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彭于晏每天健身多久? 袁弘和彭于晏怎么认识的彭于晏竟是袁弘的健身教练?英文双语对照


彭于晏每天健身多久? 袁弘和彭于晏怎么认识的彭于晏竟是袁弘的健身教练?英文双语对照
















彭于晏励志短片音乐叫Something Just Like This。


2002年,因出演个人首部电视剧《爱情白皮书》 ,从而进入演艺圈。2005年,因在仙侠剧《仙剑奇侠传》中饰演唐钰一角而受到关注。2006年,主演剧情片《六号出口》。2007年,凭借爱情片《基因决定我爱你》提名第44届电影金马奖最佳新演员。



彭于晏(Eddie Peng,1982年3月24日-),出生于中国台湾澎湖,毕业于加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学,加拿大华裔男演员、歌手。












2002年,因出演个人首部电视剧《爱情白皮书》 ,从而进入演艺圈[1]。2005年,因在仙侠剧《仙剑奇侠传》中饰演唐钰一角而受到关注。2006年,主演剧情片《六号出口》。2007年,凭借爱情片《基因决定我爱你》提名第44届台湾电影金马奖最佳新演员,并为金马短片单元制作片头,完成了个人导演处女作[2]。2009年,发行个人首张EP《非爱不可》。2011年,彭于晏凭借励志片《翻滚吧!阿信》提名第48届台湾电影金马奖最佳男主角[3]。






彭于晏 女友?










Peng Yuyan everyday fitness how long?

2 to 3 hours

Peng Yuyan ever expressed, oneself are pat " hassle " everyday fitness 2 to 3 hours, experienced fist 4 to 5 hours, very long period of time can have the albumen that boils by Bai Shui and stomach of gallinaceous figure sarcocarp only, very painful.

The be good at teaching by one's own example that Yuan Hong and the Peng Yu Yan that how Peng knows at comfort are Yuan Hong unexpectedly is experienced?

Peng Yuyan and Yuan great get acquainted with the teleplay that took a picture 2006 " teenager Yang Jiajiang " , what Peng Yuyan acts is Yang Qilang, and the Ye law that what Yuan Hong acts is distant army is inclined. Of the hostility in drama they are below illicit became a good friend, the connection of Yuan Hong and introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad song need not say more, it is very good that Peng Yuyan also is contacted with Hu Ge, so they became a friend to encircle the cater-cousin in.

Is the Peng of encourage annals word that fitness controls oneself recorded at Yanyu?

Find a few, share you:

I just do not have endowment, this is why I am fighting with life, I am not afraid of have a rough time, I am afraid that my whats learn to be less than.

Fitness is you insist to be able to be jumped over more powerful, when you are more self-confident, the thing that can hit you also is met less and less.

The meeting when the mood is bad does him to consider the business that do, seek a business that makes oneself happy, move like me namely, games makes him happy.

What film is short of annals of encourage of Peng Yuyan fitness?

It is the film " unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease is not pressed "

" unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease is not pressed " be by Jiang Wen playwrite and hold guide, jiang Wen, Peng Yuyan, Liao Fan, Zhou Yun, Xu Qing, Ze Tianqian the movement that also waits for a main actor is comedic the film.

This are adapted from Zhang Beihai novel " concealed of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " . Tell about 1937 " the July 7 Incident of 1937 " before erupting, of boreal smooth city " to dark hour " , a body loses the big hate, secret service Li Tianran from beautiful return to one's country, in national calamity when a when heavy plot performs cleanse culminating avenge write down.

What does music of short of annals of encourage of Peng Yuyan fitness call?

Peng calls Something Just Like This at music of short of comfort encourage annals.

Peng Yuyan is graduated from do not list bump Colombian university, actor of Canadian foreign citizen of Chinese origin, singer.

2002, because go out perform teleplay of individual head ministry " love white paper " , enter thereby perform art circle. 2005, because be in drama of celestial being a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " strange a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of celestial being sword is passed " in personate Tang Yu one horn and be paid close attention to. 2006, main actor gut piece " 6 exit " . 2007, by right of love piece " gene decides I love you " nomination award of Jin Ma of the 44th film is optimal new actor.

Is Peng Yuyan how old?

39 one full year of life.

Peng Yuyan (Eddie Peng, on March 24, 1982 - ) , be born in lake of Chinese Taiwan splash, be graduated from Canada British Colombian university, actor of Canadian foreign citizen of Chinese origin, singer.

2002, piece perform teleplay of individual head ministry " love white paper " , enter thereby perform art circle.

2005, in drama of celestial being a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " strange a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of celestial being sword is passed " in personate Tang Yu one horn and be paid close attention to.

2007, in love piece " gene decides I love you " personate young hero, be nominated award of horse of gold of film of the 44th Taiwan is optimal new actor, make titles for unit of golden horse short, completed individual director a maiden work.

2009, issue an individual first pieces of EP " blame love cannot " acquire year of area of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan of grand ceremony of the 11st music singer of the most welcome latent capacity.

2011, peng Yuyan depends on encourage annals piece " roll! A is believed " middle forest Yo believes one horn, nomination award of horse of gold of film of the 48th Taiwan is optimal hero.

2012, by right of the movement piece " hassle " middle forest thinks of Qi Yijiao, nomination gold of film of 33 Hong Kong resembles pass an imperial examination of award of horse of gold of film of the 50th Taiwan award is optimal male costar.

2014, the movement that depends on a main actor piece " Huang Feihong's hero has a dream " nomination gold of film of the 34th Hong Kong is optimal like award hero.

2017, depend on a main actor " Mekong acts " nomination unripe film festival of the 24th Beijing University is optimal actor award.

2021, guilty gut film of the main actor " intertropical past " show.

Peng Yuyan height?

Peng Yuyan, was born in Taiwan to save splash lake county on March 24, 1982, be graduated from do not list bump Colombian university, canadian foreign citizen of Chinese origin [89] actor, singer. Height 182cm

2002, because go out perform teleplay of individual head ministry " love white paper " , enter thereby perform art circle [1] . 2005, because be in drama of celestial being a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " strange a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of celestial being sword is passed " in personate Tang Yu one horn and be paid close attention to. 2006, main actor gut piece " 6 exit " . 2007, by right of love piece " gene decides I love you " nomination award of Jin Ma of film of the 44th Taiwan is optimal new actor, make titles for unit of golden horse short, completed individual director a maiden work [2] . 2009, issue an individual first pieces of EP " blame love cannot " . 2011, peng Yuyan depends on encourage annals piece " roll! A is believed " nomination award of horse of gold of film of the 48th Taiwan is optimal hero [3] .

Peng Yuyan traditional?

"Peng Yuyan " the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character is composed " Peng Wuyan " .

Peng Yuyan, was born in Taiwan to save splash lake county on March 24, 1982, be graduated from do not list bump Colombian university, actor of movie and TV of Canadian book foreign citizen of Chinese origin, singer.

Represent work: Roll! A letter, hear, Mekong action, evil is not pressed, hassle, broken wind, brave the wind and waves, realize pass for nothing, hasty that year

Main achievement: Gold of film of the 34th Hong Kong is optimal like award 2015 hero nominates. 2014 film of the 32nd masses 100 beautiful award are optimal new personality nominates. Gold of film of the 33rd Hong Kong is optimal like award 2014 male costar nominates.

Peng Yuyan cummer?

Peng Yuyan has had two girlfriends.

1, Peng Yuyan followed Cai Yilin's red to hear amour, at that time also be to be passed on the net 10 pass of 100, have the amour that two people had had netizen respecting 3 years, but Peng Yuyan follows him Cai Yilin and did not respond to this paragraph of amour, and they are two all the time with good boudoir honey proportional, slowly this paragraph of red is heard also with respect to collapse of itself.

2, Peng Yuyan follows Shu Qi, two people at that time because film " remnant person for king " acquaintance, when having birthday of second easy Qi, peng Yuyan still sends small Bo Weishu to Qi is celebrated and serve his true blessing, netizens suspect they have a thing twice, but this paragraph of red is heard later also do not have a message, the likelihood also is an audience people want much.

Peng Yuyan's good friend?

Ning of Zhang Jiahui, Zhang Jun waits.

Zhang Jiahui, actor of Chinese movie and TV, director.

Was in 1989 the film " lofty ideal great ambition " in piece perform a teenager alarm school student, begin its actor career. The autograph made an appointment with wireless TV 1995.

Joined 1998 perform the film " bet a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct 1999 " , win gold of film of the 18th Hong Kong optimal like award male costar nominates. Married in Australia with Guan Yonghe in December 2003. Gave those who perform director of Du Qi peak 2004 " big event " .
