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《中国科技论文》(国际标准刊号ISSN2095-2783, 国内标准刊号:CN10-1033/N)原名《中国科技论文在线》,是由教育部主管,教育部科技发展中心主办的学术刊物,为全国中文核心期刊(《中文核心期刊要目总览》2011年)。主要报道工程与技术科学领域内具有重要意义和创新性的最新成果。


















无论什么类别的统计源期刊,要以当年更新的目录为准 因为统计源期刊(也叫科技核心),是每年10月更新一次目录 现代临床护理,中国护理管理,中国实用护理,中华护理杂志,中华现代护理杂志,护理学报,护理学杂志,护理研究,解放军护理杂志,护理进修杂志都是统计员期刊 其中还有部分为中文核心(北大核心期刊)


One, what is periodical of source of statistic of paper of that science and technology, very difficult?

Periodical of source of statistic of paper of science and technology calls periodical of core of Chinese science and technology again, it is the periodical of vital science and technology of each course that pass strict ration and qualitative analysis to choose by institute of information of Chinese science and technology. 2005 periodical of source of statistic of paper of Chinese science and technology in all 1608 kinds.

" periodical of source of statistic of paper of Chinese science and technology " it is institute of information of Chinese science and technology (ISTIC) suffers ministries and commissions of national science and technology to hold in the palm, according to American Science Information Institute (ISI) " periodical is adduce report " (the mode of JCR) , in conform with international while, join the real case that periodical of Chinese science and technology develops, decided the periodical of 1405 kinds of science and technology that publishs in China regards statistical source as periodical, chose to always be brought frequency second, cite factor of influence, on average rate, fund aids financially ten kinds of periodical such as paper scale to evaluate index, use the rich data that paper of Chinese science and technology and quotation database gather ten years, the editor was published " periodical of science and technology of 2001 year China is adduce report " .


2, do statistical source periodical and periodical of statistical source core have distinction?

Have distinction. Different point

One, evaluation unit is different: Beijing University core is Beijing University evaluation; Statistical source core is evaluation of institute of information of Chinese science and technology.

2, the assessment is periodic and different: Period of efficacy of Beijing University core 4 years, after 4 years new to this periodical assess; Period of efficacy of statistical source core 3 years; Scatter after year new to this periodical assess.

3, what judge a domain to differ: Beijing University core includes social science and science; Statistical source core includes science only.

3, excuse me periodical of Chinese core periodical, core of science and technology, statistical source periodical is that level high?

Chinese core level is high, he is home most all-pervading core database, cover all trades and professions, every industry is approbated, teach the place with trade high demand only, approbate degree low

Core of science and technology and statistical source core, it is same, two names just

Core of science and technology is given priority to with science, do not involve social science, at present medical industry is approbated to this core database degree taller, educational industry has partial place person but, other industry is approbated spending also is general

4, is periodical of paper of Chinese science and technology easy medium?

Wanting you only is the observation that makes seriously and research, have innovation sex, have draw lessons from a gender, can medium, the learns scientific research method that you had been close friends, attentive observation and the difficulty problem in discovering the job, find out the method that solves a problem, collect particular sample book to observe research, draw up Gao Shuiping's paper is not bad.

5, is periodical of paper of Chinese science and technology very medium?

Periodical of paper of Chinese science and technology is very medium.

" paper of Chinese science and technology " (ISSN2095-2783 of date of international standard publication, date of domestic level publication: CN10-1033/N) original name " paper of Chinese science and technology is online " , be be in charge of by Ministry of Education, science and technology of Ministry of Education develops the academic publication that the center sponsors, for periodical of countrywide Chinese core (" Chinese core periodical wants eye pandect " 2011) . Main story project and technology have the newest positive result of principal port and innovation sex inside scientific domain.

6, is Scd periodical statistical source periodical?

This periodical both neither is periodical of Beijing University core, also not be periodical of statistical source core, but it is more professional art kind periodical, because the quality of periodical is good still, can be being called is artistic kind of core periodical.

7, is health care of Chinese women and children statistical source periodical?

Health care of Chinese women and children is statistical source periodical.

" health care of Chinese women and children " the magazine is the statistic of paper of Chinese science and technology that by Ministry of Public Health of People's Republic of China medicine of precaution of director, China is met and company of periodical of Jilin province medicine sponsors medicine of periodical of core of medicine of biology of source periodical, China, precaution, wholesome kind of Chinese core periodical, gave print formally via approval of state committee of science and technology 1986.

Content is given priority to with management of sanitation of women and children, health care of give attention to two or morethings and the appropriate technology that clinical photograph combines,

8, how to distinguish core periodical and statistical source periodical?

Different point:

One, evaluation unit is different: Beijing University core is Beijing University evaluation; Statistical source core is evaluation of institute of information of Chinese science and technology.

2, the assessment is periodic and different: Period of efficacy of Beijing University core 4 years, after 4 years new to this periodical assess; Period of efficacy of statistical source core 3 years; Scatter after year new to this periodical assess.

3, what judge a domain to differ: Beijing University core includes social science and science; Statistical source core includes science only.

The level of these two core is about the same, beijing University core slightly strong at statistical source core, average college approbates Beijing University core quite, hospital and scientific research unit approbate statistical source core quite.

Still have additionally south big core, include social science only. In social science domain, south big core is a bit strong at Beijing University core.

Mainstream core with respect to these 3, other core is talk nonsense. If a periodical can be collected by the two core list in these 3 core, say for double core periodical, this kind of periodical is scientific domain is top class.

9, what does periodical of medical statistic source have?

Periodical of medical statistic source, hair call core of science and technology periodical, it is the list that gives by institute of information of Chinese science and technology. Core periodical is told at present in home without very uniform standard. It is to consult Chinese core periodical wants eye pandect and periodical of core of science and technology these 2 catalog. Each district the corresponding catalog of the circumstance protocol according to each district.

10, nurse what does statistical source periodical have?

The statistical source periodical of whatever category, should be with the catalog that replaces in those days because,allow statistical source periodical (also call science and technology core) , it is annual will replace catalog in October contemporary and clinical nurse, china nurses management, china is practical nurse, china nurses magazine, china is contemporary nurse magazine, protect manage journal, protect magazine of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, nurse research, the liberation army nurses magazine, nurse magazine of attend in a advanced studies is statistician periodical still has a part to be Chinese core among them (periodical of Beijing University core)

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