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成都到海螺沟海拔? 成都到海螺沟路况如何?英文双语对照


成都到海螺沟海拔? 成都到海螺沟路况如何?英文双语对照


成都的海拨只有505.9米,海螺沟景区从磨西镇到冰川观景台海拔从1680 米到3200 米不等,贡嘎山主峰7556 米,因此游客所停留的海拔高度通常是在1680 米到3200 米之间,而海螺沟景区内的最低海拔为2850 米。海螺沟冰川伸入原始森林6 公里形成冰川与森林共存的奇绝景观,因此海螺沟冰川也被公认为世界上海拔最低的冰川。














特别是举世无双的大冰瀑布,高达1000多米,宽约1100米,比著名的黄果树瀑布大出十余倍,瑰丽非凡。海螺沟是亚洲最东低海拔现代冰川发现地,海拔2850米。其大冰瀑布高1080米,宽0.5米-1100米,是中国至今发现的最高大冰瀑布。沟内蕴藏有大流量沸热温冷矿泉,大面积原始森林和高的冰蚀山峰,大量的珍稀动植物资源,金、银山交相辉映,蔚为壮观。2016年10月9日,国家旅游局发布十一假日旅游“红黑榜”,海螺沟景区上榜旅游服务最佳景区。 2017年2月25日,新晋为国家5A级旅游景区。




















线路:成都 --- 成雅高速 --- 天全 --- 二郎山隧道 --- 甘谷地 --- 泸定 --- 磨西。









Does Chengdu arrive conch channel altitude?

The sea of Chengdu is dialed have 505.9 meters only, area of conch channel scene from grind the town watchs scene table height above sea level to differ to 3200 meters from 1680 meters to glacier on the west, tribute mountain the highest peak in a mountain range 7556 meters, the height above sea level that keeps because of this tourist place is normally 3200 meters arrive in 1680 meters between, and the lowermost altitude inside area of conch channel scene is 2850 meters. Conch channel glacier extends virgin forest what 6 kilometers form glacier and silvan coexistence is strange absolutely landscape, because of glacier of this conch channel also by accepted the glacier that is lowest of the altitude on the world.

Does Chengdu arrive conch channel road besides how?

Chengdu always shares 348.5 kilometers to conch channel. Chengdu drives to want to spend 5-6 probably to conch channel hour left and right sides. Road condition is pretty good, suggest you pay close attention to newest traffic information. Sedan can be adopted

Does Chengdu arrive altitude of road of conch banks of a ditch or canal?

Chengdu arrives road of conch banks of a ditch or canal, have two places height above sea level opposite taller.

1: Chengdu sets out, via new ferry, elegant install city edge Qing Yijiang and go up, arrive at 2 man mountain this is circuit on, the first height above sea level is controlled in 3000 meters a mountainous area, also be home's famous plain Tibet line 318 countries on the road the first difficulty, after crossing 2 man mountain, be famous cross a river greatly, the highway below hill is in this lane, left leads to conch channel, asbestine right is to head for the Yong Duolu in long march to decide the Lu of the bridge to decide a county.

2: Area of conch channel scene, grind Xi Zhenhai to unplug many meters 1600, begin area of scene of conch channel glacier here, height above sea level rises to altitude gradually 3200 meters of above, the passenger of proposal amuse oneself, want to prepare to combat drug high.

Chengdu arrives conch channel is the fastest recent road, it is Chengdu comes health the freeway that decides city, area of scene of channel of conch of high speed go by way of is placed in Lu.

Strategy of conch channel travel?

Course: Chengdu -- conch channel, multiply car station: New south the door stands, send car time: 09:30, course of development: 345 kilometers, the price: 115 yuan. Time: 6 hours or so

Characteristic cate: Bai Jun and grind on the west old bacon.

The hotel enters: Grind the town is located in conch channel mouth on the west, the reception that is conch channel beauty spot center, board and lodging of guesthouse of class of SamSung of home of know exactly about sth, 4 stars and the rustic public house with tens of home complete facilities, civilian constellation welcomes a drop.

Extend a data

Conch channel is located in Sichuan to save Lu to decide a county to grind press down on the west, tribute Shandong slope, it is Qinghai-Tibet Platean east the extremely high hilly area of the predestined relationship. Conch channel is located in Gonggaxue below peak foot, with low height above sea level contemporary glacier is celebrated at the world. Glittering and translucent contemporary glacier spreads have diarrhoea from the valley of high and steep and fall; Put hole, arduous ice bridge on the ice tremendously, make the person is like the Crystal Palace into myth.

Especially unrivaled big ice chute, be as high as many meters 1000, about 1100 meters wide, give more than 10 times greatly than famous yellow fruiter chute, magnificent is extraordinary. Conch channel is an Asia most east low height above sea level is contemporary glacier discovers the ground, altitude 2850 meters. Its put chute on the ice greatly 1080 meters tall, 0.5 meters wide - 1100 meters, it is the chute of the loftiest ice that China discovers up to now. The contain inside channel has large flow boil to heat up warm cold mineral spring, bedding face accumulates virgin forest and tall glacial corrode mountain peak, many precious is rare source of the goods and materials that use plant, gold, silver-colored hill hands in photograph reflect, weiwei is grand. On October 9, 2016, national tourism bureau releases 11 holidays to travel " red black a list of names posted up " , travel of a list of names posted up on area of conch channel scene serves optimal scene area. On Feburary 25, 2017, xin Jin is area of scene of travel of national 5A stage.

How much is Chengdu travelled to quote with round single person to Japan in April 2017 probably?

Wh whichever visits town, 4000-8000 of price of person of sheet following a group is more reasonable, over- of 10 thousand belong to the group with higher class, under of 4000 should take care, 5, the comparison that 6K controls is at ease

Can Chengdu go to conch channel car?

Possible, drive oneself without the problem, it is recently only intermittence of the traffic on the road there. Have mud-rock flow, notice safety of drive a vehicle is breathed out

Does Chengdu quote to round circuitry of travel of channel of 9 stockaded village?

Chengdu goes with the group channel of 9 stockaded village swims 3 days charge is probably 380 yuan or so (price of guidance of Chinese processional company, contain fare, accommodation to expend expenses of 2 evening, food to wait)

General scheduling

The first day: ~ of area of scene of Chengdu ~ yellow dragon mouth of channel of 9 stockaded village (live channel of 9 stockaded village)

The following day: Beauty spot of channel of 9 stockaded village swims one day (live channel of 9 stockaded village or plain advocate temple)

The 3rd day: Channel of 9 stockaded village or plain advocate temple ~ Chengdu

Form a complete set serves: A whole journey is the tourist guide everybody explains on the way scenery

By way of: Jiang Yan, mirror and other places of plain of beautiful, short of Wenshui River, luxuriant county

Whole journey makes an appointment with: 500 kilometers (one-way) general bus car goes 8 ~ 10 hours

Is conch channel travel optimal time?

The optimal time that conch channel travels is to will come in November second year in April, the sunshine after this moment snows is more, air is fresh, can see the glacier with snow-white far. In addition, winter is OK still bubble hot spring, experience romantic Xue Jing; Autumn also is good travel time, weather is warmer than in the winter, can admire the virgin forest of full ground of red autumnal leaves.

Summertime temperature picks up, glacier sees not easily, and 7-8 month is local monsoon, hill road has the risk of cave in, before be not being recommended, go to. Accordingly, the proposal will come in November conch channel is headed for to travel between second year April.

Does Chengdu arrive conch channel which circuitry height above sea level is low?

108 countries.

The course is full-length 360 kilometers, it is to head for conch channel to be apart from nearer course, if on the road expedite, general 4-6 hour arrived. Additional, cross a day to enter 2 man mountain namely completely, this paragraph is road surface of whole journey cement, road condition is very good, height above sea level is not high also, 2 man mountain is channel.

Circuit: Chengdu---Become elegant high speed---The day is full---Channel of 2 man mountain---Pleasant valley---Lu is decided---Grind on the west.

Grind the gate that conch channel is on the west.

Whole strategy of conch channel travel?

Conch channel is located in Sichuan, here has glacier, mountain range to still have hot spring. Altogether of whole beauty spot has 4 camping ground:

1, a camping ground is in for ticket of check of scene area entrance ticket, the place with amused it doesn't matter, but can hike, view and admire wild vivid plant. The virgin forest here is one of conch channel a four-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme, also be our country old save one of most areas with primitive biology species.

2, 2 camping ground are located in inside core scene area, suit bubble hot spring, have here so-called " one of 10 big hot spring of Chinese " tribute god spring. That issues overflow to come out from hundreds of big cedar feet of Nian Shuling, water quality is transparent and clear, colorless insipidity, but bath of drinkable Ke Mu, winter is the optimal season of bath hot spring more.

3, this ground has 3 camping ground the tourist attraction such as city gate hole, red Shi Tan. And the glacier challenge way that the dry river dam by 3 camping ground has a plank road built along a cliff of foster cordial relations between countries to pass Hei Songlin makes a round trip about 2 hours on foot. But this Lu Bingchuan is not much, those who be inferior to city gate hole is grand and good-looking.

4, 4 camping ground are taken in 3 camping ground telpher must sit most cableway of distinctive high mountain, what can see big ice fall is panoramic, OK still Bing looks at many meters 7000 tribute the highest peak in a mountain range, return price is controlled 80 yuan probably, big ice chute, glacier watchs scene station. But if weather is bad to do not suggest to go up, be afraid what is invisible.

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