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中西方礼仪文化差异? 中西方文化差异论文?英文双语对照


中西方礼仪文化差异? 中西方文化差异论文?英文双语对照

























I. 引言

    A. 主题简介

    B. 论文目的和研究问题

    C. 论文结构概述

II. 中西方餐桌礼仪的基本概念和背景

    A. 中西方饮食文化的起源和发展

    B. 中西方餐桌礼仪的起源和发展

    C. 餐桌礼仪在中西方社交场合中的重要性

III. 中西方餐桌礼仪的主要差异

    A. 餐桌座位安排和座次礼仪

        1. 中方:主宾、主宾、副宾、副宾、陪客的座次安排

        2. 西方:以年龄、社会地位等因素为依据的座次安排

    B. 餐桌食物和餐具的使用

        1. 中方:筷子、调羹、餐盘

        2. 西方:刀、叉、餐盘

    C. 餐桌礼仪的具体表现和要求

        1. 中方:礼貌、热情、尊重、谨慎、谦逊

        2. 西方:尊重、礼貌、尊重他人、直率、自我表达

    D. 餐桌上的礼仪交流和表现

        1. 中方:委婉、含蓄、暗示、恭维

        2. 西方:直接、坦诚、事实求是、幽默

IV. 中西方餐桌礼仪差异的形成原因

    A. 文化、历史、宗教和传统的影响

    B. 社交场合和目的的差异

    C. 人际关系和沟通方式的差异

V. 中西方餐桌礼仪的影响和启示

    A. 对个人和社会的影响

    B. 在跨文化交流中的重要性

    C. 对中西方文化交流和融合的启示

VI. 结论

    A. 中西方餐桌礼仪差异的总结

    B. 中西方餐桌礼仪差异的意义和价值

    C. 中西方餐桌礼仪的发展趋势和融合




现如今在西方,尤其是在年轻人当中,开始流行一种新的消费观念:buy experience,not things.(买体验,而不是东西。)调查显示,新鲜的经历带给人们的喜悦比商品带来的喜悦要更加长久。














西方人注重以自我为中心,重个人、重竞争;西方人的价值观认为,个人是人类社会的基点。每个人的生存方式及生存质量都取决于自己的能力,有个人才有社会整体,个人高于社会整体。中国人注重群体、社会、和谐。 中国人的价值观,强调群体意识,社会意识,个人利益应当服从社会整体利益,只有整个社会得到发展,个大才能得到最大利益。。


西方人注重个人放任,创新发展,张扬荣誉;西方人崇尚个人奋斗,尤其为个人取得成就而自豪,从不掩饰自己的自信心、荣誉感和获得成就后的狂喜;西方文化鼓励个人开拓创新,做一番前人未做过的,杰出超凡的事业;西方人的家庭观念比较淡漠。中国人注重谦虚谨慎,不偏不倚。 中国文化在个人取得成就时,不主张炫耀个人荣誉,而是提倡谦虚谨慎,反对“王婆卖瓜自卖自夸”。在人际关系上,中国传统的文化则要求人们不偏不倚,走中庸之道,维护现状,保持和谐。





One, difference of culture of Fang Liyi of Chinese and Western?

Chinese and Western just is in the difference of ceremonially, incorporate is:

1, domestic respect.

The Chinese is used to a few acting people enjoying family happiness together, although live apart with parents after filial marriage, mutual the connection between is very close also. And in the west, it is little family commonly, children is grown, must leave home earn one's own living, after marrying, live apart with parents commonly. Although children is the same as with parents, the concern is equal between each other, do not depend on parents.

2, respect of give presents parents.

The Chinese thinks, go up in the life parents of keep an eye on, serve is must. Although Hesperian also is had deep love for, parents of respect, care, but do not resemble us in that way, the dietary daily life of bother about parents. They think, parents has parental life, oneself have oneself life, each other are respected each other enough, cross much inquire after sb's health, have the ill will of interference privacy.

3, have difference to parental appellation.

Western country waits in Germany, Switzerland, the child can breathe out continuously parental name. And the Chinese thinks to breathe out continuously parental name is clodhopping. We have all along " child not character father name " avoid as taboo.

4, Chinese and Western treats offer one's seat to sb to have difference.

China respects the incorporate of old people, be comity should be told before elder, old person, know courtesy. Reflect go up in the bus, give old people offer one's seat to sb namely. Nowadays, on the bus of countrywide each district, already became the consensus of people for old person offer one's seat to sb, promoted social harmony, be people spiritual civilization is specific reflect.

A lot of countries of the United States and Europe, passenger consciousness queues up to get on a car, not crowded, do not grab, do not take up on the bus seat of physical disabilities personage. Man may " gent " , offer one's seat to sb at young lady, but most person does not give the old person beside offer one's seat to sb however. In the meantime, western old person is on the bus, also do not wish to accept others offer one's seat to sb, not only such, even still the old person gives the child actively offer one's seat to sb.

5, difference of time idea existence.

Hesperian has stronger time idea, arrange to oneself program in the meeting in commercial activity make good program ahead of schedule, once had agreed,carry out on time, and hope everything masters in him hand.

And time idea of the Chinese and action plan sex are opposite weaker, although have also be rich flexibility, program arrangement is more agile. In activity of the business that cross a state, difference of square this one culture behaves Chinese and Western very outstanding.

2, paper of difference of square culture of Chinese and Western?

Difference is to teaching a concept, humanitarian environment, social scene, regime, traditional kind is different. Understanding of wrong to the dabble face of culture layer is different.

3, the impressions after class of difference of culture of Fang Liyi of Chinese and Western?

In square culture of Chinese and Western, formal culture is put in notable difference. Chinese traditional culture emphasizes respecting elder, pay attention to domestic idea and unitive spirit; And western culture emphasizes an individual becoming independent, seek individual right and freedom. In social situation, the difference of western culture also is shown in come, eat in the clodhopping in Hesperian eye for example crack with teeth in mouth and chew chewing gum, clodhopping also is in Chinese eye.

Through learning difference of culture of Fang Liyi of Chinese and Western, I realise the difference between different culture is a very common thing. We need to learn to respect and understand them, get along with the sum humorous. In the intercourse henceforth, should pay attention to the culture difference of respect of a few detail more, avoid conflict as far as possible, promotional each other friendship and collaboration.

4, is late dinner of square business affairs of Chinese and Western formal culture difference cause?

Fang Wanyan of Chinese and Western is formal and different, it is the effect that suffers religion and culture more very, the west is general believe in is Christian, china is the effect that suffers Confucianism. Chinese traditional culture always puts individual or ego in human relations in society to make an on-the-spot investigation, from value of individual of assess of social value judgement setting out, is not from the individual compose setting out establishs social value.

The ethical morality society that what it goes after is harmony of a kind of group, stability, the individual cannot break away from a society, the individual individualizes, should promote individual character, but individual can never over park country, collective. The is core with ego individualistic value sense of this kind of value sense that is not sex of ego main body and west is very different.

5, is square table of Chinese and Western formal difference paper?

It is below about Chinese and Western the paper outline of square mensal and formal difference:

I. Foreword

  A. Thematic brief introduction

  B. Paper purpose and research problem

  C. Paper structure is summarized

II. The basic idea with square formal table of Chinese and Western and setting

  A. The origin of culture of square food of Chinese and Western and development

  B. The origin with square formal table of Chinese and Western and development

  C. Mensal and formal the importance in circumstance of square socialization of Chinese and Western

III. The main difference with square formal table of Chinese and Western

  A. Mensal seat arrangement and seating arrangement are formal

    1. In square: Advocate guest, advocate the arrangement of order of seats of guest, deputy guest, deputy guest, a guest invited to a dinner party to help entertain the guest of honor

    2. The west: It is the arrangement of order of seats of the basis with the element such as the age, social class

  B. The use of mensal food and tableware

    1. In square: Chopstick, spoon, eat dish

    2. The west: Knife, forked, eat dish

  C. Mensal and formal incorporate and requirement

    1. In square: Courteous, enthusiastic, esteem, careful, condescending

    2. The west: Other of esteem, courteous, esteem, candid, ego is conveyed

  D. The formal communication on table and expression

    1. In square: Euphemistic, implicative, suggestion, compliment

    2. The west: Direct, straight-out, fact is begged is, humorous

IV. Square table of Chinese and Western is formal of difference form a reason

  A. Culture, history, religion and traditional effect

  B. The difference of social situation and purpose

  C. Human relation and the difference of communication means

V. The effect with square formal table of Chinese and Western and enlightenment

  A. To the influence of individual and society

  B. In the importance in cultural exchange

  C. To Chinese and Western Fang Wen turns communication and shirt-sleeve revelation

VI. Conclusion

  A. Square table of Chinese and Western is formal the summary of difference

  B. The meaning of square mensal and formal difference mixes Chinese and Western value

  C. Western table develops trend and confluence formally in

According to this outline, you can undertake in-depth document survey and case are analysed, with understanding Chinese and Western better the difference with square formal table reachs his to form a reason. When compose paper, notice to keep objective please, just manner, prevent the bias of any pair of one party and discrimination.

6, does Chinese and Western just shop culture difference?

In the Chinese's inherent consciousness and idea, go after the relaxation of body and mind blindly, the energy between beautiful take time is on recreational activities, it is the expression that is content with a corner. And Hesperian is pursuit cultural life, they can open a clique to be opposite in free time, loosen; of body and mind they like to behave individual character, pursuit extraordinary.

Be in nowadays now the west, it is especially among the youth, begin popularity a kind of new consumption idea: Buy Experience, not Things. (buy an experience, is not a thing. ) investigation shows, the joyance that the joyance that new experience brings people brings than commodity wants more long.

A psychology of university of Er of American health Nai considers to discover, the happy rate that new experience or a craft of new learning and a new merchandise bring people at first equallies matched, but the elapse as time, people falls gradually to the happy degree of article, and be like,still make them excited to viatic memory and new craft first.

7, difference of culture of square picnic of Chinese and Western?

Be dietary means above all is different. Chinese picnic can take the convenient provision that does not need cooking more very much. And the west can take portable cooking range to be born to cook alive outside more very much.

It is eating food next different. Meeting snack mixes the Chinese all sorts of food that pack. And the west can prepare a few semi-manufactured goods to burn will eat or be baked will eat

Finally is tableware is different. China may eat directly, can take dinner service alone not quite. And the west can take tableware knife and fork to perhaps eat afternoon tea to also can have tea service

8, difference of culture of square ancient time of Chinese and Western?

The difference of square culture of Chinese and Western:

(One) face of thinking means upper part, hesperian is paid attention to think of differentiate, reason, analysis, demonstration, analyse whole to try again integrated; Chinese pays attention to intuitionistic, whole, experience. Look in western philosopher, the thing that thinks differentiate sex only just is the truest, the the most perfect, best. From Gu Xila the times rises, science home and philosopher people regard understanding and the basiccest measure that hold thing truth as abstract thinking and logistic thinking means, and " analytics " or " logic " the tool that regards everything as science. Means of this kind of thinking, promoted the development of western science.

9, does Chinese and Western just cultivate culture difference?

1, thinking means:

Hesperian pays attention to the reason that consider debate to analyse a case of a physically strong patient running a high fever or suffering from such disorders as stasis of blood, analyse whole to try again integrated; Look in western philosopher,

The thinking means of Chinese tradition, not be to carry Baconian deduction, deduce derivation, be based on a fact however, depend on already some experience and knowledge, try to identify to the essence of external object and its regularity, understand and undertake whole is judged. With connection of direct thinking means photograph, the means of Chinese understanding world is " body knows " is not " acknowledge " .

2, value orientaton:

Hesperian is paid attention to it is a center with ego, weigh individual, heavy competition; The viewpoint of value of Hesperian thinks, the individual is the base point of human society. Of everybody live means and live quality depends on oneself ability, the individual just has social whole, whole of society of individual prep above. The Chinese pays attention to group, society, harmony. The Chinese's viewpoint of value, emphasize group consciousness, social consciousness, individual interest ought to be subject to social whole interest, only whole society gets developing, great gift gets most golden eggs. .

3, ethical morality:

Hesperian pays attention to individual indulge, innovation develops, make public honor; Hesperian advocates the individual struggles, gain success for the individual especially and proud, the self-confident heart that never conceals his, honor feels and obtain the rapture after achievement; Western culture encourages an individual to develop innovation, had not done forefathers one time, crackajack and transcendental career; The domestic idea of Hesperian is dimmer. The Chinese pays attention to modest discretion, impartial. Chinese culture gains success in the individual when, do not advocate show off individual honor, advocate modest discretion however, object " king mother-in-law sells melon blow one's own trumpet " . On human relation, the culture of Chinese tradition asks people is impartial, walk along the doctrine of the mean, safeguard the current situation, keep harmonious.

10, difference of culture of honest feeling of Chinese and Western?

The core of Chinese culture is " day person syncretic " , the Chinese ponders over a problem is to use integrated thinking pattern. And Hesperian is different, their cultured is dichotomy, like to come to the problem look apart. This ought to be the difference with the biggest culture of Chinese and Western.

Affection expression of China is compared commonly inside collect, won't so Zhang Yang, those who change character is everybody does well oneself thing is OK, random shout of won't full world; The west is firm very contrary, their political reform is eventful it is body go up in limbs language now, embrace for instance, kiss, touch forehead, satchel of kiss the back of hand.

上一篇:基本的生活常识? 生活中的礼貌基本常识?英文双语对照