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02 吃在成都



















03 一步一景



















Travel to Chengdu, want to had eaten above all, had drunk, had played:

Author: Xu Junxia

The 01 Chengdu that taste tea

Early hear Chengdu person likes to drink tea, arrived truly Chengdu, witting tea culture is making fun of ability be current is not undeserved reputation. See that ave lane, park square, the battle array that drinks tea lets a person acclaim as the peak of perfection.

An adage describes the cafes of Chengdu so: Ethereal sun is little, the cafes on the ground is much.

When weather is good, in the park, the person that the open air on square drinks tea cans be found everywhere, full. Chengdu native likes to drink tea, connect foreigner be influenced by what one constantly sees and hears, will play not to drink a cup of tea, how justifiable?

I had drunk tea in the people park of Chengdu, I had tasted tea in the tea brand shop of Chengdu, I had taken tea in the tea lane of Chengdu... I am not a person that has patient Pin Ming originally, however the cafes that Chengdu spreads all over street lets my in spirits.

Differ with the high spending of other city cafes, high threshold, the cafes consumption class of Chengdu is not high, 10 yuan, 15 yuan, 20 yuan differ, no matter you are the noble that amount to an official or crop common people, want you to have this asthetic mood only, must rise with respect to consumption.

Pin Ming is the one big be fond of of Chengdu person, chengdu person can live generally, know the life, in one tea taste in one drink gave life taste.

The water quality of Chengdu is not very good, every family is used too much bleaching powder was added in drinkable tap water, people was burned with this water come make tea.

When people park drinks tea, neighbour had pair of young lovers to want two cups of jasmine flower tea, drank to say, this tea does not have Bao dash forward fontal tea is good drink.

Really, what the tea of Chengdu wants is great convention elegance, common people can be drunk case, also have cultured cafes of course, with bucket outfit clean water gives a guest make tea.

The little younger sister of green bamboo snake tells me: Drink tea to want to use good water, 2 should use good mug.

They burn boil with clean water to guest make tea 100 ° , cool to 80 ° , reoccupy comes make tea, the head alls over tea want, the name says " wash tea " . The cup of make tea had better be tea and water segregation leave, ability tastes the sweet smell that gives tea.

I tasted the tea of the different gust such as the green bamboo snake, Xue Ya that cheat a top in their inn namely.

In the city that I live, besides fete client, it is not to go to what tea building consumes commonly, can say, the high spending of tea building our close the door on, compared with drink tea, the youth all round me prefers water of coffee, wine, beverage.

The friend gets together, drinking tea also is to drink the sort of tea that suits this fastfood times, for example fruit tea, the smell with the sort of acerbity sweet acid perhaps suits a youth more!

Chengdu is different, drink tea not to divide men and women, drink tea not to divide season, place of this profit from's wet climate, people can drink green tea all the year round.

Tea is drunk in Chengdu unrestrained, the place that follow a gender comes, unlike drinks tea to must be carried in other place, pretend to be dark.

Afternoon, I stroll come to people park, the crane cries cafes is an old name, chair of wooden desk bamboo, choose the place with a good point of view to sit down, the little younger sister of cafes is good for my bubble a cup of tea that build a bowl, put down thermos flask, go call is other guest.

That warms warm afternoon, my place oneself is in old cafes, shut eye repose, there is tea friend to be in all round rub hemp, friend having tea is in chat, friend having tea is reading a newspaper, will strike up a conversation on the person that now and then the Lang He that draw out ear sees photograph fortune-telling.

The guest in cafes is like the cloud, come-and-go is like shuttle, also have will technically take a picture, catch the photography lover of the camera lens that taste tea. I am here poach float gives birth to idle half days, fang Buddha passes through spatio-temporal, return what often abandon the wording and purpose of what one writes " cafes " in.

Send person rose, the hand leaves lingering fragrance; Drink tea a cup, the tongue has lingering fragrance.

Gentleman cannot not have tea one day, chengdu person drinks tea to acme, here, people tastes tea become the order of the day, perhaps do not say to go out to a few what is paid attention to and study, accumulate over a long period, also formed the tea culture of having a unique style however.

02 eat in Chengdu

Chengdu food always with hemp hot give priority to, set out go before Chengdu, I still am in hesitant, for fear that I this pair of delicate tummy was not placed in the land of abundance.

In the feed of Chengdu, I stroll a Laoma that comes near house part copies a hand, wanted 9 chicken flavour to copy a hand, boss and counterjumper are done now sell now, each efficient, I am the edge sees an edge eat, had eaten to return meaning still did not use up.

Spoken parts in an opera, of Chengdu the wonton that copying a hand is north, stuffing is same, different is soup, cent hemp is hot, red flavour of oily, chicken, choice seafood, clear soup.

Although be austral, chengdu is given priority to with cooked wheaten food however, those who spread all over street alley is sundry face: Face of Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce, bedclothes, omelette face, light a face... the aspect is very strong path, suit me very much the stomach of this northerner.

The renown number that copies range of omelette of street of steamed stuffed bun of boiled dumpling of hand, bell, Han, Huaxing early with respect to hear of dragon, actually can need not develop fame to queue up, walk into a shady lane casually, look for a snack bar casually, you copy range of hand, boiled dumpling, steamed stuffed bun, omelette with respect to what can eat a tunnel.

alleged " bitter fleabane Men Jingchai not attack by surprise very beautiful, the ground that marketplace folk just is hiddden talents " !

The food of Chengdu still has a the biggest gain, 9 sell, I am thinking over, who can be taken hold the ground so accurate!

Can be the eating house with greatly small Chengdu, of 9 copy the hand, boiled dumpling of 9, range of 9, the desk on clerk end when, even me this senior housewife sigh oneself be like,not, the 9 Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce, 9 stomaches that copy a hand to let me are without a burden. Especially 9, firm to me just, neither more nor less than.

I am when taking a walk come across inn of one wife and children, him boss wraps Xie Er cake, aspic cake, this is done with polished glutinous rice, it is OK also that although Xie Er cake and aspic cake are OK hot move eats cool move eats, but for bad to intestines and stomach person, hot still Xie Er cake and aspic cake are delicious, did not damage to the stomach.

Risk dish is Chengdu woman allegedly to love most, paragraph of day does not eat to risk dish, with respect to meeting longing the lover is missed all the more euqally.

I try to risk dish to look for an analogy that agree, the chaos with the similar and northeast practice that risks dish is stewed and domestic small chaffy dish, but be like again impertinent, risk dish to risk dish namely, a kind of folk cooks cooked food particularly, hemp hot delicacy is sweet, but meat or fish but element, also but element of meat or fish is tie-in, after eating, go up personally slightly sudoriferous, special satisfy a craving.

My preference is risked Lenten, potato chips, lotus root piece, wax gourd, vermicelli made from bean starch, cucumber, kelp, bean sprouts, Chinese cabbage... multifarious green vegetables is put together risk.

Risk dish special go with rice, if you cannot eat hemp is hot risk dish, might as well add one late rice, wrap your appetite is big, all enjoy the luck to eat sth delicious.

Sa Zidou is spent is when leaving Chengdu, I and friend go eating, so this beans flower is jellied bean curd. "Small Tan Dou is spent " the business is very good, rate of seat of honour is very high, rate reversing a stand is very high also, inn Li Xixi rejects, lively and extraordinary.

Fabaceous flower cooks breakfast special club, for nothing tender, aroma raids a person, eating very delicate, special Ba Kuo. Fabaceous flower still can take the side that boil, do sweetmeats, chaffy dish, cook food, of all sorts of novelty eat a law to make person taste bud cheerful.

Each fastfood have a story, each dish has literary quotation. Though plain dish is early,had spread all over great river north and south, but the beautiful second contact of Chengdu is only cheap authentic, the ave of rambling Chengdu is off-street, the edge goes to eat by the side of me, changing pattern intention to sample of all kinds and fastfood, doting on with cate oneself.

Common saying says, capture one the individual's heart, capture a maw first.

Chengdu is a city that will do not think, say exactly, chengdu captured each brigade maw, no matter this stomach is to give birth to fierce still is enervated, no matter this stomach is captious,still be amiable, be here to be able to find a home to return to.

03 one pace one scene

Chengdu is the Campagna in the basin, every street very short, a driveway divides several paragraphs, by the coronal with old and barpque name, look seem not far in fact not close.

Compare size alley child, I prefer Jing Hangzi. The tourist in Jing Hangzi is very few, medicinal powder scatter those who fall, mix I am euqally unmindful, the small retailer that handicraft sells to taste in Lian Hangzi the thing that ground of happy and pleased with oneself is doing right beside one, not rapid move solicits a client.

There is very much black and white old picture on Jing Hangzi's wall, often stay, always let together of person thoughts or recollections flashing across one's mind, that is taking the advantage of Tian Qing, air dries the clothes, the busy gammer that have a meal, in drizzle of that , wearing straw rain cape, toing step on tricycle, the man that turns round again and again, the old person of play chess of bird of those a few stroll... one a picture be vividly portrayed.

Rambled Jing Hangzi, my Muming heads for small alley, alley child in lane of bar, tea, brigade is abandoned, domestic home with the door left unlocked is worn the door, it is quiet really on the driveway, if you do not visit inn-keeper, inn-keeper also won't alarm your itinerary.

Footstep of my rein in, the Chengdu that goes in raw ingredient of this the formerest juice is off-street, with size alley child if heavy traffic, tourist knits photograph comparing, small alley is with flourishing and blatant the place that have nothing to do, each shop here is transformed by civilian house and come, individual character is dye-in-the-wood, reflecting the slow life of Chengdu person all wool and a yard widely.

In that alley child in, I met unexpectedly a woman that sells a hand chain in door mouth, I sit down quietly, choose catenary of hand of pottery and porcelain attentively.

Woman word is not much, if small alley is same, having the nature of Wen Runru jade, she helps me patiently try catenary of necklace, hand. In chat, I understood her to just do mom, baby is little still, can do only some small business, dismiss days.

Flow to be in repeatedly the day of Chengdu, I sit rarely bus, call a taxi, I am pedestrian went ancestral temple of Hou of courtyard of different of people park, article, fierce and bright and beautiful in, have park of people of marketplace olfactory nothing is more... than most among them.

Countrywide each district has people park, it is people park likewise, only the people park of Chengdu is civilian masses loosens recreational optimal place to go, no matter be weekday or playday, bearer of Li Yongyuan's person goes to the park, open air noisy and confused of the voice in the cafes of half open air, group of art of singing and dancing cans be found everywhere, the there are plenty of such people that amuse oneself.

Walking journey, I prefer casual the small market of an encounter is off-street, if fragrant adjacent road, paulownia cultivates alley of street, sweet-scented osmanthus. Abdomen is hungry, informal abduct enters a lane, go tasting a characteristic fastfood, drink a bowl of free Shang Shui. On foot lack, look for a cafes casually, nod a cup of tea, rest stop on the way for a rest.

Alley child in often encounter style small shop, delicate and fastfood, pure Chengdu taste be in this one with respect to Tibet in street alley, awaiting mining of a person with high aspirations and determination. Small faint Yu Ye, big faint at city, I am going to stop stop between experience cling to Sichuan culture, experience humanitarian landscape.

The public house that I enter is a square downstairs, collecting countless people in the evening everyday, have play round of slippery child, have the woman that walk a dog, also have the small retailer that sells doggie kitten.

Sit on couch full small resting person, have occasionally occasionally murmurous sweethearts, have the old person of hair grey, have the couple of kid baby, no matter be person or pet, it is disengaged in that way and easy and comfortable. The alley of square child in have a cloth bright cate, arrive towards evening, outdoor stall is full.

The climate of Chengdu is very wet, afforest very reach the designated position, the stream on even if driveway is billowy, wagon flow does not cease, this city is very clean still, chengdu is rainy, until the last moment, people does not like generally to maintain an umbrella, do in Rome as Rome does, I pack up umbrella, breathing to the southern part of the country cooling air, idle front courtyard strolls in gentle breeze drizzle, do not have emotional appeal one time.

Familiar place does not have a scenery, new place one pace one scene.

Every corner has the discovery of do with sb unconscious, every ordinary lane gives me tremendous surprise, I find the child of treasure like, in this city searching treasure, wear with footstep measure each inches of scene.

Xu Junxia, media contributor, pseudonym: Sea wind, public date: Sea wind taletelling (ID: Haishangfeng2016) , be good at creation kissing child, story of field of affection, duty, work comes loose see at each big the press is mixed public date.
