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广州天河城面积? 广州天河城好玩吗?英文双语对照


广州天河城面积? 广州天河城好玩吗?英文双语对照


占据天河商圈的中心位置,毗邻广州CBD中央商务区、天河体育中心和广州火车东站,60多条公交线路在此设站,交通极为便利。于1996年8月18日正式开业,是中国大陆最早的SHOPPING MALL之一。天河城总投资12亿元人民币,占地4.1万平方米,建筑面积达16万平方米




  天河城(TEEMALL)是广东天河城(集团)股份有限公司投资、建设、开发、经营管理的大型购物中心,天河城地理位置优越,坐落于广州城市新中轴线上,位于广州地铁3号线两条支线的交接点及其与地铁1号线、广州机场快线的转接站上,占据天河商圈的中心位置,毗邻广州CBD中央商务区、天河体育中心和广州火车东站,60多条公交线路在此设站,交通极为便利。于1996年8月18日正式开业,是中国大陆最早的SHOPPING MALL之一。天河城总投资12亿元人民币,占地4.1万平方米,建筑面积达16万平方米。


未关闭。因为天河城是一个商业综合体,其内部各个商铺和设施运营时间可能有所不同,但总的来说,目前没有官方通知或公告称天河城已关闭。而且广州作为经济发达的大城市,商业活动非常活跃,天河城也是其中一个重要的商业中心,关闭对当地经济和消费者都是不利的。同时,天河城也会定期进行装修和升级,可能会部分关闭某些区域,但并不代表整个商场关闭。 需要注意的是,由于疫情的影响,天河城可能会根据疫情防控要求调整营业时间和部分业务的运营方式,建议在前往天河城购物前先进行确认和了解。


1. 定位:广州市天河区天河路208号天河城商业广场(或称天河城百货)

2. 交通路线:

- 地铁:乘坐广州地铁3号线或5号线,在天河客运站站下车,步行5分钟即可到达天河城商业广场。

- 公交车:可以乘坐公交车BRT1号线、185B线、245线、546线、551线、555A线、886B线,在天河城站下车。

- 驾车:可选择自驾或打车,进入天河城商业广场地下停车场(需收费)。

3. 购物特色:

- 天河城商业广场是广州最大的购物中心之一,拥有众多知名品牌,包括以时尚小众品牌为主的“时尚29”、以家居生活为主的“家居公园”、以美食、文化演艺等为主的“食趣街区”等。

- 天河城商业广场同时也是广州的奥特莱斯中心之一,拥有海量的奥特莱斯品牌,价格实惠。

- 天河城商业广场内还有电影院、儿童游乐区等娱乐设施,适合全家来购物、娱乐。

4. 购物攻略:

- 建议提前规划好购物路线,以免时间浪费;

- 购物前可提前了解天河城商业广场内各品牌的优惠活动,以便在购物时节省开销;

- 假期或周末时,人流量较多,建议提前排队抢坐、预约,尽量避开高峰期;

- 在商场内注意自己的行李和财物安全,提防小偷。











公交线路:地铁1号线,全程约6.7公里1、从广州市步行约490米,到达公园前站2、乘坐地铁1号线,经过5站, 到达体育西路站3、步行约130米,到达天河城商业区





One, area of city of Guangzhou the Milky way?

Hold the central position that business of the Milky way encircles, border sports center of business affairs area, the Milky way is mixed in the center of Guangzhou CBD Guangzhou train east station, many 60 public transportation circuitry sets a station here, communication is very easy. At official on August 18, 1996 start business, it is one of SHOPPING MALL with the earliest chinese mainland. City of the Milky way always invests 1.2 billion yuan of RMBs, cover an area of 41 thousand square metre, floor area amounts to 160 thousand square metre

2, is city of Guangzhou the Milky way amused?

City of the Milky way is Guangzhou have distinguishing feature most shop, recreational, dietary scope of operation, negative first floor is large the island of auspicious supermarket. 2 buildings have brand shop of shoe of famous brand garment and home appliance mobile phone to 5 buildings monopolistic etc. 6 buildings have large electron pleasure ground place and characteristic are fastfood, include Kendeji. 7 buildings have brand discount store and characteristic dining-room food and drink. 8 buildings have basketball field, tennis court, badminton field.

3, does city of Guangzhou the Milky way have how old?

City of the Milky way (TEEMALL) is city of Guangdong the Milky way (group) the large shopping center of Inc. investment, construction, development, management, city of the Milky way situation is advantageous, be located at Guangzhou city new in on axes, be located in Guangzhou subway 3 lines of two branch line hand over a dot to reach its and subway on the group through-connection station of express of airport of a line, Guangzhou, hold the central position that business of the Milky way encircles, border sports center of business affairs area, the Milky way is mixed in the center of Guangzhou CBD Guangzhou train east station, many 60 public transportation circuitry sets a station here, communication is very easy. At official on August 18, 1996 start business, it is one of SHOPPING MALL with the earliest chinese mainland. City of the Milky way always invests 1.2 billion yuan of RMBs, cover an area of 41 thousand square metre, floor area amounts to 160 thousand square metre.

4, was the area just outside a city gate of Guangzhou the Milky way shut?

Did not shut. Because city of the Milky way is synthesis of a commerce, each business spread its interior and establishment operation time may differ somewhat, but as a whole, without the government at present announcement or announcement say city of the Milky way already was shut. And the big city that Guangzhou develops as economy, commercial activity is very brisk, city of the Milky way also is among them an important mart, shutting pair of place economy and consumer is adverse. In the meantime, city of the Milky way also can undertake decorate and upgrading regularly, may shut certain area partly, but do not shut on behalf of whole market. Those who need an attention is, as a result of the influence of epidemic situation, city of the Milky way may prevent the operation kind that accuses to ask to adjust business hours and partial business according to epidemic situation, the proposal undertakes affirm and understanding first before heading for city of the Milky way to shop.

5, shopping strategy of city of Guangzhou the Milky way?

1.Fixed position: Road of the Milky way of area of Guangzhou city the Milky way square of business of town of 208 the Milky way (or call city of the Milky way general merchandise)

2.Cross access line:

- the subway: Take Guangzhou subway 3 lines or 5 lines, in passenger station of the Milky way the station gets off, walk 5 minutes to be able to arrive at square of business of town of the Milky way.

- bus: Can take line of bus BRT1 mark, 185B line, 245 lines, 546 lines, 551 lines, 555A line, 886B line, in city of the Milky way the station gets off.

- drive: Optional choose is driven oneself or take a taxi, enter parking lot of underground of square of business of town of the Milky way (need to collect fees) .

3.Shopping characteristic:

- square of business of town of the Milky way is one of Guangzhou's largest shopping center, own numerous and famous brand, include to be given priority to with fashionable minor numerous brand " vogue 29 " , in order to live in what the life gives priority to " household park " , act with cate, culture art etc those who give priority to " the block that feed an interest " etc.

- the Aotelaisi that square of business of town of the Milky way also is Guangzhou at the same time one of centers, the Aotelaisi that has magnanimity brand, price material benefit.

- there still is cinema, children inside square of business of town of the Milky way the recreational establishment such as You Le area, suit a family to shop, recreation.

4.Shopping strategy:

- the proposal has planned to shop ahead of schedule course, lest time is wasteful;

- the favourable activity of each brand inside square of business of town of the Milky way can understand ahead of schedule before shopping, so that expense is saved when shop;

- holiday or when on the weekend, person discharge is more, the proposal queues up to grab ahead of schedule sit, make an appointment, keep away from as far as possible fastigium;

- the baggage that notices oneself inside bazaar and property safety, beware of thief.

6, city of Guangzhou the Milky way and distinction of general merchandise of city of the Milky way?

City of Guangzhou the Milky way is a of Guangzhou famous bazaar, be located in sports on the west wayside, have large building of town of a the Milky way.

And general merchandise of city of the Milky way is a store inside city of the Milky way, provide shopping room of the citizen, commodity is commonly a few go up quite of class.

General merchandise of city of the Milky way is in Guangzhou more than, besides registered office, still have Dong Pu store, beijing road inn is waited a moment.

7, what does city of Guangzhou the Milky way have delicious?

City of the Milky way is Guangzhou's large shopping trade group. There is inside bazaar so is to use those who have a thing technically. The variety that has a thing is very rich, have foreign taste, the taste with the taste of Guangdong this locality and countrywide other each district.

8, is city of Guangzhou the Milky way over there?

City of Guangzhou the Milky way is in Guangzhou city road of the Milky way of area of the Milky way 208

Address (where be) : ? An ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast reflects number of?08 of brave of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of  of care of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of punishment of Fu of quiet of spruce brandish Quan, be a very flourishing place.

9, how does city of Guangzhou the Milky way go?

Public transportation circuitry: The subway a line, whole journey makes an appointment with 6.7 kilometers 1, make an appointment with 490 meters on foot from Guangzhou city, the station before arriving at a park 2, take the subway a line, through 5 stations, arrive at sports the road stands on the west 3, make an appointment with 130 meters on foot, arrive at shopping centre of city of the Milky way

10, camera of number of city of Guangzhou the Milky way?

It is bigger that the word Guangzhou of digital camera has a few places, one is the square of photography of Cheng Xian number near Hai Yinqiao, one is hillock of the Milky way all round the top.

The individual recommends Cheng Xian, look for an inn of big drop, do not have fake commonly, have the branch of a water only, but plain code marks a price inn-keeper.

上一篇:如何无器械健身? 健身器械有哪些,有氧器械,无器械和有器械?英文双语对照