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1 、认识婚姻的性质


2 、了解婚姻生活的要求


3 、对配偶建立正确的期望值

在婚后最初的日子里,互相建立起一种实际的期望值,可使结婚成为治疗 “ 幼稚病 ” 的医院,自觉进行自我分析、自我认识、理解对方,设身处地为他人着想,达到新婚夫妻的和谐相处。

4 、正确对待认知特性上的夫妻差异


5 、实现夫妻间的角色平衡


6 、适应对方的个性和生活习惯


7 、过好新婚性生活。夫妻发生第一次性关系前,必须有充分的心理准备


8 、应懂得有关避孕、优生、优育、优教的知识,懂得预防性病的知识,在新婚初期,双方都需要适应和调整,短期内可能并不适合养育孩子。所以,应该选择双方都能接受的避孕方式,并应制定适合双方的生育计划。随着社会的进步,为了提高人们的婚姻质量和人口素质,新婚性教育显得越来越重要,并且在不断充实它的内容,在形式上也在不断变革,使之更符合新婚男女的需要。


The 1, nature that understands marriage

Marriage is the bond that each other companion has corresponding right, responsibility, obligation. Marriage not only the behavior that is bilateral voluntarily, each other won love, and the obligation that has morality already, also have legal tie. So, marriage is not follow one's inclinations, get necessarily of element of a lot of society restrict.

The 2, requirement that understands matrimony

The family that marriage forms, it is the cell of organism. Marriage is two the individual's worlds not just, still must have handled from this all sorts of kin that derive gives concern with all sorts of relatives. The love relation in marital relation, economy impact, sexual relationship, law concerns, the responsibility that carries both sides of husband and wife, faithfulness and understanding will come true.

3, right the spouse builds correct expectation to be worth

In first after marriage time, establish a kind of real expectation value each other, can make marry become treatment " infantilism " hospital, have each other of understanding of ego analysis, ego, understanding self-consciously, be considerate is other consider, the harmony that achieves newly-married husband and wife gets along.

Treat the difference of husband and wife on cognitive character 4, correctly

All sorts of need husband and wife can appear to ponder over the problem with make a decision jointly after marriage, should know the sexual difference on means of thinking of male and female each other, so that build the collective base of bilateral and cognitive manner as soon as possible, both sides should not be a center with ego, and the complementary element that should regard processing problem as to go up bilateral difference.

The part between husband and wife of 5, implementation is balanced

The likelihood between husband and wife is put in the difference on social part, the difference of the respect is used to in feature of psychology of quality, individual character and behavior, the part that can affect a couple to be acted in the place in the family. After newly-married life begins, between husband and wife must the requirement of the other side of understand one another and desire, make oneself domestic role individualizes already, bouncy, adjust ceaselessly mutual the part requirement between. Both sides should be passed perfect oneself, produce oneself advantage, endeavor to shorten each other difference, will achieve the part balance between husband and wife.

The 6, individual character that gets used to the other side and habits and customs

In the life after marriage, both sides of husband and wife contains him necessarily the individual character of the habits and customs of original family and oneself. Both sides must learn to exercise restraint, flexible and each other suit, should notice to abandon especially oneself unhealthy addiction, change the weakness in him individual character and weakness hard. Both sides should establish mutual respect, accredit and the relationship that get along sincerely.

Sexual life of too 7, good newly-married. Before sexual relationship of first time of happening of husband and wife, must have sufficient psychological preparation

When making love for the first time, woman Hymen burst, may bring a few ache, the husband wants behavioral gentleness some. Return the means that can use progress step by step for many times, in order to reduce the woman's ache. Newly-married at the beginning of sexual life does not succeed possibly also, this also is normal, what can pass period of time is mutual get used to the harmony with reaching sexual life. Return what can pass doctor or sexual expert to seek advice, directive, will achieve husband and wife between sexual harmony, of the effect that often has a decision in the positive factor of psychology of this respect spirit.

8, should know about use contraceptive, the knowledge that Yo of prepotent, actor, actor teachs, know the knowledge with venereal precaution, in newly-married initial stage, both sides needs to suit and be adjusted, short-term inside the likelihood does not suit to rear the child. So, the contraceptive way that should choose both sides to be able to be accepted, should make those who suit both sides bear a plan. As social progress, to improve the marital quality of people and population quality, newly-married sex education appears more and more important, and be in enrich its content ceaselessly, also be in in formally change ceaselessly, make more the need that accords with newly-married men and women.

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