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教师课后辅导名言? 教师心理健康培训标语?英文双语对照


教师课后辅导名言? 教师心理健康培训标语?英文双语对照











1. 关注教师心理健康,构建和谐校园。

2. 教师心理健康,学生快乐成长。

3. 教师心理健康,教育教学更强。

4. 心理健康教育,助教师快乐工作。

5. 关注教师心理健康,保障学生健康成长。

6. 教师心理健康,学生幸福保障。

7. 维护教师心理健康,共创和谐校园。

8. 教师心理健康,学生受益无穷。

9. 教师心理健康,教育事业保障。

10. 重视教师心理健康,创建和谐校园环境。

11. 教师心理健康,学生成功之基。

12. 教师心理健康,学生成功之源。

13. 教师心理健康,学生快乐成长。

14. 教师心理健康,学生受益终身。

15. 教师心理健康,学生成功保障。
































1. 资格条件:了解获得教师辅导奖的资格条件,包括学历、工作年限、教学经验等方面的要求。通常需要具备相关领域的高等教育背景和一定的教学经验。

2. 提供材料:准备申请所需的材料,例如个人简历、教学经验总结、学生评价、教学成果等。这些材料应该充分展示你在教学方面的优势、专业水平和辅导成就。

3. 教学成绩:在教学中取得较好的成绩是获得教师辅导奖的重要条件之一。教学成绩可以通过学生评价、教学效果反馈、教学质量评估等方式来评估和证明。

4. 推荐信:向学校或相关机构申请教师辅导奖时,可能需要提供教师推荐信。可以向同事、学生或教育管理者请求他们的推荐信,并让他们描述你在辅导方面的优秀表现和对学生的影响力。

5. 申请程序:按照相关机构或学校规定的程序,填写申请表格,并在规定时间内提交。确保所有材料的准备完整和准确。

6. 评选过程:申请提交后,会有专业人士或评委对申请材料进行评审,并可能进行面试或演示课程等环节来进一步评估候选人的教学能力和辅导水平。



One, does logion coach after pedagogic class?

1, of education at the heart, the Yudalishi that still carves.

2, Na Baichuan, look knowledge, establish a mitzvah, charitable person is tasted.

3, education is the process with progressively him ignorant discovery.

4, with of 100 thousand times cultivated, change Man Yuanxiang of one's pupils or disciples.

5, education is not flood a pail of water, and ignite a fire.

6, between teachers and students of heart and heart the bethel that falling the point that collect is love.

7, the person that it is division is become have a sharp sense of integrity, move with affection, fu Zhi in order to love.

8, the total mystery that teachs skill also depends on how cherishing children.

2, does pedagogic mental health groom catchphrase?

1.  Pay close attention to pedagogic mental health, compose builds harmonious campus.

2.  Pedagogic mental health, student joy grows.

3.  Pedagogic mental health, educational education is stronger.

4.  Mental health education, assistant division joy works.

5.  Pay close attention to pedagogic mental health, safeguard student health grows.

6.  Pedagogic mental health, student happiness is ensured.

7.  Maintain pedagogic mental health, achieve harmonious campus in all.

8.  Pedagogic mental health, the student is benefited boundless.

9.  Pedagogic mental health, teach career safeguard.

10.  Take pedagogic mental health seriously, found harmonious campus environment.

11.  Pedagogic mental health, those who learn unripe success base.

12.  Pedagogic mental health, the student becomes the source of result.

13.  Pedagogic mental health, student joy grows.

14.  Pedagogic mental health, the student is benefited lifelong.

15.  Pedagogic mental health, learn unripe successful safeguard.

3, duty of mental health teacher?

One, in politics teach the direct leader of place to fall, begin mental health education and psychology to seek advice.

2, develop special subject chair for teachers and students regularly.

3, the education that assumes mental health to teach course.

4, open psychology to coach for the parent regularly lecture.

5, use " private words mailbox " , the form such as mass organizations of self-help of the hot line on psychological tab, net, psychology, begin psychology to coach.

6, advisory room of fixed and open psychology, advisory record is complete, collect typical case.

7, record of mentality of initial year team is complete, have corresponding analysis and think.

8, what attend city, area actively to hold is special groom, academic delibrate, religion grind the activity such as communication.

9, every semester must have mental health to education plans and be summed up

4, does extracurricular coach does the notes guide is means written how?

The notes guides content and time record, and be necessary take a picture register check, summary attends class content and key content, ask the student reviews exercise key content, strengthen review can.

5, does education of pedagogic mental health groom content?

Generally speaking pedagogic mental health grooms inside look respect:

Knowledge of 1. professional theory -- through extending data self-study is finished;

2. handles mastery of a skill or technique actually -- through the face schoolteaching Cheng is finished;

3. school jackarooes originally -- student undertakes study carrying out in this school; Can of help control have: 1. Preliminary control the basic theory that contemporary mental health teachs and be engaged in mental health teaching an activity to coach with advisory fundamental skill. 2. Can be competent school mental health teachs the job: Can begin this school mental health effectively to teach an activity, according to concerned theory design mental health teachs plan and go carrying out, can analyse in practice, solve school mental health to teach real problem. 3. The ego of stimulative psychology teacher grows, promotion is engaged in the professional morality level that mental health teachs.

6, does elementary school enrol mental health teacher?

Elementary school enrols mental health teacher. mental health school of enter a school of educational tax accept teachs education to plan, elementary school phase 4 grade and above, mental health of year of graduation of tall Central Africa teachs a course first every two weeks of not less than 1 class hour, high school graduates first grade should the psychology before specific aim arrangement is taken an examination of coachs, the educational content such as psychological decompression

7, does teacher of middle school mental health provide a standard?

The standard is as follows:

All middle and primary school (contain education to nod) should provide a full-time or teacher of pluralistic mental health; To 2023, save all student dimensions completely the proportion that the school of middle and primary school of 1000 people above provides full-time teacher is achieved 50% ; To 2025, save all student dimensions completely the school of middle and primary school of 1000 people above all provides teacher of mental health of a full-time (independent campus achieves this dimensions to need to be deployed additionally.

8, strengthen pedagogic mental health to teach a requirement?

The mental health that wants to do good student teachs the job, need to strengthen the mental health education of pedagogic team above all. On May 21, the first elementary school holds area of the lake that watch hill all pedagogic conference, begin special subject to groom in the light of dredge of pedagogic mental health, in the meantime, requirement teacher does normalization of good epidemic situation to prevent during accusing, the student is mixed psychological dredge of the parent works.

The city can be exhibited in area of the lake that watch hill of the first middle school " term begins the first class " on, teacher of psychology of this school full-time is reached from the incommensurate circumstance that after guiding a student to share holiday life, go back to school, appears solve the respect such as countermeasure to enter a problem, the campus after encouraging classmates to get used to comprehensive go back to school as soon as possible lives, happy go to school, joy grows.

Guiyang one in school of new world international is begun " interior Palladium " thematic course, in guiding a student to search a heart " happy " . In addition, this school gives one grade to arrange mental health subject to 6 grade student every week, open " heart language wishs newly to work lane " , install " heart language mailbox " , shu of active help student dismisses a worry.

Elementary school of experiment of foreign language of area of the elementary school of the first experiment, lake that watch hill also takes Guiyang city seriously highly mental health teachs the job, begin from the respect such as health of body and mind, parentage all-around coach, do his utmost to be opposite epidemic situation the influence that student learning, life and mental health bring falls lowest.

9, does the teacher coach how is award obtained?

The teacher coachs award certificate is the student that the education when showing the teacher is teaching teacher and student comes out, the bear the palm in the course game that organizes in door of Ministry of Education, and you serve as coach the teacher can obtain such letter. Be like: The student attends composition match bear the palm, attend sports match bear the palm, wait a moment, serving as directive teacher is to be able to be obtained coach award certificate!

10, how to obtain a teacher to coach award?

   Obtain a teacher to coach award needs to satisfy certain condition and experience to choose a program normally. It is run-of-mill acquisition below the teacher coachs a few proposals of award and measure:

1.Qualificatory condition: Understanding obtains a teacher to coach the qualificatory condition of award, include the requirement of the respect such as experience of fixed number of year of record of formal schooling, job, teaching. Normally need has the higher education setting of relevant domain and certain teaching experience.

2.Provide data: Preparation files wants material, for example achievement of evaluation of summary of experience of resume, teaching, student, education. These material should reveal your advantage in education field, major adequately level and coach achievement.

3.Education achievement: Better result is being obtained in education is to obtain a teacher to coach one of fundamental conditions of award. Education achievement can pass quality of feedback of effect of student evaluation, education, education to evaluate wait for means to evaluate and prove.

4.Recommendation: Coach to the school or teacher of relevant orgnaization application when award, the likelihood needs to offer pedagogic recommendation. Can request their recommendation to colleague, student or educational controller, let them describe you coaching the excellent performance of the respect and the consequence to the student.

5.Application process: According to relevant orgnaization or the program that the school sets, fill in application form case, refer inside formulary time. Ensure the preparation of all material is complete and accurate.

6.Selection process: After application is referred, can professional personage or commissioner undertake evaluating to application material, the teaching ability that undertake interview possibly or demonstrates the link such as course to evaluate candidate further and coach level.

Ask an attention, obtain a teacher to coach the specific requirement of award and selection course is possible because of area, orgnaization or school differ somewhat, relevant requirement understands in detail before suggesting you are applying for and consult official guide has application.

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