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法国时尚品牌? 意大利和法国哪个更时尚?英文双语对照


法国时尚品牌? 意大利和法国哪个更时尚?英文双语对照


迪奥(Dior),由法国时装设计师克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior)于1946年创于巴黎,是世界著名的时尚消费品牌。

主要经营女装、男装、首饰、香水、化妆品等高档消费品。亦为全球的高级时尚品牌控股公司——LVMH路易威登集团的母公司。 Dior之所以能成为经典,除了其创新中又带着优雅的设计,亦培育出许多优秀的年轻设计师。Yves Saint Laurent、Marc Bohan、Gianfranco Ferre以及John Galliano在Dior过世后陆续接手,非凡的设计功力将Dior的声势推向顶点,而他们秉持的设计精神都是一样的——Dior的精致剪裁。







Fashion TV 全球流行时尚频道全球第一个24小时播送流行时尚信息的频道,法国以引领世界时尚潮流的地位,加上辛蒂克劳馥、克劳蒂亚雪佛等世界顶尖名模的舞台show,不需语言或剧情,单以炫丽的服装与婀娜多姿的身材展现,已足够交织成绝佳的视觉画面,对于国内的女性观众而言,是吸收国际流行信息的便捷管道,从中,你能精准且迅速地嗅出真正FASHION的气味。












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French vogue brand?

Enlighten abstruse (Dior) , overcome Lisiting Diao by stylist of French fashionable dress (Christian Dior) achieved 1946 at Paris, it is world-renowned fashionable consumption brand.

Basically manage the high-grade consumable such as female outfit, men's clothing, headgear, perfume, cosmetic. The holding company of advanced and fashionable brand that also is the whole world -- the parent company that LVMH Lu Yiwei enters a group. Dior can be become classical, there is elegant design again in innovating besides its, also breed a lot of outstanding young stylist. Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Bohan, Gianfranco Ferre and John Galliano are taken over in succession after Dior dies, extraordinary design work force shifts the momentum of Dior to acme, and they grasp held design spirit is same -- the delicate clipping of Dior.

Italy and France which more fashionable?

France is more fashionable. Italy is littoral city, of course Italian Milan also is vogue. Economic actual strength of France should compare Italy apparently strong, martial force of France is powerful at Italy. The place with amused France is not little also, resemble iron tower of dust humble Er, lu float palace, paris, marseilles. France and Italy can run fashionable dress show every year

What does the distinction of vogue of Italian vogue and France, England have?

Italian men's clothing is the famousest! Neuter, grace is implicative, easy and concise, fastidious of charge for the making of sth. represented the style of Italian fashionable dress centrally.

Is France still used say? Famous vogue, romantic! Still having a bit is costly! Its costly make France with " high the latest fashion " is not " advanced hand-me-down " celebrated. England, hear of Ying Lunfeng? England pays attention to colorific configuration.

The position of French vogue TV station?

Whole world of channel of vogue of popularity of Fashion TV whole world the first broadcast 24 hours the channel of popular and fashionable information, the position that France sheds with leading universal time Shang Chao, add Xin Di to overcome Lao Fu, Kelaodiyaxue the arena Show of the world top famous model such as Buddha, do not want language or the plot of a play, chan Yixuan beautiful dress and coquettish figure are shown, enough already interweave superexcellent visual picture, to woman audience of home, be those who absorb international popularity news is convenient conduit, from which, you can essence of life is accurate and quickly smell out is true the odour of FASHION.

The of thousands of fashionable dress news briefing that holds every year in world each district, it is flourish with can be in French vogue TV station to broadcast, each country stylist and top class model also regard his honorary base camp as French vogue TV station, french vogue TV station is in international vogue the bound is enjoyed get army positional media.

Is Ellehomme in is France vogue is tasted?

Ellehomme belongs to the brand of a gleam of, this brand founds at France, the field that basically runs is fashionable men's clothing. End so far, ellehomme brand still developed the adornment such as childen's garments children's footwear, watch at the same time. Ellehomme brand still is more accurate to fashionable fixed position, and also be to be different from other trademarks on the style of the product, can say dispute often individualizes. Building before long hind, ellehomme brand is rapid in a lot of countries hot rise.

The characteristic with Ellehomme the mainest brand can be mixed with vogue recreational two words will be generalized roughly. The design way with this main brand compares tide wind namely, reflected this one characteristic on dress not only, also do not lose even pants of a few skins fashionable sense. In the respect that make, was to use more high grade data, return the innovation that had different rate on the foundation of high quality at the same time, in the design concept of this brand, vogue is not representing numerous full of trivial details, and just is a kind of brief vogue, appear exceedingly elegant atmosphere.

How to watch French vogue TV station?

Asia-Pacific 5 138 degrees of E have French fashion channel, can receive with pannikin private plane

Is French white completely transparent is gauze good-looking?

Good-looking. Because French white is complete transparent gauze gives a person a kind of lightsome, free from vulgarity sense, the Rou Meihe that can show a woman well is elegant, suit Chun Xia's seasonal dress very much. In the meantime, its design is very elegant also, can match the dress of all sorts of design and adorn article. French white is completely transparent gauze suffers fully all the time in fashionable dress bound chase after hold in both hands, it is one of important material of brands of a lot of high the latest fashion. Besides white, the transparent gauze that still has a lot of other facial expression and pattern can offer an alternative, can satisfy the customer of different style and need. If want to wear a temperament and aesthetic feeling, france is transparent gauze is a right choice absolutely.

Which can direct seeding of week of French Paris vogue look?

Week direct seeding is in vogue of this France Paris fashionable channel of France is to be able to see, be in especially midnight when, they can be sowed a few. This kind of model that does not wear the dress namely goes beautiful

Does frost of eye of French orchid cardamom seed have transparent?

Some,  frost of simple key point of Jing of orchid cardamom seed is colorless and transparent.

Because color skins to eye ministry for not be very important, the effect of the product and utility just are most crucial.

Frost of simple key point of Jing of orchid cardamom seed bases is pearl extraction content and root of golden pheasant accept, can effective and slow eye ministry exhaustion and microgroove, carry bright color of skin, have at the same time defend action of Shi Hezi embellish, make eye week skin more healthy with beauty.

How is French vogue channel watched inside TV?

The impossible foreign nationality census register that calculates outfit number TV to order channel to also want to offer you just can order!
