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6岁孩子基本生活常识? 小孩健康常识?英文双语对照


6岁孩子基本生活常识? 小孩健康常识?英文双语对照
































1. 基本的社交礼仪:如问候、道谢、请别人帮助等。

2. 常见的节日和传统:如春节、圣诞节、感恩节等,以及与之相关的习俗和庆祝活动。

3. 常见的国家和地理知识:如国家的名称、首都、地理特点等。

4. 常见的动物和植物:如狗、猫、树木、花卉等,以及它们的特征和习性。

5.  基本的数字和计量单位:如数字的读写、简单的加减乘除运算,以及长度、重量、时间等的基本计量单位。

6. 常见的颜色和形状:如红色、蓝色、圆形、方形等,以及它们的命名和辨识。

7. 常见的文化艺术形式:如绘画、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧等,以及一些著名的艺术家和作品。

8. 基本的历史知识:如古代文明、著名历史人物、重要历史事件等。




1. 礼貌和礼仪:小孩应该学会对他人说谢谢、对不起、请和再见等基本的礼貌用语,并学会如何应对不同场合下的礼仪。

2. 安全知识:小孩需要学会如何保护自己,例如路上要看红绿灯,坐车要系好安全带等。

3. 环境保护:小孩应该了解环保知识,比如如何节约水和电,并先从自己做起。

4. 建立健康的生活习惯:小孩应该学会定期洗手,健康饮食,做适当的运动等。

5. 社交技巧:小孩应该学会如何与他人相处,包括倾听他人、分享东西等等。

6. 医学常识:小孩应该了解基本的身体健康常识,如何预防疾病和保持身体健康。

7. 历史、地理、科学等基础学科知识:小孩应该了解一些基本的历史、地理和科学知识,如流行病的传播方式、人类历史的大事件和国家的地理位置等。



























Do 6 years old of children live basically common sense?

The common sense of 6 years old of children:

1, the life provides for oneself ability. Can meet oneself fasten bootlace; to be able to have liquidated his goods by the category according to; of dress of cold hot increase and decrease.

2, ego protects consciousness. Allow not to open the door to stranger without adult; Can abide by basic safe regulation and traffic regulation self-consciously; Can avoid to create risk to other when motion; Know knowledge of a few basic take precautions against natural calamities.

3, civilized language habit. When people speaks can active active response; Can mix according to conversational object need, adjust talking mood; Know speak by turns by order, do not interrupt others at will; Can the basis is located circumstances uses appropriate language, if be in,the meeting when others sadness expresses to comfort with appropriate language.

4, get used to ability. Can successive in hotter or colder outdoors environment activity not less than half hours, can blend in new human relation environment more quickly. If changed new child,garden or class can suit more quickly.

5, intercourse truck capacity. Have oneself good friend, also like associate with new friend; The problem is willing to be consulted to others; Have glad or interesting thing is willing to be shared with everybody.

6, the care respects another person. Can pay close attention to the mood of others and need, can offer the help of in one's power; Esteem offers the person of the service for everybody, cherish their work achievement; Admit, the person with esteem and oneself lifestyle or different habit.

Child fitness general knowledge?

Study is very necessary. Because the function of child body returns not complete growth, suffer the effect of the respect such as environment and food easily, appear easily all sorts of healthy problems, and the growth that these problems can affect a child directly and development. In addition, immune strength of the child is relative weaker, need special attention and protection. Include but not be confined to: Collocation of reasonable food nutrition, motion takes exercise, disease of contagion of good and wholesome habit, precaution, common children and its precaution, safe knowledge. The parent can pass study relevant knowledge, the health that takes care of the child better grows. Still need to pay attention to education him child to protect his ability at the same time, if teach the child how to brush his teeth correctly, wash one's hands, dietary habit, enhance wholesome consciousness of the child and healthy consciousness.

The curricular impressions of class of basic life common sense?

1. passes this course, my true results is quite much, course of class of basic life common sense, only such, ability shows us the affirmation to viability!

Everybody must want 2. control life common sense, only such, ability lets ground of our do a job with skill and ease finish his life, the life that gives oneself brings a motive force!

Was full of among 3. life expect, was full of all joy, only such, ability lets us show the most beautiful life state!

Knowledge of child life common sense?

1, notice oral cavity is wholesome.

2, protect 6 age teeth.

3, choose appropriate tooth brush to the child.

4, abusive antibiotic can damage children health.

5, the food of high in syrup that eats high calorie less.

6, winter can make the child much enter outdoors activity.

Must heart of basic life common sense experience the undergraduate?

I understand suddenly, growing so is an issue that how arranges its nature. Resemble once was being fought in Gao Sanfen we, before you can say Jack Robinson sits in the library that was in an university. You once thought such change can let you be mad with joy, can arrive really that day, you can discover, those who transfer is so natural!

I once thought, went to an university to enter heaven namely, I can do any things that I think to do, I can sleep lie-in, can play all night, can escape class, can look for a belle even " experienced " love... but I discover however now: Shut-eye sleeps to nature to wake admittedly very beautiful, can wash gargle to end when you, see a table, already when 11 o'clock, once learned against time we, can you feel ashamed remorses how? Went the Internet bar wants to play game, play more jump over in high spirits, one cruel-hearted: Play all night! When 6, after 7 hours go, you see tired outly all over the face " the remaining sum on card is insufficient " when, just realize, it is ten money that just a moment ago charged had been done not have it seems that! Come to the country we, parental money earned by hard toil was wasted so, can not regret how in the heart! Escape when you the class is to sleep only lie-in, and when doing not have drowsiness suddenly again, how is the meeting not self-condemned? Yes, I can do any things that I think to do, nobody can be in charge of me. But if do not awake from inside boundless freedom, my general is thoroughly then degenerate! I am very glad I or a good child, afore-mentioned I had not done a few things completely, now and then sleep a small lie-in it is inevitable. But if you are done the time is much, coma, also won't have this kind of Babylon feeling again, so your undergraduate is vivid also early ended!

I once thought, went to an university, interest likes me extensive to be able to join a lot of mass organizations, exhibit talent. My undergraduate is rich and colorful certainly alive. But now, I just know, mass organizations is very rare and useful, want to learn dance, learn piano, experienced taekwondo, want devoted and many fund! Then, I very reluctantly, abandoned!

I once thought, went to an university I can seek a part-time job, oneself work feed oneself, no longer homeward in stretch one's hand want money. But I just know now, use all time that do not have a class when you when working, a month also can earn just a little only 100, the meal fund that joins a month is inadequate!

I once thought, I won't be defeated, because never had been defeated. Can become a few times interview, enter into an election contest a few times after failure, I just understand, only self-confidence is insufficient, the success or failure of all things is to have the law but abide, skill can search (for instance decided at the higher level but not officially announced, for instance get in by the back door) I am too young, my whats do not understand so!

Ideal is good, and reality is cruelty however, above place is narrated, it is the fall in my heart since attending a college. "The university is not heaven " I understood this word deeply! Face reality, I tell myself. Destiny control is in him hand, want to go toward which, how to go, oneself said to calculate, nobody can be in charge of you! Absolutely!

I want extremely wonderful, without complain the undergraduate that does not have regret to live!

Culture foundation common sense of the child?

The following content is culture foundation common sense of the child:

1.Basic socialization is formal: If send one's respects to, thank, ask others help to wait.

2.Common festival and tradition: Wait like the Spring Festival, christmas, thanksgiving, and to it relevant consuetudinary with congratulatory activity.

3.Common country and geographical knowledge: The name that is like a country, capital, geographical characteristic.

4.Common animal and plant: Wait like dog, cat, arboreous, flowers, and their feature and characteristics.

5.  Basic figure and unit of measurement: Of word of exactly the amount read write, add simply decrease by except operation, and length, weight, time the primary unit of measurement that wait.

6.Common color and appearance: Wait like gules, blue, circle, square, and their name and differentiate.

7.Common culture art form: Be like painterly, music, dancing, Thespian etc, and a few famous artists and work.

8.Basic historical knowledge: Incident of if ancient time is civilized, famous historical character, important history.

These are a few content that the child can understand in respect of culture foundation common sense, conduce to their acknowledge to the world and understanding. Of course, specific content and deepness can undertake be adjusted appropriately and expanding according to the child's age and interest.

The commonsensible knowledge that should the child know?

It is the commonsensible knowledge that a few children should know below:

1.Courtesy and formal: The child should learn to say a thank to other, I am sorry, ask and wait for basic courteous diction adieu, what learn how to answer different situation to fall is formal.

2.Bring all-knowing knowledge: The child needs to learn how to protect his, traffic light should see on the road for example, taking a car should be good safety belt.

3.Environmental protection: The child should understand environmental protection knowledge, for instance how managing water and report, make from oneself first.

4.Build healthy habits and customs: The child should learn to wash his hands regularly, healthy diet, do proper motion to wait.

5.Gregarious skill: The child should learn how to get along with other, include to listen attentively to other, share a thing to wait a moment.

6.Medical common sense: The child should understand basic healthy common sense, how to prevent disease and keep healthy.

7.Wait for fundamental course knowledge the history, geographically, scientificly: The child should understand a few basic histories, geography and scientific knowledge, the situation of the big event of history of the transmission way that is like epidemic, mankind and country.

Anyhow, the child should master the commonsensible knowledge of a few foundations, so that they are in the life,make correct decision-making.

The safe common sense of dot?


The short bench in the home or table should notice the platoon is checked, the tool that lest become the child,climbs.


Sit when eat chair or go-cart, should bind to child strung safety belt.


Do not leave the child in diaper stage alone.


If want to let the child sleep to be spread up and down, that is best when after 9 years old.


Balcony window shuts lock in time, do not leave the child to be in alone gazebo amuse oneself.

Does the child want known safe general knowledge?

1, the mobile phone date that remembers father mother well, home address.

2, do not talk with stranger.

3, abide by traffic regulation.

4, be far from water, fire, report

5, privacy place other people cannot be touched

6, be far from a thermos flask

7, fingernail cannot be cut too short

Does child life little common sense explode money article table?

Children, life little common sense comes!

Wash one's hands time is least 20 seconds, save salvation bound is made from me.

Sleep early rise early the body is good, it is really important that health grows.

Much draft fruit is vegetable, nutrition is balanced cleverer. Learn to share, friendship lives forever. Little common sense, help greatly, let us become outstanding treasured object together!
