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  5、取2至3滴葡萄汁涂擦面部皮肤,20 分钟后再用清水洗去,这种护理可使皮肤柔滑而皱纹舒展。

  6、 用汁多的水果蔬菜进行护肤美容,它不需要很多,只要一点点就足够了。


  1.  每晚洗完脸后,将养乐多倒在化妆棉上,直接敷在两颊,甚至连额头、下巴 也可顺便敷上,不但去斑兼美白,因每次用量大约只有六分之一瓶的养乐多。

  2. 晚上少喝水,白天多喝水,睡前敷水亮面膜;多吃水果,不喝酒不抽烟不熬夜,保证水亮。

  3. 首先用冷茶包敷眼五分钟,接着做一个类似瑜珈的动作,这个动作是先盘腿,再将手举高后往前趴下,保持这个姿势约十分钟。这个动作一开始不容易做 到十分钟,要一段时间的练习,但是效果真的很好。

  4. 市售的纯水一瓶(600cc)不到台币20元,只要一周用纯水洗脸3-4次,并经常以化妆绵沾纯水敷面,脸脸自然而然的漂漂喔!

  5. 要睡觉的时候,拿小黄瓜切雹放置脸上过几分钟拿下来,一个月您的脸就会白嫩。

  6. 睡前用最便宜的化妆棉加上化妆水完全浸湿后,敷在脸上20分钟,每周3次,您的皮肤会有想不到的水亮清透喔!

  7. 每天起床喝2杯水,其中一杯加些盐巴,可以清肠胃。

  8. 出门前一定要擦隔离霜及防晒乳,回到家记得要马上卸妆。

  9. 先用温水再用冷水洗脸会让肌肤既干净且毛细孔会变小喔。

  10. 一定要多喝水不熬夜,少吃油炸类的东西,保持皮肤清洁。

  11. 使用意仁粉,加一小匙在大约1000cc的水中,当饮用水喝,不单只对皮肤好,连对减肥都有神奇的幼议寣I这是利用意仁具有利尿的效果,可以减少浮肿,所以具有瘦身及瘦脸的幼纂A而且对美白肌肤也有很大的帮助。

  12. 泡温泉,泡温泉不仅可让肌肤粉润光滑,且还可消除疲劳。若有皮肤过敏者,泡有疗效的温泉还可改善哦!!

  13. 酵母粉1大匙(超市均有售)加统一优格1/2杯取适量涂抹于面膜纸上再 贴于脸上5-10分钟即可,一周约2-3次美白效果会更好。与SK-II面 膜具有相同效果又省钱喔!

  14. 小偏方:就是黑砂糖+蜂蜜+一点点水;虽然有点麻烦,但能让肌肤水嫩水嫩喔!

  15. 把酸奶粉倒入鲜奶中(需密闭)放足24小时,冬天需要久一点,然后放 入冰箱冷藏就可以用了,制作多一点可以用来喝,原本是用来减肥的啦!不过用来敷脸更棒,美白的效果不错。不过要忍受一下酸奶酸酸的味道喔!!


1, the water that clean out rice stays to be mixed for the first time quadratic water, after making it clear, take above clean clear bath face, hold on to facial meeting to become exquisite, this method is the most effective to oily skin, clear water of the reoccupy after this bath is washed clean.

2, after milk drink is over, do not desertion immediately empty bag, on drop 5 to in falling at the palm after 6 water are jolty, ministry of besmear mop face, 5, the scour off after 6 minutes, if this kind of method can hold on, the skin will be white with each passing day tender.

3, ferial can store in freezer use at brushing skin to water of two bottles of ice. Glacial water can make cutaneous pore contractive, stimulative blood circulates, it is best contractive water.

4, the redemptive bean curd in the home must not forget leave a small, it can wash a face that day with, with ministry of face of put on the skin of bean curd besmear, after working a bit abluent, can make the skin whitened so and bouncy.

5, take 2 to inunction of 3 grapes juice facial skin, clear bath of the reoccupy after 20 minutes goes, this kind nurses can make the skin silky and furrow is extended.

6, with juice much fruit vegetable undertakes protecting skin hairdressing, it does not need a lot of, as long as little is enough.

Clever action of department of beautiful white face

1. After washing a face every night, recuperate is happy making up more on cotton, direct apply is in two buccal, connect forehead, the lower jaw even also but incidentally on apply, not only go spot holds the United States concurrently white, because of every time dosage has 1/6 bottles only about raise happy much.

2. Drink water less in the evening, drink water more by day, ; of film of bright side of water of the apply before sleeping eats a fruit more, do not drink not to smoke not to stay up late, assure Shui Liang.

3. Include apply key point 5 minutes with cold tea above all, make the motion of a similar yoga then, this movement is first cross one's legs, raise the hand again tall hind bend over forth below, maintain this pose about ten minutes. This movement accomplishs ten minutes not easily at the beginning, want the practice of period of time, but the effect is very good really.

4. The pure water that city makes work a bottle (600cc) is less than stage money 20 yuan, want a week to use 3-4 of pure bath face only second, and often with making up continous touchs face of pure water apply, facial face floats naturally float!

5. When wanting to sleep, take small cucumber to cut hail to place a face to had gone up a few minutes to be taken, your face meets a month white tender.

6. The cheapest makeup is used before sleeping cotton is added make up after water is soaked completely, apply is in 20 minutes on the face, every week 3, your skin can have the Shui Liangqing that cannot think of to appear!

7. Get up everyday drink 2 cups of water, among them one cup adds some of salt, can clear intestines and stomach.

8. Segregation frost must be brushed to reach before going out prevent bask in breast, return the home to remember the discharge on the horse makeup.

9. Wash a face to be able to let skin with cold water of warm water reoccupy first already clean and wool stoma is met decrescent.

10. Must drink water not to stay up late more, eat deepfry less kind thing, maintain skin cleanness.

11. Use meaning benevolence pink, add one small spoon to be in about in the water of 1000cc, drink when drinking water, be opposite only not simply the skin is good, have to reducing weight repeatedly magical young the I that discuss this is to use meaning benevolence to have diuretic effect, can reduce dropsy, the young bun A that has thin body and thin face so and white to the United States skin also has very great help.

12. Bubble hot spring, bubble hot spring can make skin pink embellish smooth not only, and still can eliminate exhaustion. Be like the person that have skin allergy, the hot spring that bubble has curative effect is ameliorable still! !

13. Yeasty pink 1 big spoon (the supermarket all has carry out) add cup of 1/2 of unified actor case to take right amount daub to be stuck at the 5-10 on the face again on face film paper minute can, it is better that a week restrains white effect of 2-3 second beauty. Have same effect with SK-II face film be economical!

14. Small folk prescription: It is muscovado + honey + although little water; is a bit troublesome, but can make skin water tender water tender!

15. In pouring yoghurt powder into bright grandma (need airtight) put sufficient 24 hours, need is a bit longer in the winter, put freezer cold storage to be able to be used next, make much dot can be used drink, be to use those who reduce weight originally! Use apply face nevertheless more marvellous, the United States' white effect is pretty good. Should bear the taste with yoghurt sour acid nevertheless! !
