried, electrician Cheng and its automation, above is professional 12500 yuan / year.

3. management, economy, sports kind: Sale of economy of travel management, international and commerce, financial management, economics, market, preschool education, content sheds education of management, sports, above is professional 11500 yuan / year.

(2) the specialized subject is professional

1. is industrial and commercial business affairs of business management, international, international business affairs (cross direction of condition electron business affairs) , sale of travel management, content shedding management, manpower resource management, accountant, market, above major is tuitional 8000 yuan / year.

Processing technique of technology of electron of 2. electron business affairs, application, food, food processing technique (food treatment craft and its automation direction) , food nutrition and detect, the car detects with maintenance English of technology, business affairs, computer uses network of technology, computer technology of technology of technology, communication, electric automation, machinery, above major is tuitional 8500 yuan / year.

Design of 3. vision transmission and make, technology of art of artistic design, performance, numerical control, numerical control technology (numerical control breakdown is diagnosed with maintenance direction) , numerical control technology (numerical control machines) of direction of technology of advanced process designing, above is professional 9000 yuan / year.

4. society sports 8000 yuan / year.

8, is new student of college of Zhengzhou science and technology tuitional how many? Urgent?

     New student of college of Zhengzhou science and technology is tuitional:

     (One) undergraduate course is professional

1. is artistic kind: The vision communicates design, environment design, animation, musicology. Above is professional 13500 yuan / year.

2. engineering course kind: Computer science and computer science and technology, technology (embedded software technology direction) , science of signal of electronic science and technology, orbit traffic and control, food and project, mechanical design is made reach its automation, traffic is carried, electrician Cheng and its automation, above is professional 12500 yuan / year.

3. management, economy, sports kind: Sale of economy of travel management, international and commerce, financial management, economics, market, preschool education, content sheds education of management, sports, above is professional 11500 yuan / year.

       (2) the specialized subject is professional

1. is industrial and commercial business affairs of business management, international, international business affairs (cross direction of condition electron business affairs) , sale of travel management, content shedding management, manpower resource management, accountant, market, above major is tuitional 8000 yuan / year.

Processing technique of technology of electron of 2. electron business affairs, application, food, food processing technique (food treatment craft and its automation direction) , food nutrition and detect, the car detects with maintenance English of technology, business affairs, computer uses network of technology, computer technology of technology of technology, communication, electric automation, machinery, above major is tuitional 8500 yuan / year.

Design of 3. vision transmission and make, technology of art of artistic design, performance, numerical control, numerical control technology (numerical control breakdown is diagnosed with maintenance direction) , numerical control technology (numerical control machines) of direction of technology of advanced process designing, above is professional 9000 yuan / year.

4. society sports 8000 yuan / year.

9, how much is the tuition of institute of Zhengzhou science and technology?

Undergraduate course:

Is 1. artistic kind of: ? ?2000 of  of ⒍ of Pi of account Tuo bail yuan / year;

2. engineering course kind: ? Attack Qian of ⒌ of vinegar of whencing border of в of Qian  cattail emerges ⑹ of  of far  of ⒆ of vinegar of cattail в whencing border calls bail of glare of  of ⒒ of otter of こ of wooden tablets or slips for writing of room cattail в Pu Puliu eight wets carbolic eight of こ of  of Jin of ⒌ of Huan of alarm of ㄔ of brilliant of ⒔ of far   wets far

3. management, economy kind: ? Rotten feed  of Fei rancorring ⒐ to show  rotten protein to gallop?0000 of  of ∮ of humorous of ⑹ of А of aether of  of rancorring ⒕ of ⒉ Pu burying Fei yuan / year;

Patulous data:

Institute of Zhengzhou science and technology (University For Science&Technology ZhengZhou) be located in Henan to visit Zhengzhou town, it is approval of classics Ministry of Education the undergraduate course arrangement that establishs on foundation of institute of profession of Zhengzhou science and technology is common college.

The school is founded 1988, original name is university of Central Plains profession; Established institute of profession of Zhengzhou science and technology 2001; Classics Ministry of Education approved record of formal schooling of executive undergraduate course to teach 2008, and more the name is institute of Zhengzhou science and technology; Added baccalaureate newly to award authority to evaluate through Henan province 2012, obtain baccalaureate to award authority the qualification.

2011 the network is ranked integratedly in, comprehensive strength of college of run by the local people of whole nation of academic row house the 18th. Han Qide of academician of vice-chairman of standing committee of countrywide National People's Congress, the Chinese Academy of Sciences carries program the institute is presiding and advisory. The institute is awarded early or late " college of countrywide run by the local people is advanced unit " , " comprehensive strength of college of Chinese run by the local people 20 strong schools " , " college of demonstrative run by the local people of countrywide student obtain employment " wait for a title.

Reference material: ? Does г of beautiful of V Song duckweed call swiftly?

10, how much is institute of Zhengzhou science and technology?

It is 3, tuitional 16000 ~ 18000 yuan. Institute of Zhengzhou science and technology belongs to school of run by the local people. Collecting fees at present is artistic kind 12000. Engineering course 11000. Manage kind 10000. These are tuitional. If add accommodation cost to wait if really,should be in
