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此数年,传媒业兴,动漫亦蜂起。其势浩大,其质渐高。若《喜羊羊》与《熊出没》,近童心且容天马,叙事简并趣味多。本土新作成,向既显,理愈彰。动漫者,以动漫谈,一邦之文明,一隅之礼俗,一族之道义,浑然蕴其间。汉唐有风,在乎书画琴棋,亦在油盐柴米。汉郦食其云,王者以民人为天,民人以食为天。黄发垂髫(tiáo),皆贪朵颐之乐。于龆龀(tiáo chèn),以良友拟肴馔(zhuàn),心赏目悦。言既至此,《美食大冒险》当仁弗让。





" the heroic braise that cate takes a risk greatly " summer vacation time had shown big motion picture 2018, the 3D cartoon that this our country achieves IP formerly independently is mixed from 2014 young audience people had met, to facilitate everybody understands culture of this cartoon and tradition of study our country -- classical Chinese article, here will engineer before me " cate takes a risk greatly " TV cartoon (not be edition of big motion picture) the activity on line of comment of edition of classical Chinese article, cent 4 period share with everybody.

" cate takes a risk greatly " on this the tip of the tongue move free, combined culture of our country food, kongfu culture, with Zheng and the history of next West, made a special original homebred use free brand! The child looked to be able to have appetite very much, also do not carry again fed; The parent looked, can grow a lot of geography and knowledge of cate of each district characteristic.

Brief introduction: " cate takes a risk greatly " it is a saga that produces in magical food world. The canon of the author female Wa for world of heavy filling food " female Wa cookbook " , the four seas (steamed bread) , Bao Jiang (steamed stuffed bun) , oily 10 thousand gold (deep-fried twisted dough sticks) , artful artful (noodle) , Guo Kui (sesame seed cake) , Hua Xiaolei (steamed twisted roll) and fight bottle (dumpling) a flock of lovely China food, hide with their good friend fierce (birthday manages) , drive their treasure boat -- " evaporate box number " , span 7 continent, 4 ocean, hardships and dangers of all previous classics and challenge, the warm blood that was full of a youth to pursue a dream and passion...

Face " swim all directions, "Feed " aid the sea

These several years, medium course of study is promoted, move free Yi Feng to rise. Its situation huge, its are qualitative gradually tall. If " be fond of Yang Yang " with " bear appears and disappear " , close childishness and the horse that hold a day, narrative brief and interest is much. Native land new consummate, to show already, manage heals clear. Move the person that overflow, in order to use informal discussion, the civilization of one state, the etiquette and custom of the corner, the morality and justice of gens, muddy like that accumulate meantime. Han Tang has wind, care about chess of musical instrument of painting and calligraphy, also be in rice of oily salt bavin. Chinese a surname feeds its cloud, wang Zhe is a day with civilian person, civilian person is a day with feeding. Huang Fa earlies childhood (Ti á O) , all have an insatiable desire for a Yi Zhile. Grow permanent teeth at Tiao (N) of è of Ti á O Ch, draft sumptuous courses at a meal with the beneficial friend (Zhu à N) , the heart admires eye Yue. Character already so far, " cate takes a risk greatly " let when Ren Fu.

" cate " one drama, three-dimensional in order to make, fine and standard is high. Person, scene, thing, aim, all has considerable place. Of the person knit the brows laugh, the wood of scene, vivid appear vividly. Start a life from female Wa, and city person is impersonal, noodle also. Wrap overmatch, the heart heats up sexual rank grass, go and do not think of, danger when, shi Yiliu dark flower bright. The four seas person, travel although clumsy annals however firm, become then numerous head. Small bud of steamed twisted roll person, bright eye be apt to looks at, cloud hair worn in a bun or coil highs, sexual crafty An, happy play, of Yu Jieai. Aid the person that fierce hides newly, dong Ying's Zuo (Y ì ) also, body Leng Sairui, reason calm goes only, go like that only extremely, it is to be circuitous. Good, bud, slow-witted, cheap, between small part, all of severe common perilla is complete. See (the great mind that country of Xi à N) overflows heavy tradition and bright oneself holds the post of, contain is chivalrous at blister hutch big wisdom. And dumpling is fought bottle, Yi face is artful 10 thousand gold of Guo Kui of cake of artful, face, deep-fried twisted dough sticks plan 8 people, in all drive boat is called out " evaporate box number " , kind the Eight Immortals in the legend crossing the sea, go smoothly everywhere, show magic power fully. Boat place and place, tian Zhu, Persia, the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, billow 10 thousand just, a pavilion or house on a terrace of booth stage building, difficult Yan Jimiao. Yue Qianfeng experience 10 thousand water, patience behead 6 will, its affection shape is like Alice somnambulate elfland, bizarre and motley, too many things to see.

By framework careful, little kind swim on the west, hold charm of involuntary discharge of urine of the West below bright Zheng He concurrently again. Desire be apt to feeds bound emperor chart, surely first stroke chaos is. The road is boundless its are long, the fluctuation such as steamed stuffed bun searchs. When recalling Tong Zhi, cate, kongfu my place desire also, adventure, also my place desire also. 3 person can you get hold concurrently? When those cannot, have now " cate takes a risk greatly " also. Afro-asian Europe, north and south is beautiful, more defeat heals brave, "Beaten twist shows a highway, walk along hardships and dangers to set out again " . Pay as child's hair twisted in a knot the ocean with seeing is fed, parents is accompanied and watch, forefinger is moved, appetite leaves, be in harmony of its Le Rong.

View use free market, hollywood seizes state power alone half wall, shi Yuejiu. Mainland has an excellent work occasionally, yi Re of the person that big screen booking office is counted works, much more unavoidable low young shame drably, fame and gain all closes hard. Use the method that overflow, in achieve formerly classical, in have a definite object in view, in the world incomparable. The person that watch surely after that spread out, know strong opponent to rise after that, collect popular wishes after that accept good advices. " cate " horizontal sky is born, be like tide reputably, time and again be rewarded, fact is commendable. Like that investigate its are fine place, advocate battle is numerous an one's words chaos, alone heart of the four seas is not had by look for, beyond person motive is unidentified, because have damage complete piece intention. What ocean feeds is archetypal, compatriots is not solved very more, if trailer adds enlightenment additionally, get and review, it is surely into beneficial. Other product is feeble, periphery was not opened, relatively Dishini and his like, impetus is still weak. Consider the defects cannot obscure the virtues, an excellent work with homebred and very few fact, long wind defeats billow, straight aid the sea, point to visible. Cao cut debate says, at a dash, be nearing exhaustion. Leave the bureau is easy, stand fast not easy, wish its and row and song, do not lose popular confidence.

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