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舟山市区离普陀山相距20.9公里。 第一条线路:你可以选择27路到朱家尖蜈蚣峙码头,然后坐船去普陀山:或者选择从定海东门车站坐20路到沈家门半升洞码头坐船去普陀山。 第二种线路:舟山市区离普陀山驾车路线:全程约20.9公里。 起点:舟山市 1.从起点向正东方向出发,行驶90米,右转。 ...


始发站:湖州汽车总站 发车时间:8:50 运输公司:宁波、定海、普陀 车型: 中中二级 票价参考:114 里程:328









1 宁波南站汽车站到舟山最快。2 因为宁波南站汽车站提供了直达舟山的高速客车服务,可以节省时间和麻烦,避免转车或者等待时间过长的情况。3 如果想更快地到达舟山,可以选择坐高速动车前往杭州,再在杭州火车东站坐高速客车或者飞机前往舟山,这样可以减少路上的拥堵和不确定因素,提高到达速度。


1,舟山到宁波要几小时。如果是舟山定海长途汽车站,到北站应该差不多2个半钟 宁波汽车南站和汽车北站均有班车到舟山,汽车南站最晚一班19:00,票价41元,汽车北站最晚一班18:15分,票价40块,到舟山大概一个多小时。








1) 从起点向东北方向出发,行驶240米,右后方转弯

2) 行驶120米,右转进入黄龙路

3) 沿黄龙路行驶330米,调头进入黄龙路

4) 沿黄龙路行驶580米,进入天目山路

5) 沿天目山路行驶1.7公里,过右侧的武林大厦约50米后,稍向右转进入环城北路

6) 沿环城北路行驶1.9公里,过右侧的汇金国际约50米后,直行进入环城北路地下隧道

7) 沿环城北路地下隧道行驶2.1公里,直行进入艮山西路

8) 沿艮山西路行驶2.8公里,朝S2/上海/宁波/台州方向,稍向右转进入彭埠互通

9) 沿彭埠互通行驶630米,过彭埠互通,直行进入杭甬高速公路

10) 沿杭甬高速公路行驶14.4公里,朝宁波/台州/G92南线方向,稍向右转进入杭州湾环线南线









1) 行驶620米,直行进入鸭东线

2) 沿鸭东线行驶2.5公里,朝G9211/岑港/宁波方向,稍向右转进入双坝线

3) 沿双坝线行驶3.4公里,直行进入S72

4) 沿S72行驶1.4公里,稍向左转进入昌洲大道

5) 沿昌洲大道行驶3.4公里,朝新城/普陀/普陀山/朱家尖方向,稍向左转进入G329

6) 沿G329行驶2.4公里,直行进入东皋岭隧道

7) 沿东皋岭隧道行驶1.2公里,直行进入G329

8) 沿G329行驶20.0公里,右转

9) 行驶140米,到达终点(在道路左侧)







Does boat hill station have many to general Tuo hill far?

Boat hill urban district leaves apart of general Tuo hill 20.9 kilometers. : of the first circuitry? Road of?7 of Chong tip v/LIT all over the ground ≡ stands erect to Zhu Jiajian centipede dock, go by boat next: of general Tuo hill? Yang crash ≡ assist road of?0 of chew of of lineal descent of 6  cowardly goes to commission ê dock of half litres of hole goes to Shenyang door by boat Pu Tuo hill. : of the 2nd kind of circuitry? Piao wrings astral  gizzard to bilge to abandon? whole journey to make an appointment with 20.9 kilometers by outskirt Fu heart. Start: ? Piao wrings?1. From start Xiang Zhengdong direction sets out, travel 90 meters, right-hand rotation. . . .

What station does lake city pass to boat hill station? Urgent can you pass calm sea long-distance station ah?

Starting station: ? ? of glucoside of bottom of  terpene  sends car time: 8:5: of 0 transport companies? ê of  ā ⒍ ! ⑵ bilges? model: In in 2 level fare is referenced: 114 course of development: 328

Does station of Tuo of boat hill general arrive Ning Bo?

Complement: Shenyang door harbor does not have this kind of view, do not know what you say to arrive east extremely dock, shenyang door is not big, general Tuo station is nodded to about 10 yuan when dock hits many went, public transportation it is to take 6 cars.

To east extremely at ordinary times one day has a boat only, it is in the morning 8:30, there can is overwork boat with National Day on the weekend is 2 boats, controlled 1:30 afternoon, the specific number of the boat you call 0580-114 asks to go

Does Cong Tonglu have to Zhou Shan's car, zhou Shan after all a few stations?

Tung cottage sits long-distance regular bus (forgot, about two yuan) , to the station austral Hangzhou car; The station austral Hangzhou car is good sit border of Hang Zhou city is public transportation (sheet wades 70 yuan, buy together back and forth dozen 95 fold) , to Pu Tuo (Shenyang door) . Such the most convenient.

Is excuse me Wen Zhou takes the bus to Zhou Shan to Zhou Shan of which station?

Wen Zhou arrives car terminus of Zhou Shan is travel to Pu Tuo distributing center center, it is Zhou Shan long-distance station, distributing center center of general Tuo travel is new station, at the beginning of July of strong finish, general Tuo station is old station, now should be not to move.

Which station goes from Ning Bo is Zhou Shan the fastest?

Station of the 1 station austral Ning Bo arrives Zhou Shan is the fastest. The 2 high speed passenger cars that offerred nonstop Zhou Shan because of station of the station austral Ning Bo serve, can save time and trouble, avoid transfer or the case with too long latency time. 3 if want to arrive at Zhou Shan quickly, can choose to sit high speed motor-car heads for Hangzhou, be in Hangzhou again the train east the station sits high speed passenger car perhaps is gone to before the plane Zhou Shan, can reduce a road to go up so embrace block up and inaccuracy decides an element, rise reach rate.

Does Zhou Shan go coulding there be how long does wave station want car Cheng?

1, zhou Shan wants a few hours to Ning Bo. If be boat Shan Dinghai long-distance station, stand to north should about the same the station austral 2 half Zhong Ningbo car and car north station all have regular bus to arrive Zhou Shan, the station austral the car is the latest 19: 00, fare 41 yuan, car north station is the latest 18: 15 minutes, fare 40, to Zhou Shan probably a many hour.

2, zhou Shan wants to bus of peaceful wave airport how long. Zhou Shan reachs peaceful wave airport, one needs half hours or so if bus car leaves normally.

3, zhou Shan arrives Ning Bo a few kilometers. Drive from Zhou Shan the number in total journey of Ning Bo is 86, 8 kilometers, drive time needs 1 hour 40 minutes, fat fee makes an appointment with 55 yuan, pass a freeway to collect fees, pass by expends about 120 yuan.

Does Hangzhou go how does station of Tuo of boat hill general take a car " car " ?

This data originates Baidu map, final result with Baidu map newest data is accurate.

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 243.9 kilometers

Start: Huang Long travels distributing center center

Plan drives inside 1. Hangzhou city

1) from start northeast direction sets out, travel 240 meters, right rear turn

2) travel 120 meters, right-hand rotation enters yellow Long Lu

Travel of road of 3) edge yellow dragon 330 meters, tune enters yellow Long Lu

Travel of road of 4) edge yellow dragon 580 meters, enter day of eye hill grade

Travel of road of hill of eye of 5) edge weather 1.7 kilometers, cross the Wu Lin edifice on the right side of to make an appointment with 50 rice hind, enter grade of north of around the city sunwise a bit

Travel of road of north of 6) edge around the city 1.9 kilometers, cross the international collecting gold on the right side of to make an appointment with 50 rice hind, straight travel enters tunnel of underground of road of north of around the city

Travel of channel of underground of road of north of 7) edge around the city 2.1 kilometers, straight travel enters straightforward Shanxi grade

Travel of road of Shanxi of 8) edge straightforward 2.8 kilometers, face S2/ Shanghai / Ning Bo / stage city direction, enter Peng port each other to connect sunwise a bit

Each other of port of 9) edge Peng connects travel 630 meters, each other of port crossing Peng is connected, straight travel enters Hang Yong freeway

Travel of freeway of 10) edge Hang Yong 14.4 kilometers, chao Ningbo / stage city / direction of the line austral G92, enter the line austral line of Hangzhou bay link sunwise a bit

Travel of the line austral line of link of bay of 2. edge Hangzhou 630 meters, cross red cultivate hub, straight travel enters the line austral line of Hangzhou bay link

Travel of the line austral line of link of bay of 3. edge Hangzhou 112.1 kilometers, face boat hill / fine promote / Zhou Shan crosses Hai Daqiao / Hangzhou bay crosses Hai Daqiao direction, enter tall bridge key position sunwise a bit

Travel of hub of 4. edge tall bridge 1.6 kilometers, exorbitant bridge hub, straight travel enters Ning Bo to circle a city freeway

5. circles a city along Ning Bo freeway travel 24 kilometers, face boat hill / east outer shroud direction, enter key position of flood dragon plain sunwise a bit

6. edge flood dragon plain hub travel 670 meters, guo Jiaochuan hub makes an appointment with 670 rice hind, straight travel enters boat of another name for Ningbo freeway

Boat of 7. edge another name for Ningbo freeway travel 43.6 kilometers, straight travel enters boat of another name for Ningbo freeway

Boat of 8. edge another name for Ningbo freeway travel 20 meters, go continuously

Plan drives inside city of 9. boat hill

1) travel 620 meters, straight travel enters duck east line

2) edge duck east line travel 2.5 kilometers, face G9211/ Cen Gang / peaceful wave direction, enter double dam line sunwise a bit

Travel of line of 3) edge double dam 3.4 kilometers, straight travel enters S72

Travel of 4) edge S72 1.4 kilometers, enter prosperous continent highway to left-hand rotation a bit

Travel of highway of 5) edge Chang Zhou 3.4 kilometers, chao Xincheng / Pu Tuo / Pu Tuo hill / Zhu Jiajian direction, enter G329 to left-hand rotation a bit

Travel of 6) edge G329 2.4 kilometers, straight travel enters Dong Gaoling tunnel

1.2 kilometers of travel of channel of mountain of 7) edge Donggao, straight travel enters G329

Travel of 8) edge G329 20 kilometers, right-hand rotation

9) travel 140 meters, arrive at terminus (in road left)

Terminal: Passenger station of general Tuo car

A few times does station of Tuo of boat hill general have a car to Hangzhou?

To 06:2 of center of Hangzhou passenger transport0, 07:20, 09:10, 09:55, 10:50, 12:20, 14:15, 15:20, 16:20, 17:15 to 06:0 of the station austral Hangzhou car0, 06:50, 07:50, 08:40, 10:30, 11:20, 11:50, 12:45, 13:45, 15:00, 15:45, 16:45, 17:05, 17:45

Does boat hill city decide sea area to a few stations there are?

Zhou Shan has 3 stations, it is center of center of the passenger transport that decide the of great capacity, new city passenger transport and center of general Tuo passenger transport respectively. Center of general Tuo passenger transport builds what should do not have a few years, building and its appearance and interior are very new still, the place is great also, there still are a lot of parking spaces outside, basically be passenger of convenient Shenyang door. Pu Tuo still has public transportation station, BRT to stand outside passenger transport center, traffic is convenient very.

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