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A 自动驾驶

Enter 锁定目标

B 刹车

/ 显示操作键

C 释放金属乾扰物

’’ 显示最危险的目标

G 放下/拉起起落架

; 轮流切换武器

H 自动驾驶返回基地

. HUD显示颜色的明暗变化

L 自动拉平

[ 选择上一个目标

M 任务简报

] 选择下一个目标

N 轮流切换到下一个导航点不论是友军还是敌军

R 开/关雷达

Page Down 右转

S 雷达显示范围缩小

Delete 左转

X 雷达显示范围扩大

Ctrl+J 弹射逃生

W 给僚机命令

1 切换到AIM-120空对空导弹

2 切换到AIM-9响尾蛇空对空导弹

3 切换到机炮

4 切换到JDAM空对地集束炸弹

6 发动机60%功率

7 发动机70%功率

8 发动机80%功率

9 发动机90%功率

0 发动机100%功率

F1-F4 长机的各种视角

F5-F8 僚机的各种视角

F9-F12 时间加速1、2、4、6倍

Keypad2 显示弹药贮藏状况

Keypad4/Insert 显示防御系统状况

Keypad5/Home 显示导航系统状况

Keypad6/PageUp 显示攻击系统状况

Keypad7 显示系统损坏状况

Keypad8 开启/关闭导航视窗

Keypad9 人工驾驶

BackSpace 打开加力

Tab/Crtl Tab 确定目标为攻击目标

SpaceBar 开火

Break 暂停游戏



起飞按6-7-8-9-0(推力,越往后推力越大) 等速度到120的时候就可以按↓键

起飞了 起飞后按G收起起落架 L键平飞 R键是雷达开关 S、X两个键分别控制雷

达侦察范围 S侦察范围小 适合飞机近身格斗使用 X反之 -键+键控制飞机减速和

加速 f22最大能达到200%的加速 可以轻易甩掉后面咬着你的飞机 还有飞机在天

上的时候←键→键不是方向键 而是控制飞机左右翻滚 要上下左右四个键互相配

合才能转弯 A键是飞向目标 H键是返航 但是要配合雷达使用 数字键1、2、3、4

是武器选择 导弹都是自动锁定 按空格键就能发射了 掌握好发射距离最重要 发

射早了打不到 发射晚了说不准对方先发射把你打下来了 还有就是降落很不好掌

握 在天上对好机场跑道 把发动机开到最小 掌握好距离然后慢慢下降 关闭发动

机按5 再打开起落架G 到跑道上按B刹车 就这样

我也才玩没多久 技术很差 希望我说的对你有所帮助


美标F22是一种耐热铁素体合金钢,基本合金成分为2.25Cr-1Mo,焊丝用TIG-R40 ,焊条用R407。厚度超过6mm焊前需要进行250℃~300℃的预热,超过8mm或直径大于108需要进行焊后热处理





机全高: 5.08米



















模拟对抗中,F22 VS F15A,1VS4,在击落2架战机后被增援战机在近距空战中击落











美标F22是一种耐热铁素体合金钢,基本合金成分为2.25Cr-1Mo,焊丝用TIG-R40 ,焊条用R407。厚度超过6mm焊前需要进行250℃~300℃的预热,超过8mm或直径大于108需要进行焊后热处理


One, the takeoff measure of F22 battleplan game?

NONONO, should be such:

1, aim track;

2, put down landing gear (alphabetical G) ;

3, shut engine (bolt by the number 5) ;

4, press brake to be not put (alphabetical B) ;

5, speed reduces the number at the back of green M letter 0.03 when, drive up nose (directional key ↓ )

6, smooth airframe, land (absolutely and useful) .

Can try, the word that be no good tells me.

2, how is battleplan of stand-alone game F22 operated?

A drives automatically

Enter lock decides a goal

B brake

/ indication operation key

C releases content of metallic male faze

' ' show the most dangerous cause

G is put down / pull a landing gear

; by turns switch weapon

H drives automatically return base

. HUD shows the light and shade of color changes

L automatic even up

[Choose a target

M task brief report

] choose next target

N by turns switch is nodded to next navigation is friendly forces or enemy no matter

R leaves / close radar

Page Down right-hand rotation

S radar shows range is narrow

Delete left-hand rotation

X radar indication scope expands

Eject of Ctrl + J flees for his life

W gives wing plane the order

1 switch arrives AIM - 120 sky are right empty missile

2 switch arrive AIM - 9 rattlesnake are opposite for nothing empty missile

3 switch arrive machine big gun

4 switch are opposite to JDAM sky ground colonies bomb

6 engine 60 % power

7 engine 70 % power

8 engine 80 % power

9 engine 90 % power

0 engine 100 % power

F1 - all sorts of perspectives of F4 lead aircraft

F5 - all sorts of perspectives of F8 wing plane

F9 - F12 time is quickened 1, 2, 4, 6 times

Keypad2 shows the ammo stores up state

Keypad4/Insert shows defense system state

Keypad5/Home shows navigation system state

Keypad6/PageUp shows attack system state

Keypad7 shows systematic attaint state

Keypad8 open / close navigation window

Keypad9 drives artificially

BackSpace opens thrust augmentation

Tab/Crtl Tab decides the target is punching bag

SpaceBar firings

Break suspends game


3, how does this game play F22 battleplan?

Take off by 6-7-8-9-0 (thrust, jump over toward pusher force more big) wait for speed to arrive 120 when can bolt by ↓

Landing gear is packed up by G after taking off L bolts Ping Fei R bolts is radar switch S, X two key control thunder respectively

Amount to reconnoiter limits S reconnoiter scope is little suit fistfight of plane close body to use X conversely - key + decelerate of key control airlines and

Quicken F22 to be able to achieve the acceleration of 200% to be able to be swung easily greatly most from the back the plane that biting you still has a plane to be in day

When going up, key of ← key → is not direction key controls plane left and right sides to roll however should control 4 key to match each other up and down

Add up to ability to turn A key is to fly to target H key is to return to base but should cooperate radar to use a number to bolt 1, 2, 3, 4

It is a weapon choice missile is automatic lock it is the most important to pressed blank space key to be able to blast off to had mastered emissive distance surely hair

Shoot hitting less than launching that say late to forbid the other side to blasted off to hit you first early to still have is to descend very bad palm

Grasp it is good to engine to good airport runway in the sky engine leaves the distance drops slowly next shut start

Machine by 5 open landing gear again G presses B stop a machine by cutting off the power to track such

I just also play before long the technology is very wrong those who hope I say is right you are helped somewhat

4, F22 material qualitative hardness?

Beautiful mark F22 is alloy steel of ferrite of a kind of heat-resisting, basic alloy composition is 2.25Cr-1Mo, welding wire uses TIG-R40, welding rod uses R407. The need before ply exceeds 6mm solder undertakes the warm-up of ℃ of 250 ℃ ~300, exceed 8mm or diameter to be more than the heat treatment after 108 need undertake solder

5, F22 highest speed per hour?

Opportunity for combat of F-22 bird of prey belongs to the 4th acting opportunity for combat, and the feature with the 4th acting the most striking opportunity for combat is OK supersonic speed cruise, namely can in order to exceed the speed cruise of 1 horse conspicuous, and the cruise speed of F-22 is 1.85 horses conspicuous, highest flight speed is 2.25 horses conspicuous, (1 horse conspicuous is equivalent to 1 times velocity of sound, velocity of sound is 345m/s) .

6, does F22 parameter configure detailed solution?

Machine is full-length: 18.9 meters

Machine is completely expensive: 5.08 meters

Alar spreading: 13.56 meters

Alar area: 78.03 square metre

Empty weight: 16000 kilograms (newest pare estimate)

Complete equipment takes off: ≥ 35000 kilograms

Fuel carries inside: 14375L (this is the range that estimates combinative F22 according to the bad news oil of F119 engine estimated)

Take bomb load: 2270 kilograms (complete inside carry)

Take bomb load: ≥ 9000 kilograms (outside containing, hang, say to be able to amount to 12tons)

Machine figure expects weight compares: 42% titanium alloy, 23% composite material, 15% aluminium alloy, 20% other

Ceiling: 18288 meters

Can accuse to welcome horny for emergency use: Losing 60 degrees more than

Speed of cruise of actual supersonic speed: 1.72 horses conspicuous (exceed YF22 target 15% )

The oldest rate: 2 horses conspicuous

Quicken ability: 54 seconds (exceed YF22 target 2% )

Sea level climb leads: 355 meters / second

The biggest G is restricted: - 3G/+9G (human body operates limit normally)

The instant circles horny rate: 30 degrees / second

Quicken ability: (come quickly from 200 1 horse conspicuous) be less than 30 seconds

Military successes: Attended to divide thalassic war beyond, 90 time end of American arrive now almost all turning over fear and inbreak fight the task, remove oneself issue, never by down.

In imitate antagonism, f22 VS F15A, 1VS4, in down hind of 2 opportunity for combat are in by reinforce opportunity for combat the down in be apart from air battle nearly

7, defect of actor of male lion F22?

Male lion F22 is an advanced battleplan, the advantage depends on having remarkable concealed body ability and flight property, the possibility that is explored by radar can reduce when high speed supersonic speed flies, have hypersonic speed engine and advanced electronic warfare equipment.

However, defect includes cost exalted, safeguard difficulty get when big, flight the limitation of extreme climate condition, at the same time problem of the discharge outside the technology and supply also are put in the risk.

8, is F22 highest many litres tall?

20 thousand meters

Machine of the first the Five Dynasties is the F22 of the bird of prey that be called, this opportunity for combat, it is born at 20 centuries, its are highest climb height is 20 thousand meters, in all opportunity for combat its climb height also is very outstanding, this also makes it is having stronger fighting capacity on battlefield.

9, how to evaluate F22 bird of prey?

F22 bird of prey is battleplan of body of the first the 4th acting concealed.

The battleplan of body of a concealed that battleplan of F22 bird of prey is air force equipment, its occurrence overturned mode of traditional air battle, mean invisible the advent of air battle times.

10, does F22 solder is material material qualitative?

Beautiful mark F22 is alloy steel of ferrite of a kind of heat-resisting, basic alloy composition is 2.25Cr-1Mo, welding wire uses TIG-R40, welding rod uses R407. The need before ply exceeds 6mm solder undertakes the warm-up of ℃ of 250 ℃ ~300, exceed 8mm or diameter to be more than the heat treatment after 108 need undertake solder

上一篇:耕地普查的意义? 农业普查的普查的目的和意义?英文双语对照
下一篇:大自然的物语啥意思? 大自然物语什么意思?英文双语对照