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对于买什么样的智能手表这种事,还是需要下一番功夫的?在京东上的买家秀,外观看起来都很漂亮。但就楼主的问题来看,为你推荐以下三款价格适中,热度较高的智能手表。可以通过详细的对比留下最喜欢的。分别是华为 Watch 2 Pro、三星Gear S4和苹果的Apple Watch Series 3。

首先是外观上,根据官方给出的标配图,可以看的出华为 Watch 2 Pro使用了皮质表带,显得较为稳重;三星Gear S4使用了硅胶材质的表带,透露出较为运动的时尚风;苹果的Apple Watch Series 3显示出慢慢的年轻时尚风,很适合年轻人的佩戴。而且三款智能手表中唯独苹果使用了方形表盘,在百花齐放的传统圆形智能手表中显得独树一帜。

2. 价格方面。这里的三款智能手表均以京东上的价格作为参考。可以看出华为Watch 2 Pro和Apple Watch Series 3都做了等级划分,以适应于不同消费群体。但个人总结认为只是表带外观上的改变,这样看起来三星Gear S4的定价就比较人性化。3. 屏幕参数方面。三款智能手表均采用1.2英寸屏幕,正是由于方形屏幕的使用,使得Apple Watch Series 3显得屏幕更大。屏幕分辨率上华为 Watch 2 Pro有着更加给力的390*390像素,显得更加亲民。屏幕类型上,Apple的Retina显示屏一直以来都是其卖点之一,若不太过分追求分辨率的差异,Apple的Retina显示屏是不错的选择。

4. 性能方面。华为 Watch 2 Pro给出了强有力的四核骁龙处理器,较之其它两者处理速度明显较快,兼容安卓与IOS系统。和苹果的Apple Watch Series 3比较,唯一败下阵来的是内存减半。而三星Gear S4完全被两者吊打。

5.日常功能方面。华为 Watch 2 Pro将其防水功能做到了连接器防水等级标准的最高级别IP68,三者在这一项中各功能都很相似,但似乎华为 Watch 2 Pro考虑的更多。虽然没有加持glonass (格洛纳斯卫星导航系统,作用类似于美国的GPS、欧洲的伽利略卫星定位系统和中国的北斗卫星导航系统),但个人认为GPS已经足够日常定位,glonass就显得不那么重要。

6.续航与规格方面。三星Gear S4给出了5天的智能模式续航时间,但实际应用中不可能始终处于智能模式。网上调查发现其续航基本在2天左右的时间,这里的华为 Watch 2 Pro就显得实在了许多,给出不同场景下的续航。至于Apple Watch Series 3无需多说了,无论官方给出续航时间是如何牛逼,苹果永远能保证你一天一充。


好了 讲了一大堆,就最后两句话回答了楼主的问题,为了评优,咱也是操碎了心啊。


What kind of to buying intelligence watch this kind of thing, still need to make great efforts one time? Be in Beijing east the Mai Jiaxiu that go up, the exterior looks very beautiful. But in light of the problem with respect to the original poster, recommend for you the following 3 prices moderate, the intelligent watch with higher temperature. Can stay to like most through detailed contrast. It is respectively China the Apple Watch Series 3 that is Gear S4 of Watch 2 Pro, SamSung and apple.

It is the exterior above all go up, the mark that gives out according to the government matchs a plan, can look piece China used coriaceous watch strap for Watch 2 Pro, appear relatively sedate; SamSung Gear S4 used the watch strap with silica gel qualitative material, show fully relatively fashionable wind of motion; Malic Apple Watch Series 3 is shown slowly young and fashionable wind, suit a youth very much adorn. And in 3 intelligence watch only alone the apple used quadrate dial, appear in the watch of traditional circle intelligence that let a hundred flowers blossom develop a school of one's own.

2.Price respect. The 3 intelligence watch here all with Beijing east the price that go up serves as reference. Can see China did grade to differentiate for Watch 2 Pro and Apple Watch Series 3, consume a group in order to suit at differring. But individual summary thinks is watchband apparent change only, such looking the price of SamSung Gear S4 compares human nature to change. 3. Screen parameter respect. 3 intelligence watch all uses 1.2 inches of screen, as a result of the use of quadrate screen, make Apple Watch Series 3 appears screen is bigger. On screen resolution China having for Watch 2 Pro more the 390*390 that gives power resembles element, appear more close civilian. On screen type, the Retina of Apple displays screen all the time since it is its sell one of sites, if go after the difference of resolution not quite overly, the Retina of Apple shows screen is right choice.

4.Performance side. China gave out for Watch 2 Pro processor of strong dragon of 4 nucleuses brave, than other both processing speed is apparent faster, compatible An Zhuo and IOS system. Compare with malic Apple Watch Series 3, be defeated exclusively below blast those who come is memory halve. And SamSung Gear S4 is hit completely by both condole.

Respect of 5. daily function. China its for Watch 2 Pro waterproof function accomplished connector the top level IP68 of waterproof grade level, 3 person in this one in each function is very similar, but it seems that China the more that considers for Watch 2 Pro. Although was not added,manage offer of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces of Glonass (case Si Weixing navigation system, the Galilean satellite of the GPS that action is similar to the United States, Europe locates the north of system and China fights) of satellitic navigation system, but the individual thinks GPS is already enough and daily fixed position, glonass appears so not important.

6. add boat and norms respect. The time of boat of intelligent mode add that SamSung Gear S4 gave out 5 days, but intelligent mode cannot is in from beginning to end in applying actually. The time that the investigation on the net discovers to its add boat is in 2 days or so basically, here China appear honest for Watch 2 Pro a lot of, give out the add boat below different setting. Need not say more as to Apple Watch Series 3, no matter the government gives out,add boat time is how the ox forces, the apple can make sure you are filled one day forever.

If not poor money can buy the original poster completely,be worn actually look ah (had tried Fang Zhishui after all much deeper) . As to the ply respect that the original poster pays attention to, preach manages, present intelligent watch namely this degree, these 3 surveyor's pole are done not thin, what commonly also won't other brand can be done is more ultrathin. If the original poster is paid attention to very much frivolous this select an apple with respect to the proposal.

good told one pile, with respect to the question that two words answered the original poster finally, to judge actor, we also am to hold broke heart ah.

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