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十万个为什么小常识? 十万个为什么小常识科普?英文双语对照


十万个为什么小常识? 十万个为什么小常识科普?英文双语对照








十万个为什么》分册目录1、 宇宙与地球2、 地质与气象3、 物理与化学4、 物理与化学 工程技术5、 航空航天 交通运输6、 植物7、 动物(1)

8、 动物(2)

9、 动物(3)



您好,1. 为什么太阳升起来和落下去?

2. 为什么海水会咸?

3. 为什么天空是蓝色的?

4. 为什么人会打嗝?

5. 为什么地球上有四季?

6. 为什么月亮会变形?

7. 为什么猫可以落在脚上而不受伤?

8. 为什么冰可以浮在水面上?

9. 为什么气球会飘起来?

10. 为什么天上会有彩虹?

11. 为什么飞机能够飞行?

12. 为什么雷电会产生?

13. 为什么眼泪会流出来?

14. 为什么植物需要阳光?

15. 为什么鸟儿能够飞行?

16. 为什么气温会影响动物的行为?

17. 为什么人会流鼻涕?

18. 为什么鱼可以在水中呼吸?

19. 为什么人的声音会变高或变低?

20. 为什么蝴蝶的翅膀有颜色?

21. 为什么一些物体会发光?

22. 为什么大象有长鼻子?

23. 为什么一些人会打哈欠?

24. 为什么人类需要睡觉?

25. 为什么日出和日落的时间会变化?

26. 为什么人的眼睛可以看到东西?

27. 为什么一些人会打喷嚏?

28. 为什么蜘蛛可以爬上墙壁?

29. 为什么火可以燃烧?

30. 为什么狗能闻到人类无法闻到的气味?

31. 为什么一些植物会开花?

32. 为什么一些人会吸烟?

33. 为什么月亮的表面看起来是灰色的?

34. 为什么人类需要水?

35. 为什么一些动物会在特定时间内进行迁徙?

36. 为什么一些人会感到晕眩?

37. 为什么人类需要呼吸氧气?

38. 为什么一些动物会在水中生活?

39. 为什么一些动物会在地下生活?

40. 为什么人的头发会变白?

41. 为什么人的皮肤会晒黑?

42. 为什么一些动物会在夜间活动?

43. 为什么一些动物会在白天活动?

44. 为什么一些人会感到恶心?

45. 为什么一些人会感到头痛?

46. 为什么植物需要土壤?

47. 为什么一些人会喜欢吃辣椒?

48. 为什么蜜蜂可以飞行?

49. 为什么一些动物会在树上生活?

50. 为什么一些人会感到害怕?




        但北方多为温带季风和大陆性气候,干旱干燥, 养分不足,因此树木只有舍弃叶子,以保证自身度过冬天。























2. 宝宝的睡眠质量对其生长发育至关重要,每天应保证充足的睡眠时间。

3. 宝宝的饮食要注意均衡,多吃蔬菜、水果、全谷物等健康食品,避免过度依赖零食和油炸食品。

4. 洗澡时要注意水温和洗浴用品的选择,避免伤害宝宝的皮肤。

5. 宝宝的运动也很重要,可以进行适当的游戏和体育活动,促进肌肉和骨骼发育。



















100 thousand why little common sense?

Why are 100 thousand the name of a book, 100 thousand little common sense were collected inside. For example: Why is ocean blue?

Ocean does not have color originally, the color that we see, it is smooth reflection phenomenon actually, enter deep-sea time when sun illumination, the blue shade with shorter wavelengh and purple light are gone to by sea reflex inside our eye, accordingly we saw blue sea.

100 thousand why popular science of little common sense?

Gallinaceous piddle

Make water is generated by kidney, chicken also has a pair of kidney, also can produce make water, but chicken does not have bladder, production make water nowhere stores, at the same time cannot alone ground micturition, so gallinaceous make water and gallinaceous dung come out from anal platoon together. Uric acid is contained in gallinaceous make water, hydrous less, gallinaceous make water as white rare paste, we see be white dung of one caboodle chicken has an in part, this contains gallinaceous make water to concern namely, all birds kind it is from anus of an eduction.

Why do 100 thousand issue list?

100 thousand why " fascicule catalog 1, the universe and earth 2, geology and atmosphere 3, physics and chemistry 4, physics and chemical project technology 5, aerospace traffic is carried 6, plant 7, animal (1)

8, animal (2)

9, animal (3)

10, animal (4)

Does toot pull 100 thousand why catalog?

Hello, 1. Why does the sun rise to mix fall?

2.Why is seawater salty?

3.Why is the sky blue?

4.Why is the person met belch?

5.Why is there the four seasons on the earth?

6.Why can the moon be out of shape?

7.Why to can the cat fall on the foot and get hurt?

8.It why be put on the ice is OK to why be put on the ice is float on surface?

9.Why can the balloon wave?

10.Why can the sky have rainbow?

11.Why can the airlines fly?

12.Why can thunder arise?

13.Why can tear flow?

14.Why does the plant need sun?

15.Why can bird fly?

16.Why the behaviour that can air temperature affect an animal?

17.Why is the person snorty?

18.Why can the fish breathe in water?

19.Why to can the person's voice become tall or become low?

20.Why is the wing of butterfly colored?

21.Why can a few objects give off light?

22.Why does elephant have long nose?

23.Why are a few people met gape?

24.Why does the mankind need to sleep?

25.Why can the time of sunrise and sunset vary?

26.Why can the person's eye see a thing?

27.Why are a few people met sneeze?

28.Why can the spider mount wall?

29.Why can fire burn?

30.Why can the dog smell the odour that cannot the mankind smell?

31.Why can a few plants blossom?

32.Why can a few people smoke?

33.Why is lunar surface gray it seems that?

34.Why does the mankind need water?

35.Why can a few animals be inside specific time undertake flight?

36.Why can a few people feel dizzy?

37.Why does the mankind need to breathe oxygen?

38.Why can a few animals live in water?

39.Why can a few animals live in underground?

40.Why is the person's hair whiten?

41.Why can the person's skin suntan?

42.Why can a few animals be in nightly activity?

43.Why are a few animals met days activity?

44.Why can a few people feel sick?

45.Why can a few people feel have a headache?

46.Why does the plant need soil?

47.Why can a few people like to have chili?

48.Why can the bee fly?

49.Why can a few animals live on the tree?

50.Why can a few people feel fear?

Nursery school 100 thousand why little common sense?

       1, why southern tree won't drop leave, and can northward tree drop leave in the autumn?

       Answer: ? Does Chan of sauce of leech  play climb eggplant live abroad however  of Ying of  of cloud of  Jing Lei lead grave of  of  of Yu of the  that steal to joke Ge of  of model of wetting astounded of breed of  of scabbard of colour of  of Tuo Zhan Deng do 4 play fall does miscellaneous humorous of tip of ministry of Bao of  of neon Bian to joke wet is astounded difficult?

       But north is temperate zone monsoon and continental climate more, arid and dry, nutrient is insufficient, because this tree abandons leaf only, in order to make sure oneself spends a winter.

       2, why is ocean blue?

       Answer: ? Word of correct of Q an insect destructive of the roots of seedlings knocks brandish to wake  of prize of cheek of  of model of  of a unit of length is blown fall neon of Shan of Q of an official document or note of bastinado of arm spread of rudder of  of green jade of  of Xi of obstruct of Mian of porcelain of Mu of badger of gun of stool of Guan of  of  of difficult a unit of length bakes そ of Ying  ǔ is unoccupied place  of celestial being of appropriate of Piao of  of phlegmy Mu Du! ?

       3, why can the fur of the tiger have figure?

       Answer: ?

       What this respect does best is chameleon, it is OK according to surroundings different, change the color of own body, avoid natural enemy thereby, catch kill prey.

       4, why can chameleon become angry?

       Answer: ? Does Li of し of natrium of Shen   go to  to become warped does Mao of admire of  of brilliant of haze of breed of grave of Gu of  of  of ü of Yun of tip of  of  of faint badger model climbing over a wall  buy  of brilliant of haze of Su of porcelain of  of exuviate  stand upright to suckle Yi Qiang of shelfing  of  of  rudder Guo to rapid is Yun blown tell?

       5, why tooth of dental chairman eat by moth?

       Answer: ? > does neon bake  of branchwooden fork of Ying  the tip of a twig  of ぶ of Yi Jian of 8 Li Nao bright and Я of play of Juan of hey of glair of leech  widow Xiao of choke of dainty of of lineal descent of Guan of F of post Tiao plinth " chart of Gou of prostitute of business of  of Tao of Qia of Lai of eggplant of the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome of  of head of  of Niao of ⒌ model  ?

Child life common sense?

About cheeper life common sense includes a lot of fields, like food, Morpheus, excrete, safety. For example, cheeper should dine on time, food wants balanced; Want to assure enough Morpheus time, assure healthy; Want to notice clean sanitation when excrete; Want to notice safety in the life, if be not climbed,climb electric equipment of not altitude, optional feeling to wait.

Common sense of small town life?

1, when sweeping the floor, a polybag is covered on broom, can suck the hair on the dwelling place effectively.

2, with last film encases the root ministry of banana, can lengthen last time.

3, an apple is put in potato caboodle, can lengthen potato deposit time.

4, cut chili ruthless method, can wash his hands with toothpaste, the result is right.

5, sweater cuff or collarband lost flexibility, can immerse cuff or collar 20 minutes in hot water, the flexibility after air can restore many.

6, hair of golden jewelry surface is old, dip in a few toothpaste is wiped gently, can become more shining.

7, the hair that has done newly, before sleeping, the filar towel with a glossy quality of a material is spread on the pillow, can help a hair effectively changeless model.

8, the flower that inserts in bottle is added in clear water a few white vinegar or blanch water, can make keep of flower longer colourfully.

Infantile life common sense?

1. darling drinks water to conduce to stimulative metabolism more, maintain healthy.

2.The Morpheus quality of darling grows to its development is crucial, should assure enough Morpheus time everyday.

3.The food of darling should notice balanced, eat the healthy food such as vegetable, fruit, complete cereal more, avoid excessive count snacks and deepfry provision.

4.When bathing, should notice water washs the option of bath things blandly, avoid to harm the skin of darling.

5.The movement of darling is very significant also, can have proper game and sports activity, stimulative muscle and skeletal development.

Life safety common sense?

Go to school in road, when taking public traffic tool, should whole journey adorns guaze mask, attention and other maintain a distance.

3. is diligent wash one's hands, anteprandial hind with wash one's hands fluid or soap running water wash his hands.

When 4. cough, sneeze, shut up of block of the towel that use paper is nose, if do not have paper towel, can use elbow or dress keep out.

5. is during school, if need to be contacted with other close quarters, should adorn correctly guaze mask, narrow as far as possible territory.

6. nurturance is good work and rest. On time siesta, sleep early rise early, undertake physical training moderately, enhance a constitution.

Approve of

Life little common sense?

10 commonly used Xiaochang in the life are known

1, when sweeping the floor, a polybag is covered on broom, can suck the hair on the dwelling place effectively.

2, with last film encases the root ministry of banana, can lengthen last time.

3, an apple is put in potato caboodle, can lengthen potato deposit time.

4, cut chili ruthless method, can wash his hands with toothpaste, the result is right.

5, sweater cuff or collarband lost flexibility, can immerse cuff or collar 20 minutes in hot water, the flexibility after air can restore many.

6, hair of golden jewelry surface is old, dip in a few toothpaste is wiped gently, can become more shining.

7, the hair that has done newly, before sleeping, the filar towel with a glossy quality of a material is spread on the pillow, can help a hair effectively changeless model.

8, the flower that inserts in bottle is added in clear water a few white vinegar or blanch water, can make keep of flower longer colourfully.
