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美食日记句子? 美食日记短句?英文双语对照


美食日记句子? 美食日记短句?英文双语对照



5) 这条鱼端上来时,我们都被浓浓的鱼香味所陶醉,我不禁深吸了一口气,好香啊!

6) 青青竹笋迎船出,白白红鱼入馔来。

7) 鲈肥菰脆调羹美,(麦乔)熟油新作饼香。自古达人轻富贵,倒缘乡味忆回乡。

8) 乡愁就是味觉上的思念,无论一个人在外闯荡多少年,即使口音变了,但对故乡的食物,仍怀无限意念。



















































One, cate diary sentence?

The Yangtse River circles Guo to know piscine beauty, good Zhu Lianshan becomes aware bamboo shoot is sweet.

When 5) comes on this fish end, we are intoxicated by great piscine fragrance place, I can'ted help be being sucked greatly at a heat, very sweet!

6) blueness green bamboo shoot greets a boat, for nothing red snapper comes into food.

Fragile spoon of 7) perch fat wild rice is beautiful, (Mai Qiao) ripe oil makes cake newly sweet. Amount to person light riches and honour since ancient times, flavour of countryside pouring a predestined relationship recalls return to one's native place.

8) is nostalgic it is the longing on taste, no matter a person is outer,enter swing how many years, although oral speech soundvoice changed, but the food to birthplace, still conceive infinite idea.

2, is cate diary short sentence?

1, in placing a cruelly oppress greatly to put the entrance, fine fine ground is being savoured, this cruelly oppress is really delicious.

2, feed for the nature, chew silently, recall gently, the charm of unusual is sent.

3, cake name slungshot Hei Afeng, flavour be bored with is like a long hollow piece of jade with rectangular sides like fat color. Sweet clean knows a god to get pay surely, precious is the same as Jin Ju and lotus.

4, the world of new ferry hotbed chives is not had, color is like light yellow 3 feet beyond, the door pigs east the flesh is stranger absolutely, fat does not decrease Hu Yang crisp.

3, does cate diary say?

I go on the ave, full street is to eat cate food, your crayfish is particularly delicious

4, how does cate draw the diary is drawn?

Cate must be gotten have, the cate record that likes you comes down, to him the picture comes down, what color

5, the practice of goose of brine of cate of small house elder brother?

1, goose is handled clean, immerse in water 1-2 hour, water is changed ceaselessly during, abluent blood water. Air, perhaps use exaggeration of kitchen paper blot

2, prepare all sorts of souse data

3, all bloating makings and powdery makings, small fire is fried come to send brown slightly, fragrance is wanton

4, wait for bloat expect cooling still superabundant Wenshi wipes goose whole body carefully, include lumen

5, enter food in order to spend, scatter a Gan Guihua, whole goose is to put freezer to refrigerate souse, 24 hours, northern friend can put souse of the shady and cool place outdoor, the attention does not exceed 48 hours

6, goose souse after 24 hours, impose thick gravy burden with soup-stock, boil make thick gravy

7, the goose with good souse, abluent bloat makings, irrigate with the thick gravy that boils very hot, the whole skin that lets it is full

8, in irrigating thick gravy of the goose that appear is whole immerge, (immersion of thick gravy need is whole duck) thick gravy maintains want boiling already, but whole process needs small ammunition. Boil probably half hours, meantime, can flip through. The chopstick can expose stop to heat when goose

9, scatter a sweet-scented osmanthus, the cap on the lid, use soup juice without fire from kitchen stew of Yu Wenji add

10, the juice that need boiling water is cooling, take out goose, after drop does moisture, can dissection outfit dish

6, recipe of flesh of bittern of cate of elder brother of Number One Scholar?

Flesh of bittern of cate of elder brother of Number One Scholar (bittern pig hoof) recipe:

1. pig hoof is cleaned clean, turn on the water in boiler after the ginger that put onion is burned, put pig hoof to opening cap to boil dichotomy bell, fish out rushs with cold water drop in temperature, drop works

2. fries candy color: One spoon salad oil is put in boiler, put one spoon rock candy to break (rock candy is good with cloth bag smash) , small fire boils rock candy to melt darken

3. enters the pig hoof with good scald, break up ceaselessly fry to stick full candy color

4. is born into two spoon smoke, half spoon often is smoked fry divide evenly to come pig hoof is all chromatically

5. enters one spoon cooking wine and Jiang Pian to fry divide evenly

6. loads an anise and 10 Chinese prickly ash tea bag bag, put into boiler at the same time with green

7. adds full amount water to had done not have pig hoof, water leaves turn small fire builds stew two hours

8. opens a lid to turn conflagration receives concentrated juice, before giving boiler, drench some of balm fry divide evenly can

7, practice of cucumber of cate of elder brother of Number One Scholar?

Will abluent cucumber is cut first paragraph. Change a knife to be cut next. The cucumber that has cut pot. Join the salt of 30 grams, cucumber catch adequately mix even, on two hours bloat after catching divide evenly. Fry boiler to add edible oil, below a Chinese prickly ash, small fire is fried sweet,

Fry sweet hind fish out of Chinese prickly ash, those who join 600 milliliter is unripe smoke, the mature vinegar of 200 milliliter, the taste of 100 milliliter is extremely little, the white sugar of 60 grams opens big baked wheaten cake to left to had been burned in turning, small fire boils 5 minutes, igneous nature closes after 5 minutes air is cool, the garlic that prepares 50 is cut piece, in section of 20 grams ginger, cut filament again, prepare a few green pepper to be cut paragraph, after been cut entirely, put together with garlic, cucumber has bloated gave a lot of water,

Accuse cucumber water to be put into gauze. From inside squeeze a redundant moisture, the cucumber that has washed in loading another big basin, this moment cucumber have tenacity particularly, such ability are more fragile. Catch with the hand mix even. The 2nd. The makings juice with cool air is added. Heal is in the high white spirit that adds one cap, the cap on the lid, on bubble two hours can be enjoyed

8, practice of hoof of pig of cate of black elder brother?

The practice of pig hoof: Pig hoof is abluent chop piece, ginger section, green is cut paragraph stand-by.

Oil is put to burn heat in boiler, put Bai Sha candy to fry Cheng Gonghe color, put those who keep into pig hoof to break up fry. Add water to be put green, ginger, cassia bark, Chinese prickly ash, old smoke, cooking wine, salt receives juice can.

9, does Daogemei feed carbonado practice?

Measure 2

Anthology makings choose grow 7-24 month, heavy 2-2.5 jin tender chicken or fat hen

Measure 3

Butcher is mixed pare clean blood is put after butcher, when the body that take the advantage of chicken is still warm, put dip of 58-60 ℃ hot water to iron. Retreat clean feather, wash net surplus wool and float skin with cold water, cut gallinaceous claw. Cut in gallinaceous neck upper part a sip of, show esophagus is in charge of compatibly, mix its hip again each dissection 7-8 between two legs centimeter long mouth, cut off feed, tracheal, draw out splanchnic, after cutting next anus, develop the incomplete blood inside the abdomen and contamination with clear water

Measure 4

Type selecting and fried chicken will be abluent white abdomen puts a chicken up on on record, left hand lives firmly gallinaceous body, the right hand uses drawknife general rib intermediate place is cut off, press with the hand fold. According to gallinaceous size, choose Gao Zhi maintain chicken inside abdomen of Duan Fang buy, issueing place of celiac breast needle to cut again a sip of, will double leg becomes forked to insert antrum inside, two wings also across inserts oral cavity inside, modelling becomes the hemicycle of bicephalous needle, reoccupy hangs air after clear water full is clean, wait for air to drop cuticular moisture can fried chicken. Good air white a water of honey of divide evenly of besmear of gallinaceous whole body, its scale is water 60% , sweet 40% . Will oily (soya-bean oil, peanut oil all but) heat 150-160 ℃ , put chicken into oily varus blast half minutes, scamper becomes persimmon red can fish out

Measure 5

Its burden presses the chicken that boil 100 chicken computation: Arenaceous benevolence, beans each 0.03 jins, lilac is close 0.01 jins, caoguo, dried tangerine or orange peel each 0.06 jins, inside ginger of laurel, fine, Bai Zhi each 0.18 jins, sea salt 4-6 jin, age Laoshang is right amount already the gallinaceous order with good blast is smooth place inside boiler, after add enters age Laoshang and the brine that change, put again arenaceous benevolence wait for 8 flavour burden, the comb with a double-edged fine-toothed comb that use bamboo pins gallinaceous body, olden soup dip lives most the half of body of a chicken. Use in fire to heat boiling water first, put 12-18 gram nitre into chicken broth boil to enter next dissolve, stew of slow fire of the reoccupy after boiling boiling water is boiled, until thoroughly cook till, calculate from boil case, one flesh must boil 3-5 hour. Should notice to maintain modelling when fish out beautiful

Body of chicken of characteristic of 6 finished product shows move shallow red, gallinaceous skin is not broken do not crack, chicken is complete, gallinaceous flavour is delicious, fat and not be bored with. This road junction demands exceeds supply on carbonado market, especially stranger of a few travel's much place, sales volume is great

10, what is Chinese cate diary?

A day of 3 eat, degree of finish is tie-in, there is element in meat or fish.

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